How to stop taking TRT

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I think I’m ready to stop taking TRT and curious if anyone on this forum has had success after long term (3 years)use?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
I think I’m ready to stop taking TRT and curious if anyone on this forum has had success after long term (3 years)use?
I tried after seven years. After three months of a Clomid protocol my LH and FSH were in upper range, but apparently my balls were already cooked. Total T got to 350 and free was barely in range. Doc wanted to keep going another 3 months, but he admitted he wasnt hopeful it would work. I was out of patience and went back on. A lot of factors go into whether it will be successful (age, time on TRT, Primary or Secondary, etc.) One thing I've learned is what works for one person means ALMOST nothing in this realm. Only way you will know is to give it a shot. I would make sure you do it with the assistance of a knowledgeable doctor.
I have high SHBG and was told clomid would increase my SHBG. So I got my mind set for the “crash” and stoped cold turkey.

Absolutely no crash. Within a very short time I felt REALLY good. All the sides I was experiencing went away in the first month of being off TRT.

I returned to my prior pre TRT baseline.

But as TLR two people are alike.

Also, I was only on TRT for a year.

Good luck.
I think I’m ready to stop taking TRT and curious if anyone on this forum has had success after long term (3 years)use?

When there is a medical need for TRT, it's often a life long decision. Note that if you do stop TRT, expect to go back to the way you felt before TRT.

The question is why would you want to do that?
When there is a medical need for TRT, it's often a life long decision. Note that if you do stop TRT, expect to go back to the way you felt before TRT.

The question is why would you want to do that?
It’s a combination of things. I’m not 100% sure I needed it in the first place. It was low the first test (180) and two weeks later I was tested again and it was up 100 points. It has raised my Anxiety a lot and that’s been frustrating. I’ll have Dr. Saya guide me through it.

I’m curious who’s had success and who hasn’t.
What’s your protocol? I would assume you tried it all. HCG always makes me feel uneasy. I didn’t know what anxiety was until I started with that (and test and ai and dhea)...takes a while to figure stuff out with 4 new substances at once.

If you tried everything then just try going off. If bigbamboo can do it, you can too. If you actively search for failed cases you will find them...same with success stories. Be careful what and who you let in your head. With some trials you will learn what is best for you.
Anxiety was my whole reason for trying the "restart." I could write a book on the pain in the ass I went through in the past 8 years. What finally got me to a "decent" place was lowering my dose, although looking back I don't really feel like I should've been on it either.
Details of your journey would be helpful for others. We don’t need a book but maybe a summary of your experiences if you get time for it.
What’s your protocol? I would assume you tried it all. HCG always makes me feel uneasy. I didn’t know what anxiety was until I started with that (and test and ai and dhea)...takes a while to figure stuff out with 4 new substances at once.

If you tried everything then just try going off. If bigbamboo can do it, you can too. If you actively search for failed cases you will find them...same with success stories. Be careful what and who you let in your head. With some trials you will learn what is best for you.
I’m one of those guys who tried everything and trt always caused som sort of unbearable symptom. Yes I’m back to my pre Trt state but I will take it any day over the rollercoaster of trt.

I understand some people do well on trt but to think that replacing one hormone in such an intricate system is the holy grail is just Ignorant. We also have to understand how many people on these forums will convince them self’s they are better because of the asthetic aspect of trt. Shit men will put there lives at risk with roids and gh and insulin just to look good. Sometimes with a lot of men trt is no different. I’m getting sick of hearing the bs about returning to youthful levels. No one is made to be training 6 days a week 1-2 hours a day let alone at 60 years old. And we still call that trt like it’s not pretty much low dose roid use.

But at the end of the day is risk vs reward and if you feel better on trt and are happy I respect that. But guys doing well on trt need to start respecting people that do not do well. And stop speaking down to them with all the hypochondriac talk and it’s in your head
I’m one of those guys who tried everything and trt always caused som sort of unbearable symptom. Yes I’m back to my pre Trt state but I will take it any day over the rollercoaster of trt.

