In the search for libido. Started Wellbutrin XL

This has not been my experience and think it very much depends on the individual. I'm 55 years old and have been on Bupropion 300 XL for more than 3 years, and it still has a major positive effect on my libido. In fact, if were any more effective it could become problematic. I noticed it the first week I started taking it and it hasn't changed. I still have cycles, but mostly I want sex all the time. It's a physical urge, and it also makes me think about it a lot (maybe too much).

I read a post from a girl on some forum who was on it and had the same thing. She said that she thought about sex so much that her husband annoyed her if he was doing anything other than having sex with her.
I am still on it, does it get better with time ?
I noticed something different from the first day.
I am only taking one pill 150 daily when I wake up of course.
Thinking back, I'm sure I started on 150MG, but probably ramped up to 300 pretty quickly. I was very depressed at that time and couldn't shake it. I don't remember how long before I noticed the effect, but it seems to me it was in the first few days because I remember being very surprised.

Very quite nothing happening in the libido department……no morning wood.
I am not sure if this will take time or not,, plus I have concerns regarding major upcoming part which will involve drinking having ideas about pausing this still didn’t decide.
10 days in to this.

Libido is dead no morning wood.
Some diarrhea nothing major. But had to run to toilet from time to time. I think it’s getting better though.

Usually when I stop HCG due to traveling which happens almost monthly I get a nice kick in libido “”do to protocol change””
Didn’t happen in this trip.

Had few drinks today nothing major.

Energy and overall mood are fine.

No progress yet. I will try to use this for two month Max as I read it may takes up to 6 weeks to reach maximum benefits.

If this didn’t work out I will try addyi. End of this year.
Almost completing one month.

My observation.

The desire or libido doesn’t seems to start because of the drug at least until now. But when changing protocol or occasionally libido increase due to other factors I noticed
libido is double what was used to be,,the drug seems to increase libido when it comes but not initiating or making you horny.
Basically it’s not the trigger to increase it (at least until now) but when it comes it became double if not more than before !!!

Orgasm seems more intense again double than it used to be.

I Did some readings and it seems to affect dopamine and norepinephrine. However High serotonin decrease libido.

I wonder how addyi works and if it affect serotonin. The others.

Will continue using it to complete two month then decide what to do next.

Again I like it and it did help a lot it didn’t yet increase my libido but when libido comes for other reasons the intensity and urge is double or more !!!
One month is enough for initial evaluation. I would bump up the dose to 300mg/day and see if it's better. Then another month at 450mg/day, monitoring for side effects.
One month is enough for initial evaluation. I would bump up the dose to 300mg/day and see if it's better. Then another month at 450mg/day, monitoring for side effects.
I don’t think Wellbutrin is giving libido as much as enhancing libido affect.
It doesn’t start the engine but enhance it.

I have to mention here I have zero side affect except for minor diarrhea which seems much less now.

Also getting drunk didn’t improve symptoms or do anything ;)

I don’t believe I would go higher than 150 I will either continue using as I like it and near the end of this year I will try addyi.
There were 2 posters mentioning higher doses in this thread, so it is worth exploring since you are already taking it.
I have concerns increasing it honestly. I prefer to wait and take it easy, maybe even try addyi before increasing it.
Near the end of one month.

I honestly think this is a success libido is higher defiantly. Sexual thoughts come very often I would say before was %0 if no changes in protocol. Now it’s around 50% (honey moon period is 100%) I actually feel the urge to have sex more. Started annoying my wife from time To time.


-Stronger libido
-Stronger orgasm
-Stronger over all experience
-stronger or basically having the urge for sex from time to time.


-Erection department need improvements.
-minor side affects at the beginning which went away. (Minor diarrhea)
-minor sleeping issues sometimes.

I don’t think i can let go of Wellbutrin.
There is still issues with Erection sometimes I need help,,, sometimes I don’t. Before I always needed help unless passing through honeymoon period.

