Hello everyone !


New Member
Just thought a few words about me were in order -

I`m a 52 year old man who was diagnosed HIV + 11 months ago.Between diagnosis and first pill going down,was a single weekend,30 days later i was undetectable.This of course is the bare bones,a full fleshing out would be boring for most and i simply couldn`t do justice to the last 11 months anyway.

Along the way through the various blood tests over the course of many months, i had related the fact that i was flat as a pancake in all departments and wondered if this was the norm.I had been like this for about 2 years prior to DX and thought it was because i was working 10 hour days and having a bottle of red on the weekends.Well it seems that low testosterone is also commonly indicated in those with HIV and within a matter of months i was prescribed testogel and have been using it for the last 15 days.I go into see my Doctor this evening to have my first blood test.

The last 14 days have been very unremarkable.The first day and first tube left me feeling what seemed like a mild electric current going through my body and a little edginess.The following 14,as already mentioned, was just my normal woodless universe of sleeping armchairs and ambivalence.My Doctor has already mentioned that nebido is much simpler and i`m ready to move on to it...obviously i`m not taking anything for granted and understand the various effects/antigens that can sabotage this therapy, so fingers crossed.

I won`t go on any longer and look forward to learning more and getting to know some of the members here.

Oh,i should mention the only couple of numbers i have - Serum T - 8.2
- SHGB - 20

I`m on 50mg testogel PD.There was some caution from one of the Doctors at the hospital about how much i should take,as a synergistic effect with Cobicistat(ingredient in one of the HIv drugs i`m taking),a booster,might raise T in plasma levels.The Doctor that`s treating me directly says he didn`t think it did that much and just to proceed with 50mg.i`d be very curious if there are any other members here taking Genvoya ?

Hope i haven`t gone on too long,Sincerely,D

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