I understand some people do well on trt but to think that replacing one hormone in such an intricate system is the holy grail is just Ignorant. We also have to understand how many people on these forums will convince them self’s they are better because of the asthetic aspect of trt. Shit men will put there lives at risk with roids and gh and insulin just to look good. Sometimes with a lot of men trt is no different. I’m getting sick of hearing the bs about returning to youthful levels. No one is made to be training 6 days a week 1-2 hours a day let alone at 60 years old. And we still call that trt like it’s not pretty much low dose roid use.

But at the end of the day is risk vs reward and if you feel better on trt and are happy I respect that. But guys doing well on trt need to start respecting people that do not do well. And stop speaking down to them with all the hypochondriac talk and it’s in your head
Pretty well said. Any time you "tweak" one thing it always affects something else. And I also believe A LOT of guys don't have realistic expectations going in (myself included). We are all wired different, and I've come to understand there is still much we don't know about all of the interactions between hormones, neurotransmitters and how it affects the whole "system." It really is a crapshoot as to how you are going to react, and from my little own corner of the world I would say two things: When you start, be prepared for it not to work like you expect and have a plan to come off before you've been shut down too long. Second, I have observed that guys with any pre existing anxiety issues can have trouble and they need to be doubly aware of this.
I’m one of those guys who tried everything and trt always caused som sort of unbearable symptom. Yes I’m back to my pre Trt state but I will take it any day over the rollercoaster of trt.

I understand some people do well on trt but to think that replacing one hormone in such an intricate system is the holy grail is just Ignorant. We also have to understand how many people on these forums will convince them self’s they are better because of the asthetic aspect of trt. Shit men will put there lives at risk with roids and gh and insulin just to look good. Sometimes with a lot of men trt is no different. I’m getting sick of hearing the bs about returning to youthful levels. No one is made to be training 6 days a week 1-2 hours a day let alone at 60 years old. And we still call that trt like it’s not pretty much low dose roid use.

But at the end of the day is risk vs reward and if you feel better on trt and are happy I respect that. But guys doing well on trt need to start respecting people that do not do well. And stop speaking down to them with all the hypochondriac talk and it’s in your head

"I understand some people do well on trt but to think that replacing one hormone in such an intricate system is the holy grail is just Ignorant"

- if anything the only ones thinking such would be the misinformed

"We also have to understand how many people on these forums will convince them self’s they are better because of the asthetic aspect of trt. Shit men will put there lives at risk with roids and gh and insulin just to look good. Sometimes with a lot of men trt is no different"

- your out to left field on this one.....sure when on trt having healthy T levels along with following a proper diet/training protocol would have a positive impact on minor body composition changes (muscle gain/fat loss) along with increased strength/recovery but it is in no way comparable to one using steroid doses of testosterone/AAS which would result in significant changes in body composition (muscle gain/fat loss) along with increased strength/recovery

- comparing the aesthetic aspect of trt to using steroids for muscle gain is like night and day

- you should be well aware that when using replacement doses of testosterone for trt as long as TT/FT levels are kept in a healthy range whether mid-normal, high-normal or slightly above the top end of the physiological range and blood markers are good there would be no detrimental health effects let alone putting ones self at risk

-is there a chance of side effects whether cosmetic or health related when using testosterone in therapeutic doses.....of course but if anything they are usually minimal and can be controlled or eliminated whether they are the result of excess e2/dht, increased hemoglobin/hematocrit, testicular shrinkage, lowered fertility, negative effect on lipids mainly lowered HDL

"I’m getting sick of hearing the bs about returning to youthful levels. No one is made to be training 6 days a week 1-2 hours a day let alone at 60 years old. And we still call that trt like it’s not pretty much low dose roid use"

- who said men on trt are training 6 days a week (1-2 hrs/day) and even than depending on training protocol/intensity and how much the training was split between cardiovascular/strength training it could easily be done.

- what is wrong with a 60 year old attaining healthy levels of testosterone (levels of a healthy young male) through the use of trt to improve the quality of his overall health if he previously suffered from t-deficiency?

- think you are confused regarding trt as it is in no way no how low dose steroid use.

