My wife, who is 45, must have had covid because she had all the symptoms and a co-worker tested positive. She was still working since she is in telecom repair and considered essential, no doubt she got if from someone at her work.
It's been 3 weeks 4 days since she started with a fever, which peaked at 103, 10 days with no fever, but she still has a cough. She was off work sick for the 3 weeks.
We couldn't get a test in Illinois since at the time there were no reported contact with known covid positive people and no travel. The co-worker was just recently reported by her company though no name was given.
It strikes me that because of HIPPA we often won't know if someone else has tested positive, and the criteria for testing is known contact with someone that has tested positive (or international travel), a real catch22.
We did do two telemed checks with two different doctors/nurses, both of them said she didn't meet criteria to get a test, and the second time she was no longer running a fever and outside of a cough looked good.
The oddest thing was loss of smell and taste, my concern was in the past my wife had recurring pneumonia when she was much younger. My other concern is I am 67 and my mother who is 93 lives with us. My mother has mild high blood pressure, without meds her blood pressure can be 150/70, but most of the time it's normal. I only give her meds if her bp goes to 140, if she takes meds every day her BP and pulse rate go too low and she gets dizzy.
My wife's symptoms:
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Fever (99-103)
Repeated shaking with chills
Muscle pain
Sore throat
New loss of taste or smell
Her chills was only 1-2 days, she had a heavy feeling in her chest one day. We went for a mile walk, she had to rest half way through it, and her pulse went to 150, pretty high for mild exercise. We went again, she was much better the second time but still not 100%.
She is back at work now, she hasn't had a fever for 10 days now, but still has a cough.
Oddest thing to me, neither myself or mother got noticeably sick, my wife stayed downstairs my mother upstairs, but I stayed downstairs with my wife sleeping in the same bed. Most I had was a runny nose for a couple of weeks, not even very noticeable. With me, no problems to walk/run 5 miles or biking 12 miles of rolling hills.
We will get the antibody test once it becomes easy to find, I think I could get a test now, but the faculty is 30 miles away and I am not sure how accurate the test is. I am guessing it's 50/50 now for my wife testing positive for covid as it has been too long.
So for us, not a big deal so far and it's kind of like watching a syfy movie to see what is going on. Sure hope I already have antibodies, though as noted, no one knows if that means you are immune and immune for how long.
I consider myself on the light side in taking precautions, I go to the store / hardware store whenever I want, wear a mask to be polite, wash hand more often but that is like 3-4 times in a day and in the past I probably only washed my hands at most once a day. I am 50/50 introverted/extraverted, and tend not to socialize a lot though I normally go to dinner once a week with another couple, it doesn't bother me a lot not to go. The couple I go out with, my male friend has crohn's and takes a immunosuppressive drug, so he is a lot more careful. My wife is more much more social than I am.