3 day sex party, some ED. Report on trying out various compounds.

45 year old male here. I'd like to post my trials and tribulations with libido issues and some sporadic ED issues.
I started T supplementation about 18 months ago for low libido. As an example, I fondly recall that in my early 30's I could have sex 3 times in a 24 hour period fairly regularly. I'd get spontaneous erections at various times throughout the day. That hasn't been the case for a few years, and my libido decreased to the point where I only wanted sex a couple of times a week. (For the record my long term girlfriend is smoking hot and has a very high sex drive.)
I went to see a doc about starting T.
My doc started me on 80 mg IM once per week, and after a while I changed it to 100 mg IM once per week on my own. My doc had me take anastrozole 1 mg once per week.
After reading the forum on ********, I decided to change my T dosing to twice per week, so I changed to 50 mg SQ twice per week.
I have no health issues, and lift weights several times per week, and I'm in great shape for my age, or in fact any age. (No dad bod here.) I don't do any cardio, all weights and bodyweight training.
My libido and performance has certainly improved but weren't ideal and nothing like in my 30's.
About 6 months ago, my doc had me increase my Anastrozole 1 mg per week to 1 mg twice per week after my estradiol came back slightly elevated at 34. Normal is supposed to be <29 pg/ml per Quest labs.

My libido which got much better in the first few months on T, seemed to get even worse, and after reading the ******** group, and many of Nelson's posts, I recently cut back to Anastrozole 1mg per week. When I brought this up with my doc at a visit last month, she agreed that it was worth a try to improve my libido and performance.

Now to the field report:
Of note, my girlfriend and I are swingers so every few months we engage in sex parties.

Even with the T supplementation and with Cialis, there have been a couple of occasions where I couldn't perform. It was never with my girlfriend, only with another girl, so there must be a big psychological component at work here.

We were going to a 3 day swinger event so I was working to prepare myself for the festivities.
This is what I did:
For a couple of weeks prior I started Gene Devine's nitric oxide stack with some modifications.
The following 3 times per day:
L-arginine 1.5 grams
Beet root 605 mg
L-Citrulline 1.5 grams

NOW Brand Testojack 100 - 4 capsules once or twice per day. I did this for the Tongkat Ali which I have read can sexual performance.

I started the 5 mg Cialis three times per day as in Gene's stack about 4 or 5 days prior to the big event. I have 20 mg tablets so I either cut them in half and bite off half of that, or try to take a nibble off that I estimate to be a quarter. It is probably closer to a third than a quarter.
I have tablets from some place in India. To be honest with you I don't remember how I first ordered from them so I don't even know the source. They call me on my cell every month or so for a re-order and say they are "Canadian Pharmacy" which is obviously generic.. Sometimes I wonder if the pills are counterfeit or low potency because sometimes they seem to help, and sometimes not at all.

I also took PT-141 from a peptide research company. I tried it a couple of times, once I did 1mg SQ and it did absolutely nothing. I tried 1.5 mg SQ the day I left for the swinger event, hoping it would help since I've read some people report the effects last for 2 to 3 days. It did nothing.

So here's my field report from my swinger party.
At this point my chemical stack is L-arginine and Citrulline 3 times per day, and Cialis 5 - 10 g 3 times per day, and Testojack100 4 capsules once per day.
Day 1:
Drank too much alcohol during the day and crashed early in the evening.

Day 2:
Kept my alcohol intake during the day moderate, just a few beers.
Interestingly that day I woke up with the most intense morning wood I've had in a long time. I had sex with my GF but didn't come since I wanted saved it for later.
Did marginally well in a mid afternoon sex session with 2 other couples. Performed OK but not great. Got soft after a while with the second woman. I wasn't nearly as hard as I was in the morning.
Much later that day, around 3 in the morning, did great in a sex session with 1 other couple.

Day 3:
Again I kept my alcohol intake at a minimum. I only had a few hours of sleep since we were going on with that other couple until past 4AM and I didn’t eat well, so I was hungry and a bit tired.
In an afternoon session with another couple, I was completely flat. Could not get it up. Got kind of semirigid a couple of times but not enough to perform. Mind you, I am 3 days into the stack and taking 5 - 10 mg Cialis three times per day now.
I decide I really need to eat and get some sleep. I get some food and take 3 mg of melatonin, and some 5-HTP and take a several hour nap.
When I wake up, it’s around 9 or 10 PM and the last night of the party. I take 1.5 grams of Phenibut. I only recently learned of Phenibut. I’ll leave you to do your own research on it. I’ve seen it described as having many different effects. Some say it helps with social anxiety. Some say it is a muscle relaxant and Russian athletes use it. Some say it gives them the most intense orgasms, kind of like Ecstasy without the E-**** (impotence.)
I also take one pill of Caber, a prolactin inhibitor. Some claim it reduces refractory time. I couldn’t perform on my last session which was about 12 hours since my prior one and I figured it was worth a try. I bought it in the past because I wanted to see if I could keep going after having an orgasm with zero refractory time like some people claim. To be honest, the one or two times I tried I went to sleep after my orgasm so I don’t know if I could have gone again LOL!

