How Can I Reverse Testicular Atrophy While On TRT?


New Member
Hi everybody,

I know there is a sticky regarding HCG and reversing testicular atrophy but my situation is a bit different.

I have been on and off TRT for a few years due to financial reasons, hair loss from TRT, and the fact that I did not like the way I felt trying to use Finasteride while on TRT to stop the hair loss.

I have used HCG on and off while on TRT at various dosages such as 250-500IU twice per week, as well as 250IU EOD. I have gone a good amount of time not on any HCG because I could not afford it all of the time.

The TRT dose I felt the best on after lots of experimentation was 25mg Testosterone Acetate daily injected sub-q with 0.5mg Letrozole daily to control estrogen.

I have tried Clomid a couple of times while off so I would not be suppressed but it game me emotional side effects at a time in my life that was pretty rough so I could not handle it and stopped after a few days.

I have come to the conclusion that I feel, look and preform my best on TRT and even though it can be an inconvenience injecting or rubbing on testosterone cream everyday, the quality of life and the fact that as I get older the TRT will help maintain muscle, bone, strength, and all of the other health benefits TRT can provide to me is worth it. To be honest I started experimenting with TRT close to 30 years old not because I had sympoms of low T but because I wanted the extra edge to build muscle faster, recover faster, and help me with confidence, some anxiety and depression. I wanted to test it out. I did feel better mentally on TRT as well as physically and enjoyed having the edge especially since my job was very physical. I am 34 years old now and the highest I have ever gone was 250mg Testosterone per week. I have not tried any other steroids other than low dose Trestolone for TRT which was great but stopped because it was making me lose hair.

My problem is that my balls have probably shrunk to 1/3rd the size they were originally. Off of TRT they are still a good amount smaller than normal but they get even smaller when on TRT.

I am worried that they have shrunk permanently. I would like to stay on TRT AND get my balls back to original size. Is that possible and if so what would my HCG protocol look like?

I came across a post on another forum where this guy on TRT had the same issue as me and his Endo gave him this protocol to follow which he said was working. Here is the protocol he was on while being on TRT at the same time.

Clomiphene 10mg per day throughout.
20,000IU HCG on day one as a trigger shot then 10,000IU per day for 1 week.
4,000IU HCG everyday for week 2.
2,000IU HCG every day for week 3
1,000IU HCG everyday for week 4.
On week 5 he was on 1,000IU HCG EOD and do not know how long he stayed on this dose but he said his testicles were measured before and after and they were almost back to original size.

The problem is this much HCG would cost me over $1000 U.S. and that is getting it from a peptide store at a good price. I can get it locally in Canada for double the price. I also don't know if this much HCG would desensitize my leydig cells or not.

I have also read that IGF-1 LR3 can help reverse testicular atrophy but it seems hard to find a legit source.

Sorry for the long post and I would appreciate any help you guys could offer!

Thanks in advance!
Hi everybody,

I know there is a sticky regarding HCG and reversing testicular atrophy but my situation is a bit different.

I have been on and off TRT for a few years due to financial reasons, hair loss from TRT, and the fact that I did not like the way I felt trying to use Finasteride while on TRT to stop the hair loss.

I have used HCG on and off while on TRT at various dosages such as 250-500IU twice per week, as well as 250IU EOD. I have gone a good amount of time not on any HCG because I could not afford it all of the time.

The TRT dose I felt the best on after lots of experimentation was 25mg Testosterone Acetate daily injected sub-q with 0.5mg Letrozole daily to control estrogen.

I have tried Clomid a couple of times while off so I would not be suppressed but it game me emotional side effects at a time in my life that was pretty rough so I could not handle it and stopped after a few days.