Whatever Wellbutrin is doing it’s increasing some libido parameters but not erction part,, yet erection comes immediately when having sex (not always) but no morning wood….

I will keep taking it and report progress as I read it need around 6 weeks maybe even two month to see full affect. (Feel free to correct this if I am wrong)
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Near the end of one month.

I honestly think this is a success libido is higher defiantly. Sexual thoughts come very often I would say before was %0 if no changes in protocol. Now it’s around 50% (honey moon period is 100%) I actually feel the urge to have sex more. Started annoying my wife from time To time.


-Stronger libido
-Stronger orgasm
-Stronger over all experience
-stronger or basically having the urge for sex from time to time.


-Erection department need improvements.
-minor side affects at the beginning which went away. (Minor diarrhea)
-minor sleeping issues sometimes.

I don’t think i can’t let go of Wellbutrin.
There is still issues with Erection sometimes I need help,,, sometimes I don’t. Before I always needed help unless passing through honeymoon period.

What ever Wellbutrin is doing it’s increasing some libido parameters but not erction part,, yet erection comes immediately when having sex (not always) but no morning wood….

I will keep taking it and report progress as I read it need around 6 weeks maybe even two month to see full affect. (Feel free to correct this if I am wrong)
Thanks for the continual updates. Are you saying it killed off morning wood that you had pre-Wellbutrin? Or you had this problem before?
Thanks for the continual updates. Are you saying it killed off morning wood that you had pre-Wellbutrin? Or you had this problem before?
Not really morning wood used to come and go even before،، I guess it comes during protocol changes, so more or less the same here.

Yet I felt it’s a bit less than before.

Anyway Let’s not run into conclusions I learned that sometimes those improvements can be temporary. More time will tell !!!!!!

Will report more.
Another variable to consider is Salt. I am in the middle of reading the book The Salt Fix, and I am going to start another thread specific to Salt when I finish it, but one of the points in the book is that being low on Salt/Sodium (which is very easy to do if one is avoiding salt) is very detrimental to libido and all things reproduction, so adding in some quality Salt is likely a good idea. There are also a series of drugs he mentions that can create a need for more Salt so any drug you are taking would need to be investigated in that regard.
Near the end of one month.

I honestly think this is a success libido is higher defiantly. Sexual thoughts come very often I would say before was %0 if no changes in protocol. Now it’s around 50% (honey moon period is 100%) I actually feel the urge to have sex more. Started annoying my wife from time To time.


-Stronger libido
-Stronger orgasm
-Stronger over all experience
-stronger or basically having the urge for sex from time to time.


-Erection department need improvements.
-minor side affects at the beginning which went away. (Minor diarrhea)
-minor sleeping issues sometimes.

I don’t think i can’t let go of Wellbutrin.
There is still issues with Erection sometimes I need help,,, sometimes I don’t. Before I always needed help unless passing through honeymoon period.

Whatever Wellbutrin is doing it’s increasing some libido parameters but not erction part,, yet erection comes immediately when having sex (not always) but no morning wood….

I will keep taking it and report progress as I read it need around 6 weeks maybe even two month to see full affect. (Feel free to correct this if I am wrong)
M.J., take a look at starting kegels for eq. At first, it was a little challenging to do them daily for me, but in time I now do them instinctively in 2 sets of 10 exercises every other day(a rather modest amount compared to most)...and yet they've made a very big difference for my morning wood and overall eq. I've been pleasantly surprised.
M.J., take a look at starting kegels for eq. At first, it was a little challenging to do them daily for me, but in time I now do them instinctively in 2 sets of 10 exercises every other day(a rather modest amount compared to most)...and yet they've made a very big difference for my morning wood and overall eq. I've been pleasantly surprised.
I was thinking about it few month back, will give it a try. However I believe my issues is not that I have a weak errction. It’s more like something not right in libido department.

Cuz in protocol changes I get crazy strong erection. But no harm of trying kegels exercises. Thanks.

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