Glucose tolerance and normal low t

Not at all. I wrote in an earlier post that I was stopping. Btw, I feel no different (still have ed) after stopping 2 weeks ago so maybe last time I quit was a coincidence but I will continue to not smoke weed. I have no commitment to being stoned. Im not awfully commited to "being on drugs" at 18. Someone thinking that me taking 2-3 hits of a joint once or twice a week makes me "awfully commited to being on drugs" and will give me ed, brain fog, extreme fatigue, and low T actually sounds a little ridiculous. Im an open minded guy and pretty desperate, so Im stopping for a few months and if things get better I will stop forever. Also, Ive read a lot about insulin resistance, arterial plaque, inflammation, and low T. But I guess youre opinion cancels out all of that.

Well, look at it from our perspective, you smoke weed then you feel bad. You stop smoking weed, and your problems go away.

Yet you seem to be bothered when people tell you to stop smoking weed.

This is like the age old joke where a guy goes to the doctor and says "it hurts when I go like this" and the doctor says "then stop doing that".

Essentially you've found your problem, but you don't seem to want to accept the solution.

Are you expecting a different answer? One that will allow you to smoke weed without the symptoms? You mentioned some tangentially related issues that aren't directly causing your symptoms, but honestly I think you're barking up the wrong tree.

To explain why quitting weed hasn't solved your problems this time, I think that can be explained by your focus on these random issues and the resulting anxiety that they're causing. Libido and erection issues are very susceptible to anxiety.
Im not sure the ed is from anxiety though because i can get an erection but it is much softer than usual and it is for masturbation so no preformance anyiety. Sometimes i can get hard as i used to but this usually lasts for 2-3 days before i get ed again. Also, i will continue to stop weed and retest my testosterone but to think my test is 270 and all my symptoms are from occasional marijuana use just seems a little off.
Again, i will continue to not smoke and will keep you guys posted. Stilll wondering if anyone can decipher the blood work also. Still belive it may be signifigant.
Im not sure the ed is from anxiety though because i can get an erection but it is much softer than usual and it is for masturbation so no preformance anyiety. Sometimes i can get hard as i used to but this usually lasts for 2-3 days before i get ed again. Also, i will continue to stop weed and retest my testosterone but to think my test is 270 and all my symptoms are from occasional marijuana use just seems a little off.
Again, i will continue to not smoke and will keep you guys posted. Stilll wondering if anyone can decipher the blood work also. Still belive it may be signifigant.

It doesn't have to be performance anxiety to cause ED, anxiety itself causes physiological changes that are not friendly to erections, such as vasoconstriction.

If you're CONSTANTLY thinking about your erections and are convinced your testosterone is low, of course you're going to have ED.

The only reason I don't think you're hypogonadal is because before marijuana you did not have any issues, you even said your libido was through the roof, and presumably your testosterone wasn't much higher than it is.
Hopefully its me thinking about my erections but i really dont think so. Sometimes my erections come back for like a week and will go away. Im not even sure if I can say I have ed. I can easily get an erection but it is way softer and takes longer. It is just as frequent though and sometimes they will come back regardless of how often I am thinking about it. I will just randomly notice that it is as hard as it used to be. This can last for a few days but it always goes back to being soft again. The whole disagreement we have been having is repetetive, but basically it goes like this.

95% of my friends smoke weed heavily.
I used to take a few hits once or twice a week. and would get ed not while high, but for weeks after smoking. (possibly a coicedince).
None of my friends get ed and they smoke way more than me.
I must be more predisoped to ed from weed than them for health reasons.
I stopped smoking weed.
I also have low T although Im not sure I had low t before smoking but I assume i had it before.
Ive read articles that talk about inflammation being a sign of something autoimmune which easily lowers t.
My CRP is 5.5 (0-3) with over three being considered extremely high risk for heart disease and high inflammation.
THis means its obvious that I have either clogged arteries (probably not since tnf is low) or inflammation somewhere.
Also have prediabetes- read that it caused by low t and causes ed
Monocytes (building base for plaque) is high
And i have mineral deficiencies (iron, vit d, vit c, b12, iodine) and I eat a lot.
Should I just ignore all of that and continue not smoking and get my T tested in another 3 months?
Hopefully its me thinking about my erections but i really dont think so. Sometimes my erections come back for like a week and will go away. Im not even sure if I can say I have ed. I can easily get an erection but it is way softer and takes longer. It is just as frequent though and sometimes they will come back regardless of how often I am thinking about it. I will just randomly notice that it is as hard as it used to be. This can last for a few days but it always goes back to being soft again. The whole disagreement we have been having is repetetive, but basically it goes like this.

