I agree I think I definitely need to let my body adjust as for my high E2 I just find it odd that I’m on such a low dose and high frequency and have this issue. The main reason I’m on this low dose and high frequency is so my E2 didn’t get high like it is. Of course I would have loved to do like a 150-200mg dose per week split into twice a week injections but I don’t need my T super high like in the 1000s like some guys, I just want to feel better than I did when I had low T (193 ng/dl at age 24). Some guys are taking 150-200mg a week with no issues. Either way I’m definitely willing to lower my dose and increase my frequency to every injections From every other day to help with my E2. As for my hematocrit, my last test was pre TRT and it was at 0.416. Thank you for your input, seems like most people on multiple forums I’m on are saying the same thing, increase frequency and/or lower dose. I think I will do both and see how it plays out.