Heart palpitations, normal?


New Member
Hello, new to this forum but I thought it would be a good place to start. I'm 45, in very good shape but struggled to get through each day. I see a rheumatologist and he found my testosterone to be at 117. I've been on androgel for 2 weeks and my heart flutters several times a day causing me to be short of breath. I rushed to the doctor today and my blood pressure and heart rate was normal. I don't want to stop testosterone but also don't want to have heart issues. Is this normal in the beginning stages of trt?
Hi Travis, I started with Testim Gel 1% one tube every day. It got my TT up to 630. I did not experience any heart related issues when I started TRT.
Do you have blood work you could share? We do that a lot around here just blank out the private stuff like name and addy.
I don't have my blood work but I'm calling a reputable endocrinologist tomorrow to let him handle my trt from here forward. I'll be getting all of my blood work then and I'll post it. Thanks
I had the same issues when I started and it scared me. You might be on too high of dose and I would look into that. My doctor started me at 200mg a week! That put me through the roof on all levels! Anxiety, heart palpatiations, mood swings etc...

I am now with Defy and on a very low dose 50mg a week. I inject 25mg on Monday morning and 25mg on thursday evening. I also inject HCG three times a week to keep my boys alive. This dose works for me and I would suggest switching to injections. I tried the cream and it never did what injections can do.
I don't know why you would be getting heart palpitations from androgel, but you could try injections and see if that makes a difference.
I currently use 1 pk of androgel 1.62% but going to try using 1/2 a pk for a few days. The prescribing doctor hasn't been very forth giving with information so I'm switching to a new doctor as soon as I can get in. My current doctor suggest that I just live with the 117 level of testosterone. That's not an option!
I had the same issues when I started and it scared me. You might be on too high of dose and I would look into that. My doctor started me at 200mg a week! That put me through the roof on all levels! Anxiety, heart palpatiations, mood swings etc...

I am now with Defy and on a very low dose 50mg a week. I inject 25mg on Monday morning and 25mg on thursday evening. I also inject HCG three times a week to keep my boys alive. This dose works for me and I would suggest switching to injections. I tried the cream and it never did what injections can do.

What's your tt on that dose? I've never seen anyone on such a low dose
This is interesting, I also started experiencing some heart flutters here and there since I started TRT. I don't loose my breath, but it does for sure feel weird and it is worrisome. I'm not sure if it is the Test levels that I'm now. Following this thread.
Over 600 and before I started TRT I was in the 180's. I feel so much better and the higher doses just don't feel right for me. Took me 3 years to figure this out.

timk if you don't mind, what is your Free T, SHBG, E2 and HCT at 50 mg a week? A very low dose indeed but, if you are feeling fine, wouldn't change a thing.....
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These are my most recent labs on 50mg week.
Your doctor only testing TSH is concerning, it tells me he/she doesn't have an understanding in proper thyroid diagnosis. Starting TRT with thyroid issues can make you feel worse as TRT attempts to restore metabolic rates that a problematic thyroid just can't keep up making the thyroid the weak link.
Question is how do you feel with these labs? Your TSH is a little on high side but, I don't know enough about Thyroid to comment. I do know that the thyroid guru Dr. Westin Childs recommends optimal TSH of .5-1.0 uIU/ml.


Love your Hematocrit! No blood donations for you.

I feel great. I was injecting once a week and decided to split the dose to twice weekly because Tuesdays I was crashing. I am going to bump the dose to 60mg a week to see if that has any benefits. Erections are great, libido is great and the mood is great. It has taken me three years to figure this much out and it's possible I might tweak more.

Defy did not recommend anything for my thyroid, which leads me to believe it's not a concern. I do have trouble losing weight.

Just an FYI: I am prescribed at 80mg per week but again that's too high for me.
I saw a reputable endocrinologist today, he instructed me to stop trt. I've only been on it for about 3 weeks. I'm extremely short of breath and still having a few palpitations. Hopefully this is a side effect of the testosterone and not something more serious. He wants to do a full blood workup in 2 weeks and discuss my options after we get the results. He's very interested in finding out why my T levels are low before he just throws meds at me.
I saw a reputable endocrinologist today, he instructed me to stop trt. I've only been on it for about 3 weeks. I'm extremely short of breath and still having a few palpitations. Hopefully this is a side effect of the testosterone and not something more serious. He wants to do a full blood workup in 2 weeks and discuss my options after we get the results. He's very interested in finding out why my T levels are low before he just throws meds at me.

i went through the same thing and everything is going to check out fine. You're on too high of a dose. What's your doctors number I'll call him for you!

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