Comes down to the individual. I feel better with low dose DHEA as part of my protocol(around 6 mg daily) but way worse with pregnenolone. The effects seemed to have changed after I started trt. Before, I could take 100 mg preg/day for weeks and not feel bad. Possibly some benefits, but it’s hard to tell because the effects are not as noticeable as other hormones. After starting trt though, even just 25 mg/day will result in much lower well-being and libido within a week. And it’s happened multiple times so I can attribute it to the pregnenolone. I should also add that I’d already started HCG with my trt regimen before re-introducing preg, so it’s possible that is the culprit and not the testosterone. Either way, something is happening with the pathways that causes myself(and a significant number of others) to experience negative sides from it when on trt. I know there are benefits of it supposedly, but for me it’s just not worth how I feel when taking it. And I’d also say there are other ways to get similar benefits. I’m pretty sure DHEA is the hormone that drops the most and fastest as we age though, and it also provides benefits/works as a standalone hormone in addition to producing downstream hormones, so to me it seems reasonable to supplement that one imho. But again I have to go pretty low dose or else I get too amped up and experience decline in sleep quality.