Also keep the following in mind. My solid total testosterone levels are somewhat deceiving IMO. My free testosterone levels have revealed rather lowish levels throughout the past 3 years. I took two tests at one laboratory where the free testosterone range went from 10-41 and both my results were just slightly above range (I think one was a 11 and one at 12). My doctor then switched laboraties for some reason and the new laboratory has ranges from 4-34 and my results were still in the 11-15 range (this looks ok on a range from 4-34 but low on a range from 10-41). I know you cannot compare different labs really but to me it still seems like the values are actually comparable. This is like some labs have total testosterone ranging from 250-800 and others from 350-1100, but if your level is at 600 , it won't change if you change labs....it will just look different in the scale (it will look solid on the first range but mediocre at most on the second scale). I urged my father, who is 72 to test hist levels as well and he had a total testosterone of 300 , but his free testosterone was still at 9.....so we only have like a 3-4 point difference in free testosterone which does not seem too much given the fact that he is almost 40 years older.