Eye spy a STYE


New Member
Afternoon folks, I'm now 4 weeks into my trt treatment (125mg Sustanon E5d). I'm happy with the progress and know I'm very very early on in the process.

So this weekend I woke up a with a painful stye in my eye lid, had a look in mirror and possibly more than one on same eye. In my early 20's (I'm 37 now) I suffered terribly with them for about 6 months, it left permanent scarring on eye lids. They disappeared on their own back then with no real change to lifestyle and not had them for last 15yrs.

I've done a bit of Google research and there are some papers linking testosterone and styes. Your eye lids manage their health by producing oils so it makes sense hormanal changes could have an impact.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any advice, thoughts? I could find any threads on this.

I've treated this one and it has settled down but deeply worried i'll get a bought of them again. It totally crippled my self confidence back then.
Warm compresses and massage to deal with acute bouts. The increase in sebum/meibum is the culprit. Get an over the counter lid scrub preparation and clean your lid/lash area every evening. Sometimes it may take a course of an antibiotic if the style leads to cellulitis.
I had this same problem when I was NOT on TRT. I get an internal stye on one eye, then another in a different eye. It just keep repeating. The problem is you have some type of disfunction with the glands. Maybe from medication, could be excessive strain on eyes from computer, hormonal imbalance, dry eye, who knows. Then it takes forever to go away or you need surgery. Went to this one eye doctor and he recommend me try doxycycline hyclate to prevent them. Doxy Hyclate can restore tear film back to normal, fast. And that's your problem. Glands aren't functioning correctly and they get clogged. So here is what I would do...I gently touch my eyelids if I think another stye is coming. If I feel any pain I immeadiatly take doxy 100 (dosage kinda depends on bodyweight). You should take it before eye swells so always have it on hand. I take the medication until the pain is gone (3 or 4 days). You must take it before stye forms. I haven't had this problem for years. But doxy worked wonders for me. It dosn't kill infection, it has been proven to return gland function to normal or better than normal. Also, NEVER rub your eyes or apply pressure to lids because it will cause more since what you are actually rubbing are the dysfunctional glands. Wherever you rub another might develop in that same spot.
I had this same problem when I was NOT on TRT. I get an internal stye on one eye, then another in a different eye. It just keep repeating. The problem is you have some type of disfunction with the glands. Maybe from medication, could be excessive strain on eyes from computer, hormonal imbalance, dry eye, who knows. Then it takes forever to go away or you need surgery. Went to this one eye doctor and he recommend me try doxycycline hyclate to prevent them. Doxy Hyclate can restore tear film back to normal, fast. And that's your problem. Glands aren't functioning correctly and they get clogged. So here is what I would do...I gently touch my eyelids if I think another stye is coming. If I feel any pain I immeadiatly take doxy 100 (dosage kinda depends on bodyweight). You should take it before eye swells so always have it on hand. I take the medication until the pain is gone (3 or 4 days). You must take it before stye forms. I haven't had this problem for years. But doxy worked wonders for me. It dosn't kill infection, it has been proven to return gland function to normal or better than normal. Also, NEVER rub your eyes or apply pressure to lids because it will cause more since what you are actually rubbing are the dysfunctional glands. Wherever you rub another might develop in that same spot.
Doxy is typically used for chronic management of blepharitis/meibomian gland dysfunction. I’ll prescribe it 50mg twice daily for three months and then maybe change it to once a day depending on presentation. If there’s a legitimate infection (cellulitis), then I’ll usually go with Keflex 500mg twice daily for 7 days. Genetics can play a role in incidence of styes. Those who are red headed or of Northern European ancestry are more apt to have issues. The same is true with acne rosacea.
@Drofeyes21 and @CROM Thank you both for the advice. I ordered ocusoft lid foam and have been using Dr. Fischer Eyelid Wipes in the interim until its delivered. Stye seems to have gone and no reoccurrence yet. Will definitely look at the recommended medications if this doesn't work. Wish this forum existed 15yrs ago!
There is a device at some eye doc’s offices called Lipiflow. It inserts inside the lids and applies heat with a massaging motion to aid in expressing the oils in the glands. Anecdotally it’s effective. However, insurance doesn’t cover it and it usually costs $800 a treatment, yikes. Just another option if you have disposable income.
I'm currently trying to understand the styes I've been getting over the last couple years. They're actually called chalazions fyi. I'm suspecting a hormone imbalance from my TRT protocol is the culprit. 120mg enanth, 500iu HCG, 1/2mg adex, divided twice weekly
I am currently dealing with styes as a result of TRT. I’ve been trying everything and considering stopping TRT. Any updates or suggestions?
When I get a sensitive eyelid close to the eyelashes, I assume it's bacterial infection so I rub the eyelid with rubbing alcohol, keeping the eye tightly closed so the alcohol doesn't burn the eye, until the alcohol evaporates. That kills the bacteria and it doesn't develop any further.

Sometimes I get bumps on the inner side of the upper eyelids, which scratch my eye like a foreign body. For those, I assume it is an inflamed/clogged gland so I drop anti-histamine eye drops (ketotifen) and it is gone in 1 day.

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