Alright, Im a noob as far as posting here but have been reading these forums, peaktest forums and t nation for a little while as I have been suspect of either my T levels or thyroid for a bit. I decided to take the plunge with and take advantage of their special at $34 for free & total test plus hematocrit last week on 3/22/2017. This is the only blood work I have ever had in regards to test levels, and the only other blood tests I have had in YEARS were a CBC/Complete Metabolic/Urinalysis/Lipid and A1C back in late December 2016.
Age 34
5'7" 125.60 lbs today, been averaging 123.90-125.60 for several weeks now (123.90 is the lightest I have been in probably 15 or so years)
NEVER any recreational drugs and have never drank alcohol. Im on the evil garbage SSRI Paxil and have been for 17.5 years now, have been trying to get off it unsuccessfully for almost as long as I have been on it, down to 5mg currently, it causes a TON of side effects.
Supplements are 500mg Vitamin C.
Other meds are occasional Viagra (Revatio) & Cialis to combat severely diminished erection quality and libido that is getting worse and worse. Havent tried these in a "live" situation yet, no confidence currently.
Results from Labcorp (using the less sensitive test, ELICA I believe) were
Total Test 429 ng/dL Range: 348-1197
Free Test 9.27 ng/dL Range: 5.00-21.00
% Free Test 2.16% Range: 1.50-4.20
Hematocrit 49.9% Range: 37.5-51.0 (this test result was 49.1% back in December)
The testing was done shortly after 11:00 am which is general if Im going to have "morning wood", between 10:00-11:00 am is gonna be the most likely time, although it doesnt happen often at all. This was also after about 4 days of not ejaculating which is alleged to increase T levels by some, although most claim you dont see a gain until day 7 of this. After around a 15 hour fast.
I KNOW I need other tests, but this test being offered at a low price at least got me to finally start looking into things more. Dr (nurse practitioner) mentioned testing levels not long ago when I was in there for a Viagra/Cialis script, but wanted me to go through their "discount" lab testing. I dont have health insurance, so Im taking this slowly, as the medical world will bleed you dry quickly without ever producing results if you let it.
I can post my other blood results from back in December 2016, but what stands out to me amongst the list
WBC 4.7 Range: 3.4-10.8
RBC 5.76 Range: 4.14-5.80
Hemoglobin 17.0 Range: 12.6-17.7
Hematocrit 49.1 Range: 37.5-51.0
Glucose 99 Range:65-99
Total Cholesterol 194 Range: 100-199
Triglycerides 149 Range: 0-149
HDL 41 Range: >39
VLDL 39 Range: 5-40
LDL 123 "HIGH" Range:0-99
A1C 5.3 Range: 4.8-5.6
Age 34
5'7" 125.60 lbs today, been averaging 123.90-125.60 for several weeks now (123.90 is the lightest I have been in probably 15 or so years)
NEVER any recreational drugs and have never drank alcohol. Im on the evil garbage SSRI Paxil and have been for 17.5 years now, have been trying to get off it unsuccessfully for almost as long as I have been on it, down to 5mg currently, it causes a TON of side effects.
Supplements are 500mg Vitamin C.
Other meds are occasional Viagra (Revatio) & Cialis to combat severely diminished erection quality and libido that is getting worse and worse. Havent tried these in a "live" situation yet, no confidence currently.
Results from Labcorp (using the less sensitive test, ELICA I believe) were
Total Test 429 ng/dL Range: 348-1197
Free Test 9.27 ng/dL Range: 5.00-21.00
% Free Test 2.16% Range: 1.50-4.20
Hematocrit 49.9% Range: 37.5-51.0 (this test result was 49.1% back in December)
The testing was done shortly after 11:00 am which is general if Im going to have "morning wood", between 10:00-11:00 am is gonna be the most likely time, although it doesnt happen often at all. This was also after about 4 days of not ejaculating which is alleged to increase T levels by some, although most claim you dont see a gain until day 7 of this. After around a 15 hour fast.
I KNOW I need other tests, but this test being offered at a low price at least got me to finally start looking into things more. Dr (nurse practitioner) mentioned testing levels not long ago when I was in there for a Viagra/Cialis script, but wanted me to go through their "discount" lab testing. I dont have health insurance, so Im taking this slowly, as the medical world will bleed you dry quickly without ever producing results if you let it.
I can post my other blood results from back in December 2016, but what stands out to me amongst the list
WBC 4.7 Range: 3.4-10.8
RBC 5.76 Range: 4.14-5.80
Hemoglobin 17.0 Range: 12.6-17.7
Hematocrit 49.1 Range: 37.5-51.0
Glucose 99 Range:65-99
Total Cholesterol 194 Range: 100-199
Triglycerides 149 Range: 0-149
HDL 41 Range: >39
VLDL 39 Range: 5-40
LDL 123 "HIGH" Range:0-99
A1C 5.3 Range: 4.8-5.6