Have anyone tried uBreeze for low T?


New Member
Hi, I'm new to this community. I am 30, and have been having POSSIBLY low T symptoms since was 16/17. Here are the symptoms:

- Loss of pleasure in masturbation
- Lack of sensations when touching the pennis (not numb, just lack of good feelings)
- Lack of libido (psychologically I still want sex, but there is no real need or urge)
- PE (there´s very little pleasure in ejaculating and the ejaculatory muscles don´t give rapid and chaotic contractions, instead they are slow, and pulsatile contractions)
- Penis looking like an old men´s penis
- Blurred sight
- Dry eyes
- Generalized Weakness and tiredness
- Brain fog, concentration issues
- Very poor working memory
- Creativity affected
- Irritability
- Very anti social behaviour
- Weak immunological system (started 3 years ago)
- persistent yeast infection in the groins
- lack of good feeling in general (e.g., i get no endorphine´s high after exercising, or no good feeling after taking a deep breath in the woods, etc)
- emotionally numb (don´t even feel sad, just irritated)

I have borderline T (300-400 ng/dL). 3.5 years ago I used clomid and then anastrozole for a very short period of time, but enough to boost my T to close to 600 ng/dL. Since I got very little improvement in my symptoms my doctor stated that my problem was not T related. Since then I've been treating my symptoms with antidepressants (tried them all, even iMAO) to no avail. I lost my girlfriend, my career (had to quit a Top 10 PhD program in Biochemistry),lost my zest for life. The only thing keeping me alive was music. Last year, after a loud wedding night my ears started to buzz (tinnitus)which is affecting my enjoyment of music tremendously. For the first time since it all started some 12 years ago, I became completely hopeless. Suicide became a inevitable recurrent thought.

After talking to a friend I decided to go back to Google. Last week after reading many posts at ExcelMale as well as scientific paper at the NCBI database I realized that the test I did with clomid and anastrozole was not enough to rule out low T as the cause of my symptoms. So now at least I have something to try.

In my researches I found something that sounds like a joke in first sight, but since it is harmless I wonder why not try it. It is called uBrezze (google it, I can´t post links). The reviews are amazing and at least some of them looks legit to me.

Has anyone heard of or used this?
Welcome to Excelmale. Rather than spend money on a gadget, why not look for a good doctor who can establish what it is your body is going through and prescribe a path to restored health? You need a lot more testing, total and free testosterone, LH, FSH, SHBG, TSH, t3, t4, rt3, estradiol (sensitive assay, LC, MS/MS), CBC, PSA, DHEA, DHT. Where do you live?
Welcome to Excelmale. Rather than spend money on a gadget, why not look for a good doctor who can establish what it is your body is going through and prescribe a path to restored health? You need a lot more testing, total and free testosterone, LH, FSH, SHBG, TSH, t3, t4, rt3, estradiol (sensitive assay, LC, MS/MS), CBC, PSA, DHEA, DHT. Where do you live?
I agree and clomid can help raise testosterone but not necessarily provide symptom relief some do better on replacement therapy from experiences I've read on this site but to need to find out what's really going on.
Welcome to Excelmale. Rather than spend money on a gadget, why not look for a good doctor who can establish what it is your body is going through and prescribe a path to restored health? You need a lot more testing, total and free testosterone, LH, FSH, SHBG, TSH, t3, t4, rt3, estradiol (sensitive assay, LC, MS/MS), CBC, PSA, DHEA, DHT. Where do you live?

Thanks for your reply CoastWatcher.

If the gadget works as stated in the reviews I would prefer the gadget over TRT. No doubt. However I know the chances of this gadget not being an internet scam are slim. In any case I would like to here from those who have used it.

As far as tests goes, I´ve done them all, several times. See attached a chart I compiled with most but not all of them.

I would add to my medical history sleep apnea (well treated with cpap for 5 years) and varicocele in left testes (corrected five years ago through surgery). I'm not fat and have always eaten healthy.


