Free T increased from 9.9 to 15.6 naturally. Total t 577. Estradiol 36.1. DHEA 541.3. Feel like crap


New Member
I have attached my updated blood work below, and will have my appointment with Dr. Saya scehduled tomorrow, which I understand will be 3-4 weeks out. I am not on TRT or any treatment.

My last blood draw results can be seen in this thread:

New Labs: (I'll put all lab screenshots below so you can see everything)
Total T: 577
Free T: 15.6
DHEA-Sulfate: 541.3
Estradiol: 36.1

Main changes since then:
1. Total T dropped from 620 to 577
2. Free T increased naturally (I am not on TRT) from 9.9 to 15.6
3. Still have high LDL and low HDL.
4 Been testing my fasting blood glucose and it is almost always 100+, with the highest reading at 117. Roughly 10% of the time it will be between 93-99.
5. Lymphocites have been elevated the past 3 blood draws, spanning over a year. Currently at 50.

Main symptoms:
1. Very bad fatigue. Hard to get out of bed in the mornings. Can lay there for hours.
2. Irritability, anxiety and depression on a level I have never felt before. This is becoming very bad.
3. Lack of drive and ambition.
4. Lack of joy in mostly everything.
5. No morning wood. Very long refractory period. One time per night now at max, 2 years ago 2-3 wasn't a problem. Glans not very sensitive. Long time to reach orgasm. Orgasms are not very strong. Much less ejaculate volume.
6. Overall bad feeling about life and things in general.
7. Wild mood swings from one minute to the next.

Are there any other labs I should have done before my appointment? I did the ones Defy requested.

Any idea if TRT, or something else, is an option for me based on these labs? I feel horrible and need to get to the cause of this. My free t increasing by over 50% was a big shock to me, as I suspected my 1.6% of total t free t was my problem.

Thanks for the help everyone. It is really, really appreciated.


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I'm not really seeing too much that is wrong, other than E2 being a bit high. That may be what's causing your issues but you don't seem to mention most of the high E2 symptoms, gyno, nipple sensitivity, bloating, or water retention.

Honestly, total and free are pretty decent. Just that pesky E2.
I feel very bloated after eating. I've had a colonoscopy and endoscopy that came back negative, but my GI doc was mostly concerned with turning me vegan, which I didn't. I have lots of IBS like symptoms. Bloating, gas, indigestion, falling asleep after meals or being very sleepy, headaches, etc.

I do not have gyno or nipple sensitivity. Not sure about water retention. What exactly do you mean by this?

I honestly feel horrible, and have for several years.

Isn't it odd that my Free T could raise from 9.9 to 15.6 naturally, without making any changes? And I feel worse now than I did then.

I honestly have almost every single symptom from this list of LOW E2:

Including the joint pain and eye fatigue, especially at night. Sleep 8-10 hours and still feel fatigued and tired.

Hopefully Dr. Saya can get me fixed up. I don't really know where to turn otherwise.
Sleep 8-10 hours and still feel fatigued and tired.

Hopefully Dr. Saya can get me fixed up. I don't really know where to turn otherwise.

Do you snore at night? Sleep apnea is horribly under-diagnosed and causes MANY vague, non-specific symptoms.

The high end DHEA *may* indicate a possible adrenal issue present or developing. It will be a while before consult, I would suggest some more adrenal testing in the interim period to include salivary cortisol X 4 and ACTH.

Depending on your budget, if wanting to turn over every stone due to your symptoms not likely (solely) due to current testosterone levels, a more thorough thyroid analysis would be helpful - Free T3, Free T4, reverse T3, TPO antibody, thyroglobulin antibody.
Regarding the IBS symptoms. My wife suffered from IBS like symptoms for 20 years before finally being diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). She was prescribed Gastrocrom and that has been a big help.
Do you snore at night? Sleep apnea is horribly under-diagnosed and causes MANY vague, non-specific symptoms.

The high end DHEA *may* indicate a possible adrenal issue present or developing. It will be a while before consult, I would suggest some more adrenal testing in the interim period to include salivary cortisol X 4 and ACTH.

Depending on your budget, if wanting to turn over every stone due to your symptoms not likely (solely) due to current testosterone levels, a more thorough thyroid analysis would be helpful - Free T3, Free T4, reverse T3, TPO antibody, thyroglobulin antibody.

Thanks Dr. Saya.

My girlfriend woke me up several times last night from snoring and had me put on a Breath Right nasal strip because she's afraid I will stop breathing. My sinuses get very clogged, especially at night, and it can be hard for me to breath without the nasal strips, so that could definitely be an issue. My doctor said I have a moderate bit of inflammation in my sinuses.

I believe I have had all, or most, of those thyroid labs done just under a year ago when I was still having the same symptoms. I attached the labs below.

I will have the Cortisol x 4 and ACTH labs done before our consult.

I've listened to podcasts about non alcoholic fatty liver, could that be a possibility? I have high fasting blood sugar levels almost always in the 100-110 range or so, high LDL, low HDL, and high lymphocytes. I've heard these are all symptoms of that?

Or could a food intolerance or food sensitivity be the cause of my issues?

I know we will probably go over this in the consult, just putting my thoughts to paper here.

I really appreciate all of the help.

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Can anyone take a look at my Free T3, Free T4, reverse T3, TPO antibody, thyroglobulin antibody from the labs above and tell me if they look normal?

Also, is it normal for my Free T to jump from 9.9 to 15.6 naturally, without any TRT, lifestyle change, or anything? That seems like a huge jump to me.

Thanks everyone.
New bloodwork.

ACTH at 1.6. I don't even know what this is, but it's very low.

Waiting on Cortisol results.

Total T down about 100 since a month ago or so. Lowest total t test I've had so far.

Any input?

Thanks all.

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As a side note try and have all your tests at the same lab at the same time, fasted ~10hours (water only) I say that for repeatability and comparability from one test to the next.
I had all of them done around the same time, before 9AM, and fasted. Though I had them done at different labs because some of them were paid for by insurance so I had to do those through my doctor. The others I paid to Defy to do through LabCorp.

Will there be different testosterone readings if you use a different lab?

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