i hope this gets read as i don't know if i should start another thread...
We dropped his weekly dose from 150/mg back down to 140/mg and that made a big difference. Have not re-tested yet as i don't think we need to, his energy increased a bit and libido definitely increased on that drop so i imagine his E2 might have declined a bit also, don't see the need to immediately re-test and i'm glad i decided not to introduce an AI and just drop back to what we used to.
On another note: i insisted he get tested for sleep apnea. We did a home test and his results came back with severe apnea (which i suspected) with as low as 82% oxygen and 67 events per hour. Needless to say we are very excited to start treatment. Will be about a week before we can get in and get him fitted for the right mask. I know it's a learning curve and Google is full of laments about CPAP and not really feeling better but i want to think positive in that it will be one of the most beneficial things we are going to do for him health wise. Tesosterone and thyroid replacement therapy didn't necessarily have the desired result in energy, ED, etc., i could go on and on about ailments that are related to apnea, including ED and low T.
Hopefully i will have a good testimonial in short order, i am excited for him and i would love any input from those who have seen success with it!