EOD vs twice weekly Sustanon fluctuation could be the key

Coming to think about it I think i had multiple honey moon periods, could be related to sustanon has multiple easters.
I am thinking maybe the speed of the fluctuation also matters. Sudden fast burst of testosterone, not sure though. Morning wood again went away. I Will stay like this for some time and play with estrogen a bit to see if it matters
Ok I got another honyyyyyy mooooooonnnnnn. Been going on for few days now. Not sure cuz I comoneyed my 40 days or increased my injection by 2cc ;)
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I am in this protocol for almost 2month now,

feeling great libido comes and go but even when it goes it is still good. I am sure I had more than one honey moon period during this time, strongest was first two week and near the end of my 40 days. It was also almost another two weeks.

Morning wood is almost daily !

my trough was near 23 nmol Total T, that would make my peak very high I guess hcg is giving me higher T. I may reduce it later Don’t want to deal with high hematocrit.

Until now I am very happy with this protocol.
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Thank you for staying dedicated to this thread!
I really hope libido don’t go away, I think because of multiple esters I got multiple honey moon periods.
lets see what will happen In the next month or two. Will libido start to go away along with morning wood or will it still come and go due to these multiple esters.

One thing for sure EOD was not good at all. Not even close to twice weekly.
Still doing good here, I have no doubt at all that twice weekly is much better than daily.
Even for my estrogen control currently I use a micro dose once after my injection, I am not sure if I still need it but I felt it was needed but will confirm this later.

morning wood comes and goes I have added
L-citrulline, at one time it was continues daily.
I will stay like this for sometime then shift to once weekly !
If speed of the movement and fluctuation is helping it could be better once weekly.

my original protocol recommended by a leading known doctor was 250mg once weekly and two days AI after the injection day. Which I didn’t do yet but apparently I am heading toward it, maybe not that high though.
Have you had any. Look work? How’s your e2 on sustanon
I take one micro dose like 0.01 mg (I think) when I did my lab one week ago it was 26 near trough. I really feel when I was doing EOD my estrogen was much higher. As I was taking one micro dose EOD ! Which now I am taking only twice weekly!.

In my EOD my E was between 15 and 20. Many test confirmed this. All before my injections.
A doctor told me estrogen peaks first and second day after my injection he said take ai in these two days only he also said take 250mg once a week. Since I am doing less I am taking very micro dose I don’t think I. Red that high dose.
Feeling difficulties reaching orgasm again ! Not new to me last time it was high estrogen issue, so I am increasing my micro arimidix dose. Let’s se how it goes.
throw the arimidex in the garbage man you gotta stop messing with estrogen. there is something else wrong. your distributing your entire system with that stuff. should not be having all these issues, your androgen receptors are possibly not responding like they should due to environmental reasons. I would follow that doc, 250mg once weekly for you, morning wood and orgasm will come back. report back.

for me 50 2x/week is ok, gets the job done just do it because thats what your "supposed" to do. personally whats best for me is 200-250 in one shot deep IM once weekly. set it and forget it. no other compounds.
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throw the arimidex in the garbage man you gotta stop messing with estrogen. there is something else wrong. your distributing your entire system with that stuff. should not be having all these issues, your androgen receptors are possibly not responding like they should due to environmental reasons. I would follow that doc, 250mg once weekly for you, morning wood and orgasm will come back. report back.

for me 50 2x/week is ok, gets the job done just do it because thats what your "supposed" to do. personally whats best for me is 200-250 in one shot deep IM once weekly. set it and forget it. no other compounds.
Actually my doc recommended 1mg one day and second day after injection, to be adjusted later.

And I have noticed an ability to reach orgasm when it goes up, I can redouble check this.
I tried without AI when I started could t tolerate the estrogen I became very moody.
Actually my doc recommended 1mg one day and second day after injection, to be adjusted later.

And I have noticed an ability to reach orgasm when it goes up, I can redouble check this.
I tried without AI when I started could t tolerate the estrogen I became very moody.
when you stop AI there is an adjustment period where you will feel really off. its vicious cycle you think you need another AI, but you have to weather the storm and wait and youll come out better off.
when you stop AI there is an adjustment period where you will feel really off. its vicious cycle you think you need another AI, but you have to weather the storm and wait and youll come out better off.
Ok I may try this at one point.
And yes I am still doing good libido is really still good, I skipped my last injection just to shake things, and libido still good !!! My next injection is tomorrow. Will do that and continue normally with my injections.
Let’s see what will happen if I injected again after skipping one Injection.

again twice weekly,high dose at onetwo times basically, ismuch better than low dose EOD injection. I love this protocol.
And yes I am still doing good libido is really still good, I skipped my last injection just to shake things, and libido still good !!! My next injection is tomorrow. Will do that and continue normally with my injections.
Let’s see what will happen if I injected again after skipping one Injection.

again twice weekly,high dose at onetwo times basically, ismuch better than low dose EOD injection. I love this protocol.
Just curious what is your shbg?
I have a bunch of prop and cyp I’m still getting through. I might try a combo and see if I get similar results. Do you know off hand how many mgs of short Ester you are getting from 250 sustanon?
I have a bunch of prop and cyp I’m still getting through. I might try a combo and see if I get similar results. Do you know off hand how many mgs of short Ester you are getting from 250 sustanon?
I posted this in another thread, maybe it is helpful:
Active Half Life of Sustanon is between 15-18 days so if you need 5 half life cycles to get to 96% serum saturation, testing would be at a minimum after 75 days or 10-11 weeks.

Because of the multi-ester each ester on its own will reach saturation after its 5x half life so for Sustanon that would be:
ester(% of Sustanon) = serum saturation time
Tprop(12%)=10 days
Tphen(24%)=22.5 days
Tisoc (24%)=45 days
Tdeca (40%)=75 days
(Multi-ester = multi-honeymoon....lol)

The molecular weight of Sustanon is .7 so 100mg a week would be 70mg unestrified Test at full saturation, although its not that simple as each ester also has each its own molecular weight so at different half life times you will have different esters releasing their % of 100mg T.
Tprop(.837)= 10.004mg
Tphen(.686)= 16.464mg
Tisoc (.746)= 17.904mg
Tdeca(.652)= 26.080mg
I have a bunch of prop and cyp I’m still getting through. I might try a combo and see if I get similar results. Do you know off hand how many mgs of short Ester you are getting from 250 sustanon?
Google sustanol you will see the mix written on the boxes. I believe the prop did something.
When I enjected EOD the dose was small maybe that’s one of the reason why I didn’t feel it.

with twice weekly doing 50mg twice I got honey moon period the next day after may first injection ! Which last for around two weeks.
And then I got another honey moon when I reached around 40 days which again last for two weeks. There are also something between them but not as intense.

after that I am doing better not A honey thing or maybe the speeed of movement is doing something
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