"The standard maintenance regimen of oral SAMe for depressed mood is between 800 and 1600 mg/day in two-to-four divided doses. A common strategy is to start SAMe at a dose of 200mg twice daily, and gradually increase to 400mg twice daily, monitoring for side effects and therapeutic response. Absorption is improved when SAMe is taken on an empty stomach (i.e., before meals)."
Research findings suggest that this natural supplement can help treat depressed mood.
Depression is a recurrent illness with high rates of chronicity, treatment‐resistance and significant economic impact. There is evidence in the literature that S‐adenosyl methionine (SAMe), a naturally occurring compound in the human body, has ...
"Recommended daily doses of SAMe range from 200 mg to 1600 mg taken in divided doses, depending upon the condition for which it is being taken and its severity, and upon the route of administration (
Chavez 2000;
Delle Chiaie 2002;
Morelli 2000). Exogenous, orally administered SAMe has a short half‐life, undergoing first‐pass effects and rapid metabolism. However, oral doses of SAMe at 1600 mg/day are significantly bioavailable and non‐toxic (
Gören 2004). Because SAMe is best absorbed on an empty stomach, it should be administered 30 to 60 minutes before meals or two hours after meals; people should be instructed to adhere strictly to these directions. It may also be administered parenterally, using intramuscular or intravenous routes (
Williams 2005)."
Delle Chiaie R, Pancheri P, Scapicchio P.
Efficacy and tolerability of oral and intramuscular S-adenosyl-L-methionine 1,4-butanedisulfonate (SAMe) in the treatment of major depression: comparison with imipramine in 2 multicenter studies. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002 Nov;76(5):1172S-6S. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/76/5.1172S. PMID: 12418499.
Conclusions: The antidepressive efficacy of 1600 mg SAMe/d orally and 400 mg SAMe/d intramuscularly is comparable with that of 150 mg imipramine/d orally, but SAMe is significantly better tolerated.