Feeling much worse with IM?

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I hear ya man. Im in my 40s and on TRT, so my take on life is to give it all you got. Ill be in my 80s still hunting for a good lay. That’s the whole point of TRT, because its healthy to have sexual thoughts. I have friends who are nice guys and they never get what they want out of their relationships. It blows being in a dead bedroom, going to bed hoping to get more than your monthly ration. I was once there, and then I changed it all. So I may sound like a teen horndog, but its because thats who I am at heart. Now lets get back to TRT... And I dont have advice, only an opinion or point of view based on experience, you cannot put your health on what anyone here writes. But we all try to help each other, since most doctors are clueless regarding Hormone therapy.
The whole point of TRT to YOU.
The whole point of TRT to YOU.
Looks like someone is going around removing replies. Sex and desire are a big part of TRT. It matters to the OP. Read the initial post. Otherwise, what else are we talking about on this thread? Feeling good and libido. Try again buddy
Looks like someone is going around removing replies. Sex and desire are a big part of TRT. It matters to the OP. Read the initial post. Otherwise, what else are we talking about on this thread? Feeling good and libido. Try again buddy

No trying, only doing in life, so let me do this.

Sex and desire are no part of TRT whatsoever for me and the OP only mentions that one of his symptoms is a diminished libido.
He first mentions:
I've felt progressively more fatigued and out of it, to the point of being barely functional and totally unmotivated today. Already took a couple of naps.

For this body/mind organism being awake and aware with intention and motivation(sometimes with aggression), good functioning memory and cognitive abilities, as what DHT(for instance low dose Stanozolol) gives me, is what TRT is about.(optimal performance for the work I do or MA/gym workout)

I am married to my dream girl and libido is lit by her, I do not react to other stimuli then her. Even when I was in a very very bad state for years she would still make my Johnson Rock H. on a regular basis.

Feeling good is such a subjective symptom, is totally different for everyone and just talking in these terms diminishes the potential of TRT. It shows how shallow your experience is and how you judge others experience with that same short yard-stick.
LOL!!! Reporting my replies says a lot Mr Rock. I wont waste time on you.
What? The mods remove your replies when the language is not proper in it or implies an escalation of the thread based on personal attack, etc. I have never even seen your first reply to me. I have had a reply dissapearing the other day too. I admit it was a kneejerk, so then I rewrote it and it got posted.

Edit: I am a grown up man, I really do not have to go cry foul to some one else for help, not virtually nor in real life.
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If that was directed at me, I didn’t report anything to anyone.

I was annoyed when I thought I was getting shit from a 17 year old, but not annoyed enough to waste my time writing to whoever it is that runs this thing.
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