Have you personally been affected by the novel coronavirus?

You take care of your own health and i'll take care of mine. And i want you to get right up in my face and call me an asshole. I want to see you do it.
And for the record... If thats a picture of you I'm still not scared... I've KO'd dudes more Muscular than you... (Trained as a boxer for 12 yrs)
Still doesnt negate the fact that you're Selfishly putting others at risk.
I'm not so sure. The debate here should be...."Is Sokaiya really putting others at risk, or are they already at risk?" I believe it is the latter. I'd hope he is not going around spitting in other people's faces. Then I'd agree he is an as.... However, people shouldn't be required to act fearful just because others are afraid.
When you have knocked out guys more muscular then me then I will be impressed... I am just kidding, had to say it... I was a boxer myself and I am teaching my kids now. I went at a fight pace for 1 minute on the heavy bag last week and almost died... One freaking minute... Sad...
I'm not so sure. The debate here should be...."Is Sokaiya really putting others at risk, or are they already at risk?" I believe it is the latter. I'd hope he is not going around spitting in other people's faces. Then I'd agree he is an as.... However, people shouldn't be required to act fearful just because others are afraid.
Not a question of Fear its a question of Responsible. Until theres widespread quick testing or a vaccine. Not knowing if you're a carrier it the Responsible thing to do is wearing a mask in public...normal conversation can cause spread...a cough or sneeze in an enclosed space, (Bus, train, plane) can infect MULTIPLE people, who you DONT know their co-morbidities or exposure to others... I'm not saying cower under the bed, but this is not how Responsible people behave in a civilised society.
When you have knocked out guys more muscular then me then I will be impressed... I am just kidding, had to say it... I was a boxer myself and I am teaching my kids now. I went at a fight pace for 1 minute on the heavy bag last week and almost died... One freaking minute... Sad...
Dude! Not quite as muscular as you... LOL...

More like Frank Bruno type
And for the record... If thats a picture of you I'm still not scared... I've KO'd dudes more Muscular than you... (Trained as a boxer for 12 yrs)

Sounds good, i've been at a Mexican boxing gym in LA for the past 4yrs, compete regularly, so that's part of my element. Until i strangle you to sleep ~ BJJ since 2000.
Not a question of Fear its a question of Responsible. Until theres widespread quick testing or a vaccine. Not knowing if you're a carrier it the Responsible thing to do is wearing a mask in public...normal conversation can cause spread...a cough or sneeze in an enclosed space, (Bus, train, plane) can infect MULTIPLE people, who you DONT know their co-morbidities or exposure to others... I'm not saying cower under the bed, but this is not how Responsible people behave in a civilised society.

Again, you are the typical sheep to question nobody. And you are the enemy (part of the problem) as you have no issue falling in line with a system of control. Because one day, you'll have no problem turning on the rest of us for not doing so.

A Covid-19 particle size averages 0.125 microns. You would need an electron microscope to see a virus particle. A N95 mask filters it down to 0.3 microns. N95 masks block few, if any virions (virus particles). It's a simple fact which you can't argue against. Surgical masks, cloth masks, homemade masks:

1.) allow fee passage both ways (in and out) for Covid 19 virions
2.) become warm/damp/moist reservoir of Covid 19 particles in asymptomatic carriers

For surgeons, from years of training and intimidation, are taught to touch NOTHING but their surgical field. Lay people constantly touch, re-arrange, and manipulate their "masks" all the while inoculating thousands of virus particles onto their bare or (even worse, gloved) hands.

Therefore, these absurd masks ENCOURAGE the fomite transmission ("infected" articles-to-hand-to face transmission of the virus).

So, go ahead and allow idiots to delude and mislead you to the false sense of security and danger of masks!
Masks are as effective against viruses as Duck and Cover was against a nuclear attack. Makes you feel like you are doing something, but is generally ineffective.
Just saying....


  • dangerfreeedoma.webp
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i don't wash my hands, i don't wear a mask and i've travels internationally twice in the past month. I worry about this as much as i do the regular old flu.

Curious, when you travel internationally, do you eat the local food which is often sold on the streets and drink the tap water?

Especially in third world countries like Cambodia where sanitation is quite different than in Western countries.
Not a question of Fear its a question of Responsible. Until theres widespread quick testing or a vaccine. Not knowing if you're a carrier it the Responsible thing to do is wearing a mask in public...normal conversation can cause spread...a cough or sneeze in an enclosed space, (Bus, train, plane) can infect MULTIPLE people, who you DONT know their co-morbidities or exposure to others... I'm not saying cower under the bed, but this is not how Responsible people behave in a civilised society.
I disagree. It is not his responsibility to protect others. Just the same it is not anyone's responsibility to take away his right to live his life as he chooses; unless it can be proved he is killing people by his actions. The fact that the current governement in the US acts as if they can take away our rights is a window into the future. I'm glad we didn't give up our 2nd amendment rights and this situation just drives the point home. Like Sokaiya sad, if we act like sheep they will just lead us into the slaughterhouse with some free stuff.
A Covid-19 particle size averages 0.125 microns. You would need an electron microscope to see a virus particle. A N95 mask filters it down to 0.3 microns. N95 masks block few, if any virions (virus particles). It's a simple fact which you can't argue against. Surgical masks, cloth masks, homemade masks:

1.) allow fee passage both ways (in and out) for Covid 19 virions
2.) become warm/damp/moist reservoir of Covid 19 particles in asymptomatic carriers
This obscures the point that during most transmission the virus particles are likely carried by relatively large droplets, which are caught by N95 masks, and even paper towels according to some recent testing. It's true that if one is touching the outside of the mask then one's own protection from others is reduced. But the mask is still helping others by catching virus-laden droplets that one might otherwise be expelling.