95% of my friends smoke weed heavily.
I used to take a few hits once or twice a week. and would get ed not while high, but for weeks after smoking. (possibly a coicedince).
None of my friends get ed and they smoke way more than me.
I must be more predisoped to ed from weed than them for health reasons.
I stopped smoking weed.
I also have low T although Im not sure I had low t before smoking but I assume i had it before.
Ive read articles that talk about inflammation being a sign of something autoimmune which easily lowers t.
My CRP is 5.5 (0-3) with over three being considered extremely high risk for heart disease and high inflammation.
THis means its obvious that I have either clogged arteries (probably not since tnf is low) or inflammation somewhere.
Also have prediabetes- read that it caused by low t and causes ed
Monocytes (building base for plaque) is high
And i have mineral deficiencies (iron, vit d, vit c, b12, iodine) and I eat a lot.
Should I just ignore all of that and continue not smoking and get my T tested in another 3 months?

Your friends having ED or not has nothing to do with you. Plus, ED isn't something people admit, especially at 18. You honestly have no way of knowing whether they suffer from ED or not.

I don't think you can diagnose "clogged arteries" from lab tests.

A1C is high, and that is something to look into.

Your mineral deficiencies aren't being discussed because you haven't posted actual labs, you posted low this or mid range that. We need numbers.

Plus you can't really use serum iron as a measure of iron deficiency, ferritin is the best way to do so but will be a bit complicated if you do in fact have high inflammatory markers.

B12 and vitamin c are water soluble vitamins, so their levels fluctuate rapidly.

Nearly everyone is deficient in vitamin d if they're not actively taking 5000IU a day.

I can sense the anxiety through the screen, and anxiety is a known contributor to ED.

Does weed cause anxiety for you? Just curious.
Thank you for taking the time to respond to me and help me. I know for a fact that my friends whom ive seen take women into the bedroom multiple times, most with girlfriends would quit weed if they had ed. I can never know for sure, but I can hear my roommates partner when hes with a women and I can tell hes not having ed.

The clogged arteries I have very little knowledge on but my crp was high. Dont think I have clogged arteries because cholestrol is 160 and I have 116/76 blood pressure. Heart rate is consistently under 50 but I think thats meaningless. After having colonoscopy and endoscopy, I was told I have slight ilium inflammation so that could definately cause my elevated crp.

Mineral deficiencies:

Vit C 11 (23-110)
Iodine 34 (40-92)
Iron (before supplementation): 50 (45-165)
From what I know, Average iron for men is close to 110. While 50 is "technically" not deficient, it seems to be much lower. Might affect thyroid. RT3 is 11 (9-23)
Ferritin 40 (30-400)
told that under 50 can easily cause brain fog. Hemoglobin and hemocrit are exactly midrange though so I dont know if that rules out anemia.
High uibc also
Vit D 40 (50-100)

Borderline deficient:

Magnesium 1.7 (1.6-2.8)
B12 400 (Over 200) heard you could still have brain fog even with under 500
PTH intact 11.9 (12-80)

Weed actually doesn't cause anxiety for me most of the time. It doesn't stop it either though.

I feel that the ed is physical almost for sure. I keep my though patterns the same and sometimes i will randomly notice my erections are hard again. Maybe im possibly allegic to a food that I don't know about?

Also, what would cause a low adiponectin?

Thanks for your time and have a good night,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to me and help me. I know for a fact that my friends whom ive seen take women into the bedroom multiple times, most with girlfriends would quit weed if they had ed. I can never know for sure, but I can hear my roommates partner when hes with a women and I can tell hes not having ed.

The clogged arteries I have very little knowledge on but my crp was high. Dont think I have clogged arteries because cholestrol is 160 and I have 116/76 blood pressure. Heart rate is consistently under 50 but I think thats meaningless. After having colonoscopy and endoscopy, I was told I have slight ilium inflammation so that could definately cause my elevated crp.

