looks pretty good to me vitamin D and B12 could be improved and estrogen is just out of range but I'm guessing this is around your peak so that should drop closer to your trough. how do you feel? any diabetes?
Vitamin D is kinda low, I got lazy and stopped taking my pills! Will restart!
B12 is something I've never had tested before, and I eat a ton of animal products like ground beef, pork, and eggs. I eat eggs everyday, so it's odd that it's kinda low.
Do you know if I'm at the level of B12 where I could benefit from B12 injections? I do have an appointment with Dr. Saya on Tuesday, so will definitely be asking him as well.
Yes this is about 36 hours post injection, and I really don't have any high E2 symptoms, plus with my T/E2 ratio of 33 all signs point to good E2 level(fingers crossed, no AI!!).
How do I feel?:
I've started to feel DIFFERENT. I think Testosterone is more subtle than the internet had made it seem, I was expecting almost like it "kick in" like a drug does, like your first couple of beers at 16 or something.
I can make decisions now, when something goes wrong with work or my car, all I need is facts and information and I can make a decision. I'm not taking days to decide to put rotors and pads on my car, or just pads. This was a very subtle change. Even with personal decisions, I just need to think for a little bit, and my mind is made up. This is something I did NOT expect.
I also don't stay "down" as much, like I've had a terrible past week with some just really unlucky things happening, but I bounced back quick.
I would NOT describe myself as depressed at all. Anxiety is better, not perfect, but I don't get those hot flashes of anxiety when I get embarrassed in public.
I usually have morning wood, erections are not a problem at all. It just works.
Sex drive is somewhat better, but could just be a little bit of stress holding me back.
I've gained weight, about 10 pounds I think? I haven't really lifted much weights, but I definitely added muscle, other's have said so too.
I also don't wake up super super thirsty anymore, and I don't urinate every 1.5 hours. I don't wake up with an emergency move out of my way need to urinate. This is a BIG life changer for me. I hated that.
Wow sorry that was really long.
No diabetes for me, my fasting glucose of 87 is concerning? My father was diabetic(passed away unrelated)
EDIT: What about a high anion gap? It seems as if that MAY be concerning.