It's been mentioned that intubation procedures can create aerosols of considerably smaller particles, which normal masks may not guard against. But this is primarily a concern of medical professionals.
For you posters that say masks are completely ineffective, then why do doctors and nurses bother with PPE at the hospital? Next time you have surgery maybe you can request the doctor not use a mask and not scrub?
I disagree. It is not his responsibility to protect others. Just the same it is not anyone's responsibility to take away his right to live his life as he chooses; unless it can be proved he is killing people by his actions. The fact that the current governement in the US acts as if they can take away our rights is a window into the future. I'm glad we didn't give up our 2nd amendment rights and this situation just drives the point home. Like Sokaiya sad, if we act like sheep they will just lead us into the slaughterhouse with some free stuff.

Public health rules are taking away our Rights?

You're Right by god! The government has been doing this and MUST be STOPPED!

Speed limits! Who are you to limit how fast I drive a car that I OWN??
Traffic lights! I'll stop and go when and as I damned well PLEASE!
Dress Codes... I dont need Shoes or Shirt and I DEMAND SERVICE!
Building Codes, Hunting Licenses, Where does it end??
I disagree. It is not his responsibility to protect others. Just the same it is not anyone's responsibility to take away his right to live his life as he chooses; unless it can be proved he is killing people by his actions. The fact that the current governement in the US acts as if they can take away our rights is a window into the future. I'm glad we didn't give up our 2nd amendment rights and this situation just drives the point home. Like Sokaiya sad, if we act like sheep they will just lead us into the slaughterhouse with some free stuff.
It's called the Social contract... You cant BENEFIT from a society and its Structure and rules and then Opt out when you feel like it.

For example Socrates' argument....
"In the early Platonic dialogue, Crito, Socrates makes a compelling argument as to why he must stay in prison and accept the death penalty, rather than escape and go into exile in another Greek city. He personifies the Laws of Athens, and, speaking in their voice, explains that he has acquired an overwhelming obligation to obey the Laws because they have made his entire way of life, and even the fact of his very existence, possible. They made it possible for his mother and father to marry, and therefore to have legitimate children, including himself. Having been born, the city of Athens, through its laws, then required that his father care for and educate him. Socrates’ life and the way in which that life has flourished in Athens are each dependent upon the Laws. Importantly, however, this relationship between citizens and the Laws of the city are not coerced. Citizens, once they have grown up, and have seen how the city conducts itself, can choose whether to leave, taking their property with them, or stay. Staying implies an agreement to abide by the Laws and accept the punishments that they mete out. And, having made an agreement that is itself just, Socrates asserts that he must keep to this agreement that he has made and obey the Laws, in this case, by staying and accepting the death penalty. Importantly, the contract described by Socrates is an implicit one: it is implied by his choice to stay in Athens, even though he is free to leave. "
It's called the Social contract... You cant BENEFIT from a society and its Structure and rules and then Opt out when you feel like it.
In the U.S. the constitution is the law of the land. It's been pointed out that there's no "virus exception" clause. The government cannot declare blanket restrictions on the rights of the people. Rather, through due process it must demonstrate that any particular individual poses a threat to the rights of others.

There's little ambiguity in something like freedom of movement of individuals. It's trickier with commerce, which the government may reasonably regulate. But it's again questionable that this power to regulate lets the government demand closure of a business, someone's livelihood, without due process.

In sum, much of what the government wants us to do is not unreasonable under the circumstances. But their power to enforce it is tenuous, relying more on the threat of what they can do to you in the near term. In the long run the constitution would hopefully prevail in the courts.
In the U.S. the constitution is the law of the land. It's been pointed out that there's no "virus exception" clause. The government cannot declare blanket restrictions on the rights of the people. Rather, through due process it must demonstrate that any particular individual poses a threat to the rights of others.

There's little ambiguity in something like freedom of movement of individuals. It's trickier with commerce, which the government may reasonably regulate. But it's again questionable that this power to regulate lets the government demand closure of a business, someone's livelihood, without due process.

In sum, much of what the government wants us to do is not unreasonable under the circumstances. But their power to enforce it is tenuous, relying more on the threat of what they can do to you in the near term. In the long run the constitution would hopefully prevail in the courts.
That post wasn't about Government or Law. It was a response to the previous poster saying he had ZERO obligation to anyone in society whose health he might endanger.

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