Grrrr Labs/Journal

Right now I'm still doing 50mg 2x a week but i also switched from SUB Q to IM

Interesting that I added in .1 mg of arimidex but i seem to have a bit lower libdo, less morning erections and weaker erections in general.
I will be running another blood test in a few weeks to see how this much is effecting me.
I could do better with slightly elevated e2, I'm thinking between 30-40 is good. I wonder if this much arimidx was enough to send it under 25?

Is it possible the combination of arimidex plus IM injections took my e2 to low now?
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50mg Test Cyp
300iu HCG 2x a week
.1 mg arimidex 2x a week

absolute eosinophils was high on my CBC everything else was normal
TT was 750 and e2 was 46, may have togo to .2 mg 2x week
absolute eosinophils was high on my CBC everything else was normal
TT was 750 and e2 was 46

thats everything.

every 3 weeks i test TT, and e2 and CBC... Every 6 weeks i test a full panel/

absolute eosinophils was high on my CBC everything else was normal
TT was 750 and e2 was 46

thats everything.

every 3 weeks i test TT, and e2 and CBC... Every 6 weeks i test a full panel/

Well, what I meant was reference ranges. Plus saying things are normal means nothing, but here it doesn't matter too much, just a pet peeve of mine ;)
here is the full results
I dont believe I was sick with anything at the time.... My hematocrit actually dropped a a little bit, previous test (3 weeks before this one) was above range now its within normal range

I don't have any strong e2 symptoms, but erections could be better for sure... My e2 is probably just a bit to high... probably around 30 is best for me.
would u suggest increasing .05mg? to .15mg 2x a week
My doctor wants me to test CBC again in a few weeks to keep everything in check, as with e2 and TT
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What about decreasing my T cyp to 80mg a week and going to 250iu HCG 2x a week?

Sorry I have a terrible memory, but these results you uploaded were trough?

I wouldn't recommend dropping testosterone anymore, you could try either more AI or more frequent injections if you want to avoid AI.

.15mg 2x a week sounds tough to do, how do you split a tab in 7 pieces evenly?

I'm not as confident with AI doses and such, hopefully someone else will comment, but .25 2x a week is pretty common on here for most guys.
Thanks for the reply.
Yes it was trough reading...

I have compounded .1mg tablets and the pharmacist told me i can cut the .1mg in half with a razor blade. So i would take half + a whole one which would equal .15mg tablet.

It's to bad i even need an AI with the dosage of TRT that I'm one...
Thanks for the reply.
Yes it was trough reading...

I have compounded .1mg tablets and the pharmacist told me i can cut the .1mg in half with a razor blade. So i would take half + a whole one which would equal .15mg tablet.

It's to bad i even need an AI with the dosage of TRT that I'm one...

I would give the .15mg a shot honestly. I didn't know you had compounded ones, that makes it so much easier!

Since it IS a trough, I wouldn't want to lower my test anymore, looks like an AI is necessary, that is if you agree with my opinion about the testosterone level. You may not, and that's fine.
What's interesting is.. I had the best erections when my e2 was 27 and up to 48 ,, then when my e2 started getting high (around 60+) i started getting some ED which is why i added in arimidex but now my e2 is 46 with arimidex but my erections were better without armidex when my e2 was 48... Does this make sense?
What's interesting is.. I had the best erections when my e2 was 27 and up to 48 ,, then when my e2 started getting high (around 60+) i started getting some ED which is why i added in arimidex but now my e2 is 46 with arimidex but my erections were better without armidex when my e2 was 48... Does this make sense?

It may be due to area under the curve.

Think about this, E2 is 60 at peak, then 48 for a trough, if you graph that and shade underneath it, that area is larger than if it's 35 peak and 20 trough.

Now those are made up numbers so do not take them literally. I also don't know if your 46 adex E2 is too high, or what. It's too hard to plot in my head with the peak of testosterone levels, then the simultaneous reduction from the adex.

Just offering a possible explanation.
Thanks, i just hope I can get back to those good erections i first had when starting TRT.

Lol now that I read my example I gave you, it's rather hard to understand.

Did it make sense to you?

Everyone is different with erections, some return to normal, some will always struggle. There are ways to help though.

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