Clomid protocols, as I am sure you know, take time to work. And, frequently, during that time - the period where serum levels start to respond but subjective/symptomatic relief has not taken place - the efforts stop because the patient feels no better (and is understandably frustrated). How long was your Clomid effort?

Your labwork has a notation regarding Androgel; was that self-directed or prescribed? How long did you use it? Any improvement?
Clomid protocols, as I am sure you know, take time to work. And, frequently, during that time - the period where serum levels start to respond but subjective/symptomatic relief has not taken place - the efforts stop because the patient feels no better (and is understandably frustrated). How long was your Clomid effort?

Your labwork has a notation regarding Androgel; was that self-directed or prescribed? How long did you use it? Any improvement?
My first attempt was actually with androgel, some 5 years ago. In the first day of treatment I felt a huge improvement in many of my symptoms. Energy, mood, sociability, spontaneous erections, better quality erections, my sight was perfect again...The one thing that didnt improve was my lack of pleasure in masturbation and ejaculation. I am not sure I recall the dosage correctly, but I think it was 4 g a day.

I kept using Androgel for a week and stopped when my testes started to hurt and shrink and my nipples were becoming soft. My Dr at the time didnt warn me about those side effects. I was excited because i finnally had a hint about what could be causing my symptoms, but I sttopped in order to do more research on it.

That is when I heard about clomid and anastrozole. I used clomid for 30 days, had some minor improvements, but was getting some bad side effects such as light sensitivity (eyes) depression and weird headaches.

After I tried anastrozole for 5 days. Also had minor improvements but in the fith day developed ED and depression worsened a lot. My total T went to approx 550 ng/dL and my free T sky rocked to the top of the range. After seeing my free T results my endo said that if my symptoms were T related I would be feeling great. Thats when I took the antidepressant road for long 3.5 years. After a huge failure in that road I am back to the TRT forums.
When you began your Androgel therapy your endogenous testosterone, little as it might be, was still active. It is likely you experienced what happens so often when therapy begins - the Androgel and your own natural production bumped your levels up...dopamine soared...bliss. But it doesn't last. And topical testosterone has a fairly poor track record for many men, I was one of them. It simply doesn't absorb well enough for far too many. Injections made a world of difference.

How much Anastrozole were you taking, how often? You may well have crashed your estradiol levels - a miserable experience. It takes time to dial a protocol in and you have been jumping relatively quickly from one mode of treatment to another. Ejaculatory and erectile issues take a good while to sort themselves out. ED seems to be something that is particularly hard to vanquish solely through TRT; many of us rely on adjunctive medications to overcome that problem.

Have you set a consultation with a doctor at this point?
When you began your Androgel therapy your endogenous testosterone, little as it might be, was still active. It is likely you experienced what happens so often when therapy begins - the Androgel and your own natural production bumped your levels up...dopamine soared...bliss. But it doesn't last. And topical testosterone has a fairly poor track record for many men, I was one of them. It simply doesn't absorb well enough for far too many. Injections made a world of difference.

How much Anastrozole were you taking, how often? You may well have crashed your estradiol levels - a miserable experience. It takes time to dial a protocol in and you have been jumping relatively quickly from one mode of treatment to another. Ejaculatory and erectile issues take a good while to sort themselves out. ED seems to be something that is particularly hard to vanquish solely through TRT; many of us rely on adjunctive medications to overcome that problem.

Have you set a consultation with a doctor at this point?

I will consider injections if it comes to that. About anastrozlole, i used it for only and stopped beacuse it made me very depressed and caused ED (My main sexual problems are low libido, lack of pleasure and PE, ED not so much). I attached my results after 5 days on anastozole. As you will see my testes responded rapidly, and my free T peaked. Estrogen decreased a little but didn't crash.

I'm not willing to try clomid or anstrozole monotherapy for longer periods because there are many clinical trials published in Pubmed where those drugs were used as monotherapy for at least 4 months and caused no subjective benefits although lab results were looking better.

I have an apppointment for the end of the month, I'll post updates.

I'll start a new thread about cabergoline as an alternative treatment for hypogonadism. Check it out if you are interested.


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