I have come to the conclusion that I feel, look and preform my best on TRT and even though it can be an inconvenience injecting or rubbing on testosterone cream everyday, the quality of life and the fact that as I get older the TRT will help maintain muscle, bone, strength, and all of the other health benefits TRT can provide to me is worth it. To be honest I started experimenting with TRT close to 30 years old not because I had sympoms of low T but because I wanted the extra edge to build muscle faster, recover faster, and help me with confidence, some anxiety and depression. I wanted to test it out. I did feel better mentally on TRT as well as physically and enjoyed having the edge especially since my job was very physical. I am 34 years old now and the highest I have ever gone was 250mg Testosterone per week. I have not tried any other steroids other than low dose Trestolone for TRT which was great but stopped because it was making me lose hair.

My problem is that my balls have probably shrunk to 1/3rd the size they were originally. Off of TRT they are still a good amount smaller than normal but they get even smaller when on TRT.

I am worried that they have shrunk permanently. I would like to stay on TRT AND get my balls back to original size. Is that possible and if so what would my HCG protocol look like?

I came across a post on another forum where this guy on TRT had the same issue as me and his Endo gave him this protocol to follow which he said was working. Here is the protocol he was on while being on TRT at the same time.

Clomiphene 10mg per day throughout.
20,000IU HCG on day one as a trigger shot then 10,000IU per day for 1 week.
4,000IU HCG everyday for week 2.
2,000IU HCG every day for week 3
1,000IU HCG everyday for week 4.
On week 5 he was on 1,000IU HCG EOD and do not know how long he stayed on this dose but he said his testicles were measured before and after and they were almost back to original size.

The problem is this much HCG would cost me over $1000 U.S. and that is getting it from a peptide store at a good price. I can get it locally in Canada for double the price. I also don't know if this much HCG would desensitize my leydig cells or not.

I have also read that IGF-1 LR3 can help reverse testicular atrophy but it seems hard to find a legit source.

Sorry for the long post and I would appreciate any help you guys could offer!

Thanks in advance!

Post some lab work regarding your protocols - total t/free t/estradiol(sensitive assay)/shbg and overall blood work.

How was your hemoglobin/hematocrit on those doses (175 mg/week and 250 mg/week)?

25mg test acetate injected daily (175 mg/week) is large dose for trt .

250 mg/week is a mild steroid cycle and not considered trt as it would put most mens total t in the 2000+ range (well over the top end) of the physiological range.

Do you have any lab work pre-trt (self treated)?

I take you are using under ground gear and you will never know the quality/potency as it was not prescribed and is not a legitimate pharma grade product.

Sure it may very well be full potency to what is on the label but it could also be under dosed/over dosed or worst case scenario bunk and contain impurities.

When one self treats trt or is cycling/blasting and cruising using black market product (UGL) you will never truly know what you are injecting let alone the quality/potency of the product as it is a chance you will be taking with your health.
Hi Madman,

Thanks for the reply.

Yes this is self prescribed as where I live in Canada it is a joke when it comes to hormone replacement. They know absolutely nothing when it comes to this stuff.I had some adrenal issues years back and both my doctor and endo where terrible. My doctor would not prescribe or refer me to anybody unless my levels were below the lowest range even with symptoms in the past he would tell me to get on an anti-depressant or something stupid like that. I had to solve the problem myself which I did.

The Lab I get my Test from is a top lab in my area and have done a lot of research on it with people getting blood work on using the gear and it is legit and clean.

Sad to say the more I stay away from the doctors here the better off I am as I know a few older guys that had extremely low T in their 50's who were prescribed 1 shot of testosterone every 2 weeks which is far from optimal and this is an example of the type of help you get here. Yes we get free health care but it is very hard to find anybody very knowledgeable here.

The best protocol for me is 25mg daily like I said of a short ester and yes it could be on the high end but I am not looking to just get by I want optimal performance and I felt great all the time on this dose so I will be sticking with it. I have not had bloods done I do not have a need to I care more about how I feel than labs. I do not feel I am doing anything dangerous. I do not believe there is much of a risk of high RBC with daily dosing of a short ester on 25mg per day but this is not the issue here I can always donate blood if I want and I go off of symptoms I check blood pressure at home and have no fatigue, shortness of breath, facial flushing, or any other symptoms!

