Clomid Questions? When to Stop


Active Member
Hello all,
My HPTA restart began 6 weeks ago without a problem. HCG mono for 3 weeks followed by Clomid 12.5mg EOD for 6 weeks. I believe I'm in my 3rd week of Clomid and I've just now started to feel bad on it. My anxiety level is starting to slowly creep up and so is a feeling of depression. My libido is caput and my energy sucks. This is how I felt on TRT before I started taking my low dose antidepressant which had me feeling confident in the bedroom and in the workplace. I could tell my mood has suddenly dipped. I've had a few hot flashes a day and I'm wondering if my E2 is just going beserk.

I'm wondering what will happen if I end this Clomid charade and stop cold turkey. Will my natural testosterone production rebound eventually? I don't want to feel like this again. What have others felt on Clomid? I have 3 more weeks to go on Clomid, but this really does suck.
You can try moving that to every 3 days. 12.5mg EOD is a good sane starting place but Clomid is notorious for Estrogen, as well as raising SHBG though those sides might typically come with higher doses.
Guys that have success on Clomid are typically called Unicorns because that's just the success rate it seems to have.

If you stopped cold turkey you just return to your previous low T baseline. You could wean off to soften the drop, too.
You can try moving that to every 3 days. 12.5mg EOD is a good sane starting place but Clomid is notorious for Estrogen, as well as raising SHBG though those sides might typically come with higher doses.
Guys that have success on Clomid are typically called Unicorns because that's just the success rate it seems to have.

If you stopped cold turkey you just return to your previous low T baseline. You could wean off to soften the drop, too.
To be honest my pre-TRT baseline felt just like my TRT baseline so that wouldn't hurt. I just want to make sure that I'm not messing up my restart by abandoning the Clomid too early. I have never been on Clomid this long. My endo took me off it when she prescribed me 25mg per day. That was obviously too high because I had hot flashes galore. I'm having a few now, but they are not as severe as when I took it at 25mg.

However, I'm a heavy guy so I'm almost certain my E2 is skyrocketing. If I abandon this Clomid treatment early will it result in delaying my natural production of T?
I tried a restart last year that went three months. Clomid 25 mg every day for six weeks and EOD after that. My anxiety level actually dropped, but that was because my T tanked and that was the whole reason for the restart (pre existing anxiety that TRT aggravated). Other than that your experience sounds like mine. Weak as hell, depressed, felt like crying all the time, moody, and could only get it up about once every 10 days or so. As stated above, my E2 climbed and SHBG rose a bit. After 3 months my LH and FSH were at the top of range but my balls were only putting out TT of 350. Doc wanted to wait another 3 months but wasnt optimistic. I just wanted off the shit and started back on the needle. I was probably too old and on TRT too long for it to have a good chance to work, but everybody is different. Try to keep your estrogen in check and give it a good three months to see where you are at if you can. Ive been where you are and it didn't kill me. Your body and hormones are out of whack and it takes some time for things to get running again if they are going to.
A couple years back Dr Saya posted the typical restart.
2 weeks hcg 300-400iu daily
Followed by
4weeks clomid 25mg daily

I say dump clomid at 4wks or taper off now
Hello all,
My HPTA restart began 6 weeks ago without a problem. HCG mono for 3 weeks followed by Clomid 12.5mg EOD for 6 weeks. I believe I'm in my 3rd week of Clomid and I've just now started to feel bad on it. My anxiety level is starting to slowly creep up and so is a feeling of depression. My libido is caput and my energy sucks. This is how I felt on TRT before I started taking my low dose antidepressant which had me feeling confident in the bedroom and in the workplace. I could tell my mood has suddenly dipped. I've had a few hot flashes a day and I'm wondering if my E2 is just going beserk.

I'm wondering what will happen if I end this Clomid charade and stop cold turkey. Will my natural testosterone production rebound eventually? I don't want to feel like this again. What have others felt on Clomid? I have 3 more weeks to go on Clomid, but this really does suck.

