Estrogen rebound???

Last week I stopped my restart attempt and went back on TRT. I stopped nolvadex at 10 mg and just started with the shots again.

Is there a likely issue with estrogen rebound ? Should I have tapered past 10mg? Continue it while on the trt for a while? Any advice?

Just wondering because I have had some days here where I am back to wildly emotional and dizzy. Thanks guys
If you are going through an estrogen rebound ordeal, that would mean your E2 has/had crashed, which would have been achieved as a result of too much AI, like Arimidex, Letro, etc. Can you clarify if your E2 serum levels were tanked due to over administration of an AI? The Tamox is a SERM, it would mitigate the effects of estrogen at the receptor sites, but it won't do anything to lower actual serum levels.

Tamox is actually an excellent compound to have "when" E-Rebound is taking place, as the receptors in the nipple area can be off the charts when E2 starts climbing. A little Tamox during that time will relieve the symptoms, and in most cases it is only needed for a week, maybe less ...
Thanks chris. I have not been on an AI. I was on clomid for a few weeks and nolvadex for over a month. The restart didn't work so I went back on t cyp. I had already stopped the clomid but two days before I started trt again I stopped the nolvadex.

I was worried there would be an issue with estrogen shooting through the roof or even just the receptors getting flooded with the estrogen I had once the nolva went away.
Yeah, probably a good chance your E2 is through the roof. The Tamox isn't an AI, so I'm not sure what the physician's plan was?? My advise, start with an E2 Sensitive/Ultra Sen assay, see where your serum level is at, then a new plan can be put in place.
Nolvadex and clomid are commonly used to try and restart the pituitary into producing LH. Those two didn't do a good job getting mine going. So I stopped them.

If estrogen is through the roof, how long would it take to drop on its on or do I need to bump it down with an AI because it will take too long to clear? I ask because I don't want to go on an AI if my levels would drop in a week or two. I never had problems with estrogen while on trt so I don't think I will need it long term. Thanks.
GA, "through the roof" can be a relative situation for each individual, it just depends on what your E2 sensitive number looks like. On a Labcorp ref range of 3-70, I've seen guys at 50, 60, 100'sh, and if I remember right there was one guy on another forum who was at the 140 level. I think that's the highest I've seen, sure there's others plenty higher.

Also, copy that on the Nolva & HCG talking point. I overlooked that you were doing a restart, and thought you were on some type of HCG Mono Therapy.

Even if someone was 100, and you would essentially like to be in the 20pg to 35pg area, you DON'T have to ramp up the AI to extreme dosages, or jump-in with a suicide inhibitor like Letrozole. If levels are elevated, you can easily, and usually get it under control with .75mg to 1.5mg (at absolute most IMO) per week of Arimidex, divided in 3 dosages.

If it takes a month, or two months to get sorted out, so be it, it would be better to get a gradual, but steady decline to the "optimal" area, as opposed to mega doses of AI that will crash & burn, plus it's a compound that can be down right harmful when administered too heavy. That's just my take and opinion on this stuff, I've heard it and lived it first hand ...
Chris. If you happen to stop back this way!
I feel like hell. Anxiety through the roof, muscle tension, head pressure and dizziness, adrenaline surges, etc. classic anxiety but much more pronounced than my normal. I went back and looked at some notes and I recall feeling the exact same way December 2013 when I stopped a restart attempt and went back on the TRT. Trying to figure out if it is coincidence or something related to stopping the SERMs and starting the testosterone. last time at this same point my thyroid went out of whack and it has always been stable. And it corrected after a month or two.


The estrogen rebound we talked about above?
Can a sudden rise in testosterone cause an increase in stress hormones?
Some sort of discontinuation syndrome in coming off the SERMs?
Can any of this impact the thyroid?

I am well aware I have an underlying anxiety issue, but I have been great with coping skills and then suddenly I feel like I am thrown right back to December 2013 when I stopped my last restart attempt and went back on TRT.

GA, it's all speculation without having labs. Get all of your labs taken then let's go through them ...

BTW, I don't think there's any "discontinuation syndrome" plaguing you with stopping the SERM. The HCG might have been elevating your E2, and the Nolva "could" have been mitigating the sensitivity at the receptor sites. Again, labs will tell us more.

If you're inclined, run a 4x saliva cortisol panel with DHEA correlation. If something is off on the thyroid, it very well could be a result of where your adrenals are at. Based on what you described, your body sounds like it's enduring a lot of stress. That can be hormonal related, as well as metabolic and/or a myriad of other possibilities. Labs will tell the tale ...
Thanks chris. Actually doing the 4x cortisol and Dhea today. It's actually an expanded urine and saliva test for those plus neurotransmitters and sex hormones. My doctor gave it to me a while back and figured I would do it for fun. I know cortisol correlates well in saliva but the others are controversial so we shall see. Now just have to wait weeks for results!!

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