Yes, I had good libido and morning wood out of no where, did test the same day, beside that I had no reaction what’s so ever with hcg, I had maybe 4 test during that month.You had one or two days where t and e increased?
1. Is there a limit to how much HCG one can take per week/ per day?
2. Can HCG be taken indefinitely with no breaks at a dose of say of 2000ius+ total per week?
3. At what point is there diminishing returns regarding the use of HCG with men on T?
I guess my testes didn't get the memo. On 270 IU hCG EOD I was still at 0.1 ng/mL, nearly the bottom of LabCorp's scale. I agree it's worth testing to make sure it's not high or low.
Thanks MJ. Please let us know the results.Interesting, I will check my prolactin and progesterone levels in my next lab to see what 500eod is doing to them.
Dr told me usually people older than 35 don’t see much benefits from HCG. One thing strange was while I was on HCG alone I had one or two days where both t and e increased, made me think if something was off in the meds or injection style (I did sq)
Didn't have time to check that just moved to trt.
Is the 75mg of T and the 500 IU of HCG split into two equal injections per week, or do you you do that amount in one injection per week? TxIn fertility clinics, some men are put om 5000+ IU a week.
I have been using hCG for 11 years and have not seen any decrease in efficacy. I know so since my testicles and sex drive remind me when I forget to inject. I use TRT of 75 mg T plus 500 IU hCG per week. I notice that ED drugs or nitric oxide donors like citrulline make my testicles even fuller with that protocol.
I heard dr lipshultz have people on 1000iu hcg EOD, and was recommended by my dr also, but I was concerned what will it do, as I know 500 did not increase e or t at least nothing significant, instead I kept 500eod and added fsh 75iu once a week.But why is 500ius the top end? For fertility protocols some guys are injecting 3000ius every other day. Are there any studies that show that 1000ius is unsafe per injection vs 500ius? I know that more doesn’t necessarily equal better but at the same time what is the point where more becomes dentrimental?
I explain heres the 75mg of T and the 500 IU of HCG split into two equal injections per week, or do you you do that amount in one injection per week? Tx
Looks as though my reply also disappeared, in which I wondered whether hCG at reasonable doses actually does raise progesterone in men. It's more accepted that hCG raises estradiol, which in turn may raise prolactin.[1] Interestingly, this reference suggests that prolactin is a proxy for "tissue estrogen stores", which could be a useful parameter independent of serum estradiol.For some reason a lot of my posts has been erased:
@cataceous I don’t know if HCG increase progesterone but I can say for sure my prolactin increased as my baseline around 180/170
For some reason a lot of my posts has been erased:
@cataceous I don’t know if HCG increase progesterone but I can say for sure my prolactin increased as my baseline around 180/170
Here are the results guys:
Almost 3 month of 500 HCG EOD:
Progesterone: 0.16 nmol/L range (0.16-0.47)
Prolactin: 275 mU/L range (98-456)
I assume if I went lower than this I will be low in progesterone, I could feel 500 was just right when I was on 250 testiculs where a bit smaller.
I have taken 500 eod for one month, beside small rise which happened around second week took my E to 22pg only and T to 16500 EOD is a hefty dose. It’s not raising your E2 too much?
Looks as though my reply also disappeared, in which I wondered whether hCG at reasonable doses actually does raise progesterone in men. It's more accepted that hCG raises estradiol, which in turn may raise prolactin.[1] Interestingly, this reference suggests that prolactin is a proxy for "tissue estrogen stores", which could be a useful parameter independent of serum estradiol.
Looks as though my reply also disappeared, in which I wondered whether hCG at reasonable doses actually does raise progesterone in men. It's more accepted that hCG raises estradiol, which in turn may raise prolactin.[1] Interestingly, this reference suggests that prolactin is a proxy for "tissue estrogen stores", which could be a useful parameter independent of serum estradiol.
I have taken 500 eod for one month, beside small rise which happened around second week took my E to 22pg only and T to 16
I had no other reading which show high e or t, I did weekly tests during this time so 500 is defiantly not doing anything to my E.
Even now while I am on trt I don’t feel any rise from hcg all my t reading are consistent with my t dose no spikes, again keep in mind I am doing weekly test which end up crashing my ferritin. I stopped that now
Certainly not sure—just pointing out a potential mechanism that may have some support in the literature.Are you sure prolactin is coming from the rise in E, if so this is because of my testosterone injection not HCG. At least this is how I see it.
I don't think I would say you're low with 0.2 and a reference range of 0-0.1. The test methods vary, so we do have to consider the lab's normal ranges. That said, I question the usefulness of a test with such limited resolution that the reference range has only two values. LabCorp's newer one going to 0.5 is better even if still coarse. The wider reference range I was citing is from NIH, and may have used yet a different testing method.... You had stated that I may have actually been low on progesterone at .2. LabCorp range at the time was 0-.1 ng/ml for men, so I was double the top. LabCorp range now is 0-.5 ng/ml. Is LabCorp range wrong? You had ranges showing men well over 1.0 ng/ml. Tx
Sorry I mean I did weekly lab tests and donated one time I end up with low ferritinAwesome to hear that it’s not causing any issues with elevated E2. What do you mean weekly injections crashed your ferritin?
Sorry I mean I did weekly lab tests and donated one time I end up with low ferritin
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