You can stop the clomid having taken it for 3 weeks as you describe. You may or may not be experiencing some sides of the estrogen agonist/antagonist action, but your system has had some push for restart now and will continue the process, albeit more gradually. Clomid simply accelerates the process, but not worth the expense of side effects (if experienced).
From being on the forums for years and what dr saya just described. Clomid restarts only seem to get you to pre trt baseline. Not back to before you got low t. I do not even recall one guy on any of these boards that went from say 250 t levels to say 800 t levels on clomid and actually stayed at 800 long term off of clomid or anything.

At this point for me going of trt cold turkey was just as easy as going of using clomid. And the same end result. I still have low normal t levels.
From being on the forums for years and what dr saya just described. Clomid restarts only seem to get you to pre trt baseline. Not back to before you got low t. I do not even recall one guy on any of these boards that went from say 250 t levels to say 800 t levels on clomid and actually stayed at 800 long term off of clomid or anything.

At this point for me going of trt cold turkey was just as easy as going of using clomid. And the same end result. I still have low normal t levels.
I agree these restarts just seem to do nothing more than soften the return to the low T baseline, I can't think of any one from the forums I frequent that was better off post-restart than whatever they were doing previously.
From being on the forums for years and what dr saya just described. Clomid restarts only seem to get you to pre trt baseline. Not back to before you got low t. I do not even recall one guy on any of these boards that went from say 250 t levels to say 800 t levels on clomid and actually stayed at 800 long term off of clomid or anything.

At this point for me going of trt cold turkey was just as easy as going of using clomid. And the same end result. I still have low normal t levels.
No, I don't expect the Clomid to bring me back to normal levels. I just wanted my system to jump start so that my testes could begin to work on their own again. I was thinking of going cold turkey like you, but was afraid of the sides. Well the sides I'm experiencing now is what I thought I'd feel by going cold turkey. This restart was prescribed by Defy so I'm going to take Dr. Saya's advice and get off this stuff after this week. I feel better today, but I've hard this is common on Clomid. Mood swings back and forth all the time. I'm glad to be going natural soon.
From Dr. Saya

There are certainly some challenges in treating with low dose clomid, specifically in dealing with the varying effect (estrogen antagonist/agonist) of the two isomers enclomiphene and zuclomiphene. However, as I (and Dr Crisler) have said many times...I DO ACHIEVE SUCCESS in a fair number of guys with both a good objective AND subjective (symptomatic) response. This is one of my patients. Now there are certainly many guys that do NOT respond well to clomid for various reasons (wrong dosing, mismanagement, poor estrogen control, high SHBG, lack of response from HPTA, or just simply not tolerating the medication), but there are also many that have a good and even great response.

Are guys that do well on low dose clomid unicorns...or do they really exist?
4weeks clomid 25mg daily
From Dr. Saya

There are certainly some challenges in treating with low dose clomid, specifically in dealing with the varying effect (estrogen antagonist/agonist) of the two isomers enclomiphene and zuclomiphene. However, as I (and Dr Crisler) have said many times...I DO ACHIEVE SUCCESS in a fair number of guys with both a good objective AND subjective (symptomatic) response. This is one of my patients. Now there are certainly many guys that do NOT respond well to clomid for various reasons (wrong dosing, mismanagement, poor estrogen control, high SHBG, lack of response from HPTA, or just simply not tolerating the medication), but there are also many that have a good and even great response.

Are guys that do well on low dose clomid unicorns...or do they really exist?
From Dr. Saya

There are certainly some challenges in treating with low dose clomid, specifically in dealing with the varying effect (estrogen antagonist/agonist) of the two isomers enclomiphene and zuclomiphene. However, as I (and Dr Crisler) have said many times...I DO ACHIEVE SUCCESS in a fair number of guys with both a good objective AND subjective (symptomatic) response. This is one of my patients. Now there are certainly many guys that do NOT respond well to clomid for various reasons (wrong dosing, mismanagement, poor estrogen control, high SHBG, lack of response from HPTA, or just simply not tolerating the medication), but there are also many that have a good and even great response.

Are guys that do well on low dose clomid unicorns...or do they really exist?

How about Guys who has Low T dues to LOW LH & FSH. Will low dosing of clomid able to restart the HPT Axis.? 12.5mg/day or 25mg/day.....

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