please dont RX your gf or wife hormones and think u know what good labs are or what to even look for. even men most guys THINK they know what labs to watch and host of others that are clueless about what it could mean.
@ed031561 woman are more complicated and have other risks with hormones men do not ESP with esters.
go to a compounding pharmacy, pay the 150$ for a consult or go to a HRT clinic specific for woman. there are other hormones at play and need to be balanced for optimum health.. find a place that wants to start u CRAZY low and see how u feel, dont worry about what others take or say is the best. ESP for woman as a little more of a couple things may be having her feel great all while keeping risks close to 0, vs cookie cutter that say " I have 200 woman on this exact dosing and they love it" sure but may be able to take 1/4 of that and enjoy similar benefits, its not like men who E and T and thyroid and thick blood/BP are the only things to watch. she may be at risk for a stroke with high blood pressure and your looking at her bloods isn't going to tell u much, ladies even with low BP often are the ones to stroke and cannot tolerate slightly elevated BP like men. its not just Test that helps preserve bones. aswell as woman dont need test as high as there peak few days they have testosterone during the month. If building muscle with no change other than T that means your prob way higher than she was as a teenager.
guys shouldn't self administer trt and FORSURE woman shouldn't esp to start out. hormones are far more complicated than BB forums make it seem. super important woman especially menopausal are under dr care to make sure aren't growing cancers or cysts on the ovaries etc.
just hope its not from UGL when god knows what extra shit for feels they may add.
the few hundred in savings will go fast if something goes sideways and end up in hospital with a stroke. Drs carefully look at risks, self administering u really are playing with fire even though intentions are good and may have a decent understanding at limited blood panels u self order. not to mention the reason HRT got a bad rap for woman was because of long acting esters(and high dose horse pee and non bio identical hormone analogs) at high doses, creams have proven to be much safer for woman and because they aren't looking for anabolic effects lower daily peaks are enough to keep side effects low and keep symptoms at bay. I mean ive seen ladies take the old school HRT and have terrible time even under DR supervision, so really important talk to specialists like compounding pharmacists who do it day in day out and spend actual hours speaking with the ladies. or find a non money grubbing hot clinic that really personalizes things, ideally both...esp in the states where such resources are plentiful.
also lets be honest about even pharma having 10% Dif in dosages which is fine for 100mg per week in a male but when your taking 0.05ml of 250mg/ml test cyp thats a very small amount and easy to get another 15% difference there hope you use the .3ml insulin syringes and nothing with removable needle with larger gauge than insulin.
glad she feels good but remember, the better you feel from drugs 9/10 times the larger the price u pay. just like men, 600mg+ of test a week may feel AWESOME, but your shortening your life no matter the effort in taking other drugs with other side effects or give blood regularly to combat it. more ambien may make your sleep even better but its ruining your brain, same with anti depressants or opiates. lowest effective dose should be your mantra, why take 14mg if 5mg of test is all u need with some light weights and calcium and D3 and K.
anyhoo, im a conservative forsure, guess I need more test so im not scared of everything lol

. im not saying I know everything, just know enough that even alot of Drs are stupid, and 99% of us aren't as smart as even the stupid Drs. lol little off topic but I think the stupid drs mostly are just jaded prob got it right more than wrong over the years, just sucks when ur part of the 15% they are getting it wrong for and gave u a diagnoses and RX in their head before u even finished your second sentence. anyhoo