Nine times out of 10 when somebody says, they have symptoms right after their injections, building up to a peak, it’s iron deficiency.
I’ve caught this so many times with other new members I lost count. If you’re iron deficient or on the verge of iron deficiency, these symptoms would be typical.
I know, this happened to me only I was in the ER everytime my hormones would peak. My neck and leg muscles would tense up nearing the peak.
Iron and estrogen have a bidirectional relationship, high iron, low estrogen (menopausal women), low iron, high estrogen (young women).
There’s also a relationship between high testosterone and lower ferritin and low testosterone and higher ferritin.
That’s because testosterone utilizes more iron.
Low iron causes all sorts of metabolic abnormalities, including the livers clearance rate of estrogen.
Check ferritin and iron saturation.