Hello Everyone I'm new to TRT actually got my first injection today.
I'm 41 from Portugal and I've been following Excelmale from some time now.
I'm a gym enthusiast and I have used AAS occasionally in the past, and it led me to type secondary hypogonadism. Tried to restart my HPTA axis with the help of an endocrinologist with clomid for 8 months but after discontinuation my testosterone levels went back down again, and I feel awful most of the time.
I have been trying to educate me the best I can about TRT protocols and options, so I can understand my endocrinologist and discuss things with him in a more informed manner.
He gave me two options for now which are Nebido with the standard protocol (6weeks, then 10Weeks followed by 12 weeks interval) or a second protocol that was Test-e 250mg every 6 weeks and revaluation after 3 month time.
As the test-e protocol he gave me looked terrible to me, I went with the first option he gave me and I am giving Nebido a shot...
Wish me luck!
I will give my feedback on the Nebido experience as time goes on...
I'm 41 from Portugal and I've been following Excelmale from some time now.
I'm a gym enthusiast and I have used AAS occasionally in the past, and it led me to type secondary hypogonadism. Tried to restart my HPTA axis with the help of an endocrinologist with clomid for 8 months but after discontinuation my testosterone levels went back down again, and I feel awful most of the time.
I have been trying to educate me the best I can about TRT protocols and options, so I can understand my endocrinologist and discuss things with him in a more informed manner.
He gave me two options for now which are Nebido with the standard protocol (6weeks, then 10Weeks followed by 12 weeks interval) or a second protocol that was Test-e 250mg every 6 weeks and revaluation after 3 month time.
As the test-e protocol he gave me looked terrible to me, I went with the first option he gave me and I am giving Nebido a shot...
Wish me luck!
I will give my feedback on the Nebido experience as time goes on...