I have a few drinks that night and never really feel much horniness. Another couple really wants to **** and I’m like “meh. I’m kind of tired.” I wasn’t really feeling that horny, didn’t have any spontaneous wood, and I certainly was worried I wouldn’t be able to perform again. I end up back in our room with just my girlfriend and as we get into bed I sport the hardest spontaneous wood I’ve had in a long time and we have a great session.

I tried a modified version of Gene Devine’s stack which was working during the week giving me good morning wood. In the future i plan to get Longjack 200 which has horny goat weed which is in Gene’s stack, and also Maca root which I think he commented about in another thread.

Nelson is right that too much Aromatase inhibitors can kill libido. I got worse when my doc increased my Anastrozole and then I got much better when I went down from 1 mg twice per week to 1 mg once per week.

PT-141 1mg and 1.5 mg SQ have done nothing for me. I felt some flushing after taking it so I think the product is legit. I'm going to try 2 mg.

Someone on the forum here mentioned that 20 mg Cialis does nothing for them, and splitting the dose into 5 mgs is better. I have to play with my dosing. I’m also thinking of adding Viagra right before any festivities. Anyone stack Viagra and Cialis?

I personally wonder if Melatonin has an effect on erections. My best morning woods recently happen when I take melatonin the night before to help sleep. In my recent escapades, the best wood I had was one day first thing in the morning but another time at 3AM when I took melatonin around 6PM.

Phenibut 1.5 mg may have helped and I need to experiment with it some more.

As everyone knows, the psychological component is probably more important than anything else, unless you are injecting tri-mix or bi-mix. I need to learn some mind tricks to get in the mood more reliably.

Speaking of bi-mix or tri-mix, does anyone use those while traveling? I wouldn’t mind trying them, but how do you use it discreetly? It’s not like you can carry a refrigerated syringe in your pocket and if you need wood, excuse yourself to the bathroom and inject.

Going to try Caber, if I can get some more. It’s expensive, and the source I used is no longer available.
I'm eager to hear of other things people have tried other than just Cialis because that alone doesn't do the trick for me 100% of the time.
good for you... multiples are awesome and to be enjoyed. I take most of the supps you listed. They make you feel ready and good but do not really impact erections or performance. I take 5mg generic cialis daily and it provides with woodys every morning but does not give me the long term erections necessary for a party or banging night with my lady. get trimix it is awesome, you inject it and depending upon the amount (you will learn how much of it for an hour versus how much for 2-3 hours you need) you can then be hard as a rock for 1-4 hours allowing multiple orgasms and shoots the supps you take willl assist on your ability to deliver good sized loads. on Amazon you can get carriers for the needles, you pre-fil as many as you may need and what I do is excuse myself to pee, go into the bathroom and inject. put needle back into case to dispose of later. my doctor told me only once a day but I have done it twice with no problem. you will be the star of the night, both the girls and guys will be amazed at stamina. just to be safe carry a few pills of benedryl, if you want to lose the erection or your dick becomes sore just pop a benedryl and you will loose the erection in 15 minutes or so, but beware benedryl will remain in your system so you will not get another erection, even with trimix for a day or so. I go to a Urologist for the trimix, he writes a script which I fill at a compounding pharmacy locally... I pay about $90 for 6 vials each of which is good for 6 or so doses. so basically for $90 I get about 30+ doses.
good for you... multiples are awesome and to be enjoyed. I take most of the supps you listed. They make you feel ready and good but do not really impact erections or performance. I take 5mg generic cialis daily and it provides with woodys every morning but does not give me the long term erections necessary for a party or banging night with my lady. get trimix it is awesome, you inject it and depending upon the amount (you will learn how much of it for an hour versus how much for 2-3 hours you need) you can then be hard as a rock for 1-4 hours allowing multiple orgasms and shoots the supps you take willl assist on your ability to deliver good sized loads. on Amazon you can get carriers for the needles, you pre-fil as many as you may need and what I do is excuse myself to pee, go into the bathroom and inject. put needle back into case to dispose of later. my doctor told me only once a day but I have done it twice with no problem. you will be the star of the night, both the girls and guys will be amazed at stamina. just to be safe carry a few pills of benedryl, if you want to lose the erection or your dick becomes sore just pop a benedryl and you will loose the erection in 15 minutes or so, but beware benedryl will remain in your system so you will not get another erection, even with trimix for a day or so. I go to a Urologist for the trimix, he writes a script which I fill at a compounding pharmacy locally... I pay about $90 for 6 vials each of which is good for 6 or so doses. so basically for $90 I get about 30+ doses.
PS.... you want more energy and readiness, get some preworkout and do a scoop with some water as your party begins... its like a preparation to lift heavy weights and will make you pump your ass off..... I prefer Outlook brand but all are good, share it with your partners, they will rock and roll and the night will be awesome, just bring condoms for the anal.... :)
No problem at all. I will tell you that I consider my journey a complete success. I recommend the doctors and the clinic that I used. They were far superior than the typical doctor experience. I found them from this site. So I cannot say enough good things about them. And the treatment. And they great advice that Nelson and others give on this site.