I have tried daily dosing with every type of Testosterone including Canadian pharmacy Testosterone Cypionate and I feel better and hold less water on daily dosing of Testosterone Acetate which I can only get UGL no matter which doctor I see.

I have to go by my experiences and I have a lot of it when it comes to finding the right dosage for me. My experience means more than anybodies degree or anything they can tell me because my experience is my experience period.

Also I am not blasting or cruising there are people on 250mg per week with values in the high normal range but I could feel that was too much for me personally so after trial and error I have found the 25mg per day protocol was perfect. I have tried as low as 10mg per day but did not feel best on it.

Maybe I will order some labs from ZRT labs or something in the future but I don't feel the need I have been on my current protocol in the past for over 6 months and not once side effect or issue other than hair loss which I was losing hair before I ever touched Testosterone anyways. This protocol works awesome for me but I want to restore the size of my balls while on my TRT protocol as since they have been shrunken for a while I have been looking online for a protocol to shock them back into action or to increase their size. I have read all kinds of different things so I would like to get somebodies opinion with personal experience who has been in my situation.

I appreciate the help but please I made this post with a specific question regarding HCG and restoring testicular size while on TRT and do not wish to discuss anything further at the moment! No matter what any labs say I would not change my protocol because it works the best.

Maybe I have to go back off to try and regain testicular size and that would work better but I would like some advice if somebody has personal experience.

You should know that even if you do get the HCG dosage correct for you, if estrogen is too high for you your testicles will never hang properly. I'm not on HCG and when my estrogen was high, my testicles were pulled up tight, I lowered my dose and their hanging nicely.

I think it's great you found a Test protocol that works for you, if it isn't broke don't fix it. Just add 250iu HCG 2-3 times a week or perhaps EOD which I hear works great for most, Dr Crisler recommends every day dosing for those warrier type. Never forget we are all different, we all respond to HCG differently with regards to dosing and frequency of doses.

I understand doing TRT on your own, I'm in the US and practically managing my own protocol while all my doctor is good for is prescribing Test.
Hi everybody,

I know there is a sticky regarding HCG and reversing testicular atrophy but my situation is a bit different.

I have been on and off TRT for a few years due to financial reasons, hair loss from TRT, and the fact that I did not like the way I felt trying to use Finasteride while on TRT to stop the hair loss.

I have used HCG on and off while on TRT at various dosages such as 250-500IU twice per week, as well as 250IU EOD. I have gone a good amount of time not on any HCG because I could not afford it all of the time.

The TRT dose I felt the best on after lots of experimentation was 25mg Testosterone Acetate daily injected sub-q with 0.5mg Letrozole daily to control estrogen.

I have tried Clomid a couple of times while off so I would not be suppressed but it game me emotional side effects at a time in my life that was pretty rough so I could not handle it and stopped after a few days.

I have come to the conclusion that I feel, look and preform my best on TRT and even though it can be an inconvenience injecting or rubbing on testosterone cream everyday, the quality of life and the fact that as I get older the TRT will help maintain muscle, bone, strength, and all of the other health benefits TRT can provide to me is worth it. To be honest I started experimenting with TRT close to 30 years old not because I had sympoms of low T but because I wanted the extra edge to build muscle faster, recover faster, and help me with confidence, some anxiety and depression. I wanted to test it out. I did feel better mentally on TRT as well as physically and enjoyed having the edge especially since my job was very physical. I am 34 years old now and the highest I have ever gone was 250mg Testosterone per week. I have not tried any other steroids other than low dose Trestolone for TRT which was great but stopped because it was making me lose hair.

My problem is that my balls have probably shrunk to 1/3rd the size they were originally. Off of TRT they are still a good amount smaller than normal but they get even smaller when on TRT.

I am worried that they have shrunk permanently. I would like to stay on TRT AND get my balls back to original size. Is that possible and if so what would my HCG protocol look like?

