Hematocrit, Donations, T Dose


New Member
Been on trt since Jan. First 300 mg cyp every 12 days or so.

Asked eurologist to allow me to split dose and do 150 e7 days. Obviously better for me. Still day 4-7 feel a dip in energy. So my last bloods trough was 727 total. He won't test free t. Says it doesn't matter. Also won't rest sensitive or ultra on my estradiol. I know get a new doctor. I'm working on it. Thinking defy.

My last bloods shows HCT at 52.6. Fsh my LH at .2 my total low trough day 7 before injection 727. Same protocol over last 6-8 week total was 500 then before that it was 1000. Why such a huge swing with same protocol 150 e 7 days? Few questions I guess and yes i read all Nelson vergels management baselines and values. I freaked out at hematocrit. He said I'm fine and they don't worry until it's over 54. I donated a blood today cause I freaked out from what I read here. Am I safe to assume HCT will be in check for next 10 weeks whil I keep pinning?

I asked if I could pin .75 e3 days he said fine and I could always switch back to e7 days but give it 8 wks. I read a study that was a kink from here that pinning twice a week actually raises HCT a bit. If I start this new regime this week will my total t get as high? I know the swing will feel better but I'd hate to only get into 500 or less than 700. Because I feel awesome during those weeks I read above 700. No symptoms of high e2 at all. Despite never seeing a sensitive test half a year into this.

44 yrs old 5-11 210 lbs 16 percent body fat. Lost 25 lbs since Jan. Very clean diet. Work out hard 4 days wk. gained lean muscle and lost body fat. People accusing me of juicing. Lol. Huge life changer for me. Thoughts on the pinning schedule and loss of total t? Or the grace period for being safe for donating blood today. Red Cross people said holy shit your red blood cell count is 17??? They said it was good??
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HCT and blood donation are the ticket to the game for most every guy, most common "side" effect of TRT. Though your protocol and Dr are a little alarming, you state that you're doing well otherwise so that's a big plus. If you truly feel you're doing well I wouldn't mess with anything.
HCT and blood donation are the ticket to the game for most every guy, most common "side" effect of TRT. Though your protocol and Dr are a little alarming, you state that you're doing well otherwise so that's a big plus. If you truly feel you're doing well I wouldn't mess with anything.

Good advice. You note in your post that you're considering transferring your care to Defy. If you do that, or choose to go with another doctor, I'd make absolutely NO changes whatsoever prior to your consultation.
Good advice. You note in your post that you're considering transferring your care to Defy. If you do that, or choose to go with another doctor, I'd make absolutely NO changes whatsoever prior to your consultation.

Thanks guys. I appreciate it! So do you think I should assume my HCT will be fine until next labs? Also switching to twice a week. Will my total t be lower?
Double red or "power" red has been stated to reduce HCT closer to a 6 point HCT reduction from whole blood of 3 point reduction...FYI, but then they only let you do that every four months or so I've been told, twice as long as whole blood.
Thanks guys. I appreciate it! So do you think I should assume my HCT will be fine until next labs? Also switching to twice a week. Will my total t be lower?

YOu should just go ahead and donate 1 pint of whole blood and get ahead of it before your next set of labs, try to donate two weeks prior to your labs to get a good snapshot of your HCT. No one can say how your injection change to twice per week will affect you, presumably it will be the same but again even in the light of a questionable protocol, you state that you're doing well and that's the #1 thing...why mess it? Other than xfer to Defy.
Protocol change

YOu should just go ahead and donate 1 pint of whole blood and get ahead of it before your next set of labs, try to donate two weeks prior to your labs to get a good snapshot of your HCT. No one can say how your injection change to twice per week will affect you, presumably it will be the same but again even in the light of a questionable protocol, you state that you're doing well and that's the #1 thing...why mess it? Other than xfer to Defy.

Thank you. Stupid math question. So changing to .75 twice a week on the cyp. Thursday's in am then on sundays at night. Does that create even enough split to 3.5 days?
Thank you
Mathematical idiot
Yes that works but I get the impression here that most that do E3.5D do it monday mornings and Thursday 8:00pm. The issue is that you eventually needs to get labs in your trough, which would be Thursday morning before meds.

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