But there is more. Much more. My T went from mid 200's to close to 800. And the key element of measure as always, was that I felt much better. Cognitively and physically. I eventually stopped using the Clomid as well as the supplements and the B complex. I simply didn't need it anymore. I am currently taking no exogenous substances to alter my physiology. A little about my journey and how I responded.

I was on the Clomid therapy for about 8 months along with the other things. Then after my levels started to rise. I stopped doing it. But I was also doing meditation. And exercise, and was seeing a very good therapist for my other issues. I read and followed a very good book called "No More Mister Nice Guy". We never go through one of these experiences without context. And I certainly had mine. So at the same time. My marriage was failing. My work was becoming oppressive. And I was in a bad way. I eventually went through a difficult divorce.

This had a tremendous effect on the overall health and how I felt. You cannot separate the two. And all of the chemicals and treatments in the world will not help you. If you are mentally emotionally and spiritually working against yourself.

And man was I beating myself up. That had to stop first. I had to be kinder and gentler with myself. Stop subjecting myself to abusive situations. Stop feeling guilt and pain about everything. When I did this. Things really started to change. It was a long road. It took a few years. The T came up quickly and easily with the Clomid. And a better diet of grass fed beef, seafood, removing sugar and seed oils (literally industrial waste) from my routine. But the rest took longer. Then I worked with Network Spinal Analysis for about a year. This was one of the best medical interventions of my life. It stopped many issues within my body. While still going to my psychologist. As well as meditation every day.

But I am very happy now. I moved to Europe. Started a business that is only me and no one else. I live a happy easy existence now. Every day is a new beautiful day. I work if I want to. And I play if I want to. My happiness is most important.

I will give you a few concrete statistics to help you to understand. I am 63, I am not on any medications at all. I don't drink or do drugs of any kind. Not for health or recreation. I am not an exercise person or a gym person. But I am extremely active. I go outside into nature every day and do walking, hiking, swimming, biking, kayaking, fishing, and other activities. I don't try to kill myself with exercise. My goal is to have fun. And be happy not to suffer. I haven't visit a doctor for three years. I don't need to. I almost never even get a cold. I never got COVID. When everyone around me was getting it.

Food is a critical factor in addition to overall happiness. The food in America is pure shit. Not the kind that kills you overnight. But the slow walking death that most Americans suffer from. The kind I also suffer from. When I travel to the USA to visit family. I gain weight and usually get a small cold and headaches. Just from the environment and the food. When I go back to the country in Europe where I live(I don't want to be specific on the country for privacy) I lose two belt loops. Just traveling back. No special diet.

I am 5 foot 9 inches and weigh about 171. I am not some kind of Adonis with a perfect body. I have a small belly. I am normal size. My waist is 33". The important thing is I am happy and i feel good every day. I sleep like a log. Every night. I am currently seeing three different women. Their ages are 45, 51, and 52. I literally have to figure out which one I want to be permanent with. But these women are beautiful, educated, and good hearted people. And they all could easily pass for 35 years old. They all have incredible bodies. And when we go to the beach they wear tiny string bikini's because they can do it. And because they are more healthy than I am. I am having the best sex of my life. One to two times a day. And I won't go into it because this thread would be too long. But let me just say. Orgasm is not what its all about.

I know this is a long story. But this is not a simple subject. This is about your existence on this earth as a man. And all that this implies. This site is a wonderful place. It helps a lot of men. And I am indebted to them. No doubt. But its only part of the story. I am not a religious man. I don't subscribe to religion or go to church. But if you separate your mind from your body. And your spirit from your mind and body. You will not get there. I know it might sound like I am bragging. If it helps people that's ok. But I am trying to show you what is possible. Get the food right. Get your mind in a place of peace. And bring your soul into the mix. Its the real deciding factor.

I am happy to answer any questions you might have. I want to share as much as privacy allows. And I want to see you succeed also. I really mean that.
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