I came across a post on another forum where this guy on TRT had the same issue as me and his Endo gave him this protocol to follow which he said was working. Here is the protocol he was on while being on TRT at the same time.

Clomiphene 10mg per day throughout.
20,000IU HCG on day one as a trigger shot then 10,000IU per day for 1 week.
4,000IU HCG everyday for week 2.
2,000IU HCG every day for week 3
1,000IU HCG everyday for week 4.
On week 5 he was on 1,000IU HCG EOD and do not know how long he stayed on this dose but he said his testicles were measured before and after and they were almost back to original size.

The problem is this much HCG would cost me over $1000 U.S. and that is getting it from a peptide store at a good price. I can get it locally in Canada for double the price. I also don't know if this much HCG would desensitize my leydig cells or not.

I have also read that IGF-1 LR3 can help reverse testicular atrophy but it seems hard to find a legit source.

Sorry for the long post and I would appreciate any help you guys could offer!

Thanks in advance!

First off you stated that you have been on and off trt for a few years so as you should know using exogenous t shuts down ones hpta and endogenous testosterone production ceases.

If one did not use hcg when on a trt protocol than it will take quite some time for the testes to return to their former size as it does not happen quickly.

How long on average were you off in between your self treated trt protocol as if the off periods were short and without having blood work done you would never know if you had fully recovered before jumping back on trt.

Even though you may have used pct and judged your recovery by how you felt that is a poor way of doing things as lab work would be critical to see how your total t/free t levels and of course your lh/fsh recovered.

Usually when one stops trt or a steroid cycle cold turkey without the use of hcg during/immediately after testosterone use ones natural lh production may kick in fairly quickly but the testes are dormant and take longer to recover and respond to the lh stimulation.

When on trt hcg should be used consistently and not on/off.

I would say it is a big mistake gauging your results self treating with testosterone going just by how you look/feel/perform as regardless lab work is critical to look at other health markers especially hemoglobin/hematocrit -and yes one can still have high levels absent of symptoms and regarding your e2 it is hard to believe you are using an a.i. with absolutely no blood work to even see where your levels sit.

Sure how one feels and gauging positive/negative effects when using testosterone is important but blood work is CRITICAL as regardless of how one feels it is irresponsible to not know how using exogenous testosterone whether low/high doses effects ones blood markers and making sure they are in a healthy range.

You need to sit back and look at the big picture as even though use of testosterone can have many benefits it can also cause negative issues regarding hematocrit/hemoglobin, elevated e2, negative effects on lipids and of course side effects from excess dht/estradiol.

Thanks for the reply I appreciate it. Thank you for sharing your experience regarding estrogen and testicular size. That makes sense as I believe estrogen shuts you down harder than testosterone if I am correct.

Regarding my TRT, I have literally tried everything possible from all of my research and people's experiences and advice given by experts on forums including this one. If I had somebody local I could see who knew more than I do or was actually anything other than cookie cutter mediocre I would see them and do this legitimately, but I do not. I am lucky I have access to a very high quality lab so I can improve my quality of life and fight the aging process. 25mg per day of a fast acting ester gives me no brain fog like higher doses do, no bloat, no swings of any kind. Testosterone Acetate is king in this regard I preferred it even to daily test suspension as its half life takes me perfectly into the next day. Based on my experience my body seems to eat up the T at a fast rate and even though daily injects can be a pain I feel it is worth it. I feel better on it than off. I want that little extra edge in life and I feel this contributes to that. Plus testosterone levels fall every year anyways so why wait until damage is done? Why be the average aging guy?

I just want to address these darn testicles because in the past when I tried to use clomid it made me an emotional wreck as I am naturally emotional but then again I did not find the information back then regarding 10mg dosages daily being effective it was more along the lines of 50-100mg daily being recommended which I tried and did not like the mental state it put me in.

I am glad you are managing your own protocol and hopefully you are doing well. Even if I had a doctor to prescribe me test it would not be the Acetate version that works the best for me so now that I found a good protocol I don't know what they would be able to do for me other than regular blood tests for RBC, lipids,ect, which I did 3 months ago and everything was normal.