Mineral deficiencies:

Vit C 11 (23-110)
Iodine 34 (40-92)
Iron (before supplementation): 50 (45-165)
From what I know, Average iron for men is close to 110. While 50 is "technically" not deficient, it seems to be much lower. Might affect thyroid. RT3 is 11 (9-23)
Ferritin 40 (30-400)
told that under 50 can easily cause brain fog. Hemoglobin and hemocrit are exactly midrange though so I dont know if that rules out anemia.
High uibc also
Vit D 40 (50-100)

Borderline deficient:

Magnesium 1.7 (1.6-2.8)
B12 400 (Over 200) heard you could still have brain fog even with under 500
PTH intact 11.9 (12-80)

Weed actually doesn't cause anxiety for me most of the time. It doesn't stop it either though.

I feel that the ed is physical almost for sure. I keep my though patterns the same and sometimes i will randomly notice my erections are hard again. Maybe im possibly allegic to a food that I don't know about?

Also, what would cause a low adiponectin?

Thanks for your time and have a good night,


Stop worrying about your friend's penises. You have no idea what they do or don't have, just because you hear a woman screaming doesn't mean they don't have ED. There are other ways of achieving that.

High CRP ! = clogged arteries. CRP is an inflammatory marker, it can be caused by many things.

Iron serum isn't really a good way to measure iron storage, and I believe that it fluctuates depending on your body's need for iron at that very moment.

B12 and vitamin c are water soluble vitamins so they fluctuate(I feel like I've said this before).

Anemia and iron deficiency are two different, but usually related things. You can have one without the other. Anemia means "without blood" literally. So you can have iron deficiency without anemia.

If your ED was physical, it'd be all the time, not really hit or miss. Think of physical ED as a broken bone. It's always broken, the metaphor isn't perfect but you get the point.

The only thing that actually means anything is the low ferritin, it's a rather uncommon finding in healthy men. Most common cause is GI bleeding or malabsorption, but you've been scoped from both ends, so that's been thoroughly investigated.

Honestly, I suspect an iron supplement and not worrying about your friends sexual performance would solve most of your issues.

I am blunt, and to the point, while others here may be a bit nicer, I think you need to hear it.
MD and Walter J. Ehrman, MD[FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial] The International Heart and Lung Institute, The Center for Restorative Medicine, Palm Springs, CA[FONT=Arial,Arial] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Arial][email protected][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Arial]C reactive protein (hs-CRP) has been demonstrated to correlate directly to cardiovascular risk of CAD, PVOD, and Stroke. It is suggested that oral hygiene and gingivitis impacts CRP in a negative fashion. In the dental community, flossing has long been advocated as the preferred method of militating against tooth loss, but to what extent flossing habits impact overall CRP levels is not known.
We hypothesized that CRP could be used as a biomarker for flossing frequency; that infrequent flossers would have high CRP's and that increasing the frequency of flossing to at least every other day would normalize CRP levels.
We measured serum hs-CRP at baseline in 300 pts (aged 21-87) entering a lifestyle modification program while asking them to describe their tooth brushing practices and the number of times per week that they flossed. Hs-CRP was measured at a central core lab (Berkeley Heart Labs, Alameda, CA); all values that were obtained from pts with an active infection or recovering from surgery or accident were excluded from analysis. Once baseline CRP levels were obtained, those pts with CRP>1.5 were asked to double their flossing or to achieve at least every other day flossing.
Results: There was no correlation between type of tooth brush (manual, electric, ultrasonic) and CRP levels. However there was a inverse relationship between flossing frequency and CRP: No flossing, 6.5+/-4 mg/dl; occasional flossing 3.4+/-2 mg/dl; every other day flossing 1.0+/-0.4 mg/dl; daily flossing 0.6+/-0.4 mg/dl; more than once a day flossing 0.6+/-0.3 mg/dl
Once pts began at least every other day flossing, their CRP levels within 6 months fell to the same levels as that of same frequency long-term flossers.
We conclude that hs-CRP levels directly correlate with pt's flossing habits and can be a useful biomarker for oral hygiene, with its known impact on cardiovascular disease. Simple behavior modification can have a dramatic and rapid effect on down regulating a major biomarker for cardiovascular risk. Therefore, all pts with elevated CRP's should have their flossing history assessed and urged to floss at least every other day.

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