Ok guys, new labs in...did liver testing along with another free testosterone testing:
Albumin 59.8 ( 55.8-66.1)
Alpha-1-globuline 3.5 (2.9-4.9)
Alpha-2-globuline 7.9 (7.1-11.8)
Beta-1-globuline 5.9 (4.7-7.2)
Beta-2-globuline 6.5 (3.2-6.5)
Gamma-globuline 16.1 (11.1-18.8)
Bilirubine 1.3 (<1.1) HIGH
GOT 17 (<50)
GPT 10 (<50)
GGT 13 (<60)
Ap 50 (40-130)
3 hormones were taken:
prolactine 9.3 (2.1- 17.7)
E2 estradiol 44 (<40) HIGH
Free testosterone 15.51 (3.84 -34.17)
So in a turn of events…my free testosterone showed up much higher this time around. Last time it was an abysmal 2.11. Unfortunately total testosterone wasn’t taken this time around but during the last 10 blood tests over the past 3 years my morning total testosterone was never below 550.
What to make of this? I agreed with my doctor to retake free testosterone in a couple days or weeks. I was actually getting ready to get on TRT but am becoming a little hesitant now. 15.51 is not really great but it is close to the middle of the reference range. Couple that with my total testosterone of around 600 mostly and I have trouble envisioning much benefit from testosterone therapy. What do you guys think? I still kinda want to get on TRT simply to see a bump in libido but not sure what the right thing to do is...
One thing to add: I started rogaine foam about 4-5 years ago. From 2015-2018 I have taken about 10 blood tests. The previous 8 tests (one p.m. testing aside) always showed above range prolactin in the morning...usually somewhere between 20-25. I have stopped Rogaine since the first week of december and taken 2 blood tests (both morning measurements). Once my prolactin was 5.1 and this time it was 9.3 .....now I really cannot picture rogaine foam elevating my prolactin levels , but the recent labs suggest I should keep an eye on this nonetheless.
Albumin 59.8 ( 55.8-66.1)
Alpha-1-globuline 3.5 (2.9-4.9)
Alpha-2-globuline 7.9 (7.1-11.8)
Beta-1-globuline 5.9 (4.7-7.2)
Beta-2-globuline 6.5 (3.2-6.5)
Gamma-globuline 16.1 (11.1-18.8)
Bilirubine 1.3 (<1.1) HIGH
GOT 17 (<50)
GPT 10 (<50)
GGT 13 (<60)
Ap 50 (40-130)
3 hormones were taken:
prolactine 9.3 (2.1- 17.7)
E2 estradiol 44 (<40) HIGH
Free testosterone 15.51 (3.84 -34.17)
So in a turn of events…my free testosterone showed up much higher this time around. Last time it was an abysmal 2.11. Unfortunately total testosterone wasn’t taken this time around but during the last 10 blood tests over the past 3 years my morning total testosterone was never below 550.
What to make of this? I agreed with my doctor to retake free testosterone in a couple days or weeks. I was actually getting ready to get on TRT but am becoming a little hesitant now. 15.51 is not really great but it is close to the middle of the reference range. Couple that with my total testosterone of around 600 mostly and I have trouble envisioning much benefit from testosterone therapy. What do you guys think? I still kinda want to get on TRT simply to see a bump in libido but not sure what the right thing to do is...
One thing to add: I started rogaine foam about 4-5 years ago. From 2015-2018 I have taken about 10 blood tests. The previous 8 tests (one p.m. testing aside) always showed above range prolactin in the morning...usually somewhere between 20-25. I have stopped Rogaine since the first week of december and taken 2 blood tests (both morning measurements). Once my prolactin was 5.1 and this time it was 9.3 .....now I really cannot picture rogaine foam elevating my prolactin levels , but the recent labs suggest I should keep an eye on this nonetheless.