I was thinking of some sort of shock therapy for my testicles for size but I am still researching this and do not want to cause any further damage to them. I do not even know at this point how much bigger they will get due to being smaller for a good while but I am still pretty young and was never a heavy steroid abuser so maybe this is reversible AND I can stay on TRT at the same time.

Any further help is much appreciated!

Thanks guys!

I am not here to argue about my TRT protocol I have that dialed in. I did blood tests on RBC, lipids and everything 2 months ago when I had the flu and everything was good.

I know what too high and too low estrogen feels like, I have gone to high and low in the past and have tried all of the dosages of Arimidex, Aromasin, Letrozole, ect. I do not have any symptoms of too low or high estrogen at my 0.5mg Letro per day. No joint pain, immune issues, sexual performance issues,ect. Some people feel better being higher and lower in certain hormones and blood values do not necessarily mean much when it comes down to it. I agree with health markers being checked like lipids, rbc,ect, which I do every few months and they are fine. I could care less what my estrogen level is at my dosage because I will not change it due to a lab saying I am a bit low. If anything was too high or low I would know it and I think you have to be kind of stupid ( no offence ) to not notice if you had something off with your body.

Yes I know that using T causing shutdown of natural production. Yes I know HCG should be used constantly but as I said I could not afford it sometimes. I have found a cheaper source since. Most of the time I was using it. My balls did not shrink that much when not using it to be honest.

I am sorry but nothing anybody could say will change my mind after years of experimentation. I appreciate your input but frankly I did not have a question regarding my TRT protocol it was regarding a usage strategy of HCG to bring my balls back while on TRT if that is even possible. I believe my protocol is actually the best one I have seen but I came off mostly due to hair loss issues but I was losing it before and still losing it off of TRT anyways so I am just going to accept it and go back on TRT. I feel with my daily injection protocol of a short acting ester it is in and out of your system in 1 day and side effects like increased estrogen and RBC don't have time to build up but thats just my theory. I have been through some grueling physical tasks at my job and there is no doubt I wouldn't be able to preform like I have if I had too high or low of anything. We are talking a 6 month stretch at one point on this protocol and I felt and preformed really good with great cardio, energy, recovery,ect. Never a single joint issue or sexual issue. I am not worried about high DHT levels with my daily dose and injections don't raise DHT all that much. I started losing hair naturally at 23 years old long before I tried anything and I never had a prostate problem or pimples on my protocol. I think having good DHT levels is healthy and I do not even believe having slightly high DHT is bad if your estrogen is controlled. I felt worse taking Finasteride on TRT which lowers DHT and felt much better pleasure from sex and a quality of life when not on it so that tells me DHT is healthy for me!

I want to make it clear that I do want to stay on TRT, though I do not want to be shut down to the point of no return with shrunken balls and be infertile I always want the ability to come back to some extent naturally if I absolutely had too which I believe I can do now but I want to go back on my TRT protocol and stay on. I know 125IU daily HCG is the best protocol to preserve testicular function while on TRT, but in my case who already has some testicular atrophy what can be done to reverse it while on TRT? Should I try to reverse it off of TRT? Even though I feel fine off of TRT, on TRT I feel better, healthier physically and mentally and I am just more durable to physical and mental stress. My skin looks better and I just feel more vitality if that makes sense. It does help with muscle building and recovery. I am 34 and I know Testosterone drops every year. I do have a stressful job physically and am a more stress prone person when I am not on TRT. Why should I wait until I get to a point where I am slowing losing muscle, bone density, gaining fat,ect, from a gradually decrease of testosterone over the years? You would not notice these changes until they have progressed to a good degree, just like hair loss where they say you do not notice you are losing your hair until you have already lost 50% of it which was the case for me. What other choices are there to maintain a high normal level of Testosterone as you age other than with TRT?

Anyways, thanks for the help guys!
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