-most on trt are using 100-150 mg/week, some even less and others on the slightly higher end 200 mg (not low dose steroids)

-sure are there men on trt pushing the boundaries of replacement doses using 250+ mg/week or blasting/cruising.....most definitely but do not get mixed up as many on trt are simply using replacement doses of T in order to achieve a healthy TT/FT to experience relief/improvement of low t symptoms and improve overall well being

But at the end of the day is risk vs reward and if you feel better on trt and are happy I respect that. But guys doing well on trt need to start respecting people that do not do well. And stop speaking down to them with all the hypochondriac talk and it’s in your head

- again there is no risk vs reward when on trt if testosterone levels are kept within a healthy range along with other hormones and blood markers are good.....we are not abusing testosterone/AAS (steroids) here

- these people you are referring to that are being disrespectful is only a handful on the forum and you have every right to be upset on this one as they are not in the other persons (struggling on trt/feel worse) shoes

What I do agree with is trt is not for everyone and some will always struggle regardless of having the so called perfect protocol as there is so much more than simply just having healthy testosterone levels.
I’m sorry if I came across as negative to the guys doing well on trt. I’m not the best at articulating my thoughts into text.

I just feel like a lot of trt use for men who are sick vs age related could be avoided if we actually could get to the root cause. I know that’s damn near impossible for most. Just seems for me personally my body lowered my production for a reason and any time I try and circumvent it, it back fires on me. Seems to happen to a lot of the younger guys.

Trt also didn’t alleviate a lot of my issues. Even with perfect labs across the board. Eq and libido are pretty much the same with low t or not. So I’m kind of jaded. But mad man you make valid points.
I’m sorry if I came across as negative to the guys doing well on trt. I’m not the best at articulating my thoughts into text.

I just feel like a lot of trt use for men who are sick vs age related could be avoided if we actually could get to the root cause. I know that’s damn near impossible for most. Just seems for me personally my body lowered my production for a reason and any time I try and circumvent it, it back fires on me. Seems to happen to a lot of the younger guys.

Trt also didn’t alleviate a lot of my issues. Even with perfect labs across the board. Eq and libido are pretty much the same with low t or not. So I’m kind of jaded. But mad man you make valid points.

I may have just found out why I have struggled to have good quality erections on TRT, iron overload can throw a wrench into TRT. Perhaps there's another piece to the puzzle you're missing.
I may have just found out why I have struggled to have good quality erections on TRT, iron overload can throw a wrench into TRT. Perhaps there's another piece to the puzzle you're missing.
According to labs my iron is fine. I’m over even worrying about eq. It’s good enough to perform fine. Just not like it was before low t. My biggest problem with trt that was the deal breaker was mental sides. I just stopped caring about my hobbies and could careless about a lot of things. And low grade depression. I just don’t have it in me to constantly tinker with my hormones anymore. It’s just too much work for me I have low shbg. Im a few months of trt and I’m doing fine.
According to labs my iron is fine. I’m over even worrying about eq. It’s good enough to perform fine. Just not like it was before low t. My biggest problem with trt that was the deal breaker was mental sides. I just stopped caring about my hobbies and could careless about a lot of things. And low grade depression. I just don’t have it in me to constantly tinker with my hormones anymore. It’s just too much work for me I have low shbg. Im a few months of trt and I’m doing fine.

It takes 6-12 months to see maximum benefit from TRT, effects on depressive mood become detectable after 18–30 weeks (7 months).
According to labs my iron is fine. I’m over even worrying about eq. It’s good enough to perform fine. Just not like it was before low t. My biggest problem with trt that was the deal breaker was mental sides. I just stopped caring about my hobbies and could careless about a lot of things. And low grade depression. I just don’t have it in me to constantly tinker with my hormones anymore. It’s just too much work for me I have low shbg. Im a few months of trt and I’m doing fine.
im curious, what were the different protocols you went through ?
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
I’m sorry if I came across as negative to the guys doing well on trt. I’m not the best at articulating my thoughts into text.

I just feel like a lot of trt use for men who are sick vs age related could be avoided if we actually could get to the root cause. I know that’s damn near impossible for most. Just seems for me personally my body lowered my production for a reason and any time I try and circumvent it, it back fires on me. Seems to happen to a lot of the younger guys.

Trt also didn’t alleviate a lot of my issues. Even with perfect labs across the board. Eq and libido are pretty much the same with low t or not. So I’m kind of jaded. But mad man you make valid points.
Charliebizz - No need to apologize for your thoughts or how you interpret your or anyone else's experience on TRT. I agree with most everything you said, just don't have time currently for a lengthy response.
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