Ed !!!!


I debated putting this because I know that I will get beat up. I don't have any recent labs but in the link here are the last ones I did early November (https://www.excelmale.com/forum/showthread.php?12520-NEW-LABS-Thoughts-or-comments). My erections were great then. Beginning of Jan I have started to have terrible ED, but I have been feeling great otherwise. I gained some fat over the holidays and was pretty sure my estrogen had spiked. I took some arimidex (here is the part that I will get beat up since I did that without labs) because it was wrecking my sex life. I have never had to take an AI before. After taking the AI, I lost a lot of water weight and I became much less puffy but ED still remained. What else could be causing this? I took .125mg Arimidex on Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday. I won't take anymore because I feel a little anxious now. I have been very responsible so far while on TRT by staying consistent to my protocol but not being able to perform is making me go crazy! My protocol has been the same for the last 6 months which produced my test results in the link above:

Natural Desiccated Thyroid (2 grains). TRT protocol - 24mg t-cyp daily, 430iu HCG E3D

Planning on getting labs on Monday.
Don't think its in head. Can't get hard by myself or wife. Starting to think diet maybe. I have reintroduced dairy into my diet. Also eating more sugar, salt I feel.
There've been a number of studies that link gut health, stomach/colon, to erectile issues. I know that when my colitis flares it can impact EQ...any possibilities there to explore?
The funny thing is that my gut has been a disaster for the last 4-5 years. Only recently do I feel really good there and even my bad acid reflux has vanished. So now I have been more relaxed with my diet...eating more bad things. Reintroduced dairy, wheat because it's no longer giving me issues. So I'm wondering if my poor diet is to blame. Maybe high cholesterol?
The funny thing is that my gut has been a disaster for the last 4-5 years. Only recently do I feel really good there and even my bad acid reflux has vanished. So now I have been more relaxed with my diet...eating more bad things. Reintroduced dairy, wheat because it's no longer giving me issues. So I'm wondering if my poor diet is to blame. Maybe high cholesterol?

We're all just suggesting, but the sudden onset is certainly interesting. Start carefully eliminating items from your diet and see what happens. Of course, if your estradiol has been supressed now in the wake of your AI use, that could also be contributing to the issue. Are you using Cialis or one of its cousins?
Well AI use only occurred in last few days, if anything that SLIGHTLY helped the issue.

No cialis or anything like that - never really had a long patch of ED like this since beginning trt. I'm also 26 and not sure if I want to rely on that yet.

It has also been very difficult to orgasm. Again, arimidex helped slightly with that so that might be estrogen related. Not ruling out high prolactin though. Mine has been as high as 25 before. I guess I really just need to get these dang labs.
For those with good T and thyroid, lack of good sleep and stress are the two main reasons to affect the endocrine and neuropeptide orchestra that directs an erection.
Nelson - correct, T and thyroid should be optimized (labs on Monday to confirm).

Sleep - actually really good lately. Sleep has been an issue for me for a while but not of late.

Stress - no extra stress that I am sensing. If anything less. Feeling really good minus the ED.
Don't believe so. Took .375mg over 4 days. If anything ED improved slightly after AI. This has been going on for almost a month now. But until I get labs I suppose this is just speculating.
Because of your young age 26, I would think something's out of balance. Of course the best bet would be estradiol levels. I'm sure you'll know a lot more when you do labs.
Mean - I noticed that when I had dairy I felt tired and acky joints/muscles and some stomach issues. I went off dairy for many months and felt much much better. I also changed a few other things so not 100% sure it was dairy. About 3 weeks ago I had some pizza and felt ok and then the next day wife fixed a cream / cheese sauce pasta. I had many stomach issues and felt tired and achy again. The pain in my stomach was fierce. I mentioned to to the Dr and he said many middle aged people have issues with dairy - sees it all the time. He also said that if you go off it and then go back on it, the symptoms are worse. I don't know why. Don't know if there is an ED link but worth a try. No animal in nature drinks milk when grown. I am off dairy again and feeling better. It could be lactose or an issue with the milk proteins.

Your T dose is about 170 per week, which is kinda high, IMO. How long had you been on T when you started feeling well and no ED?
Yeah I was off dairy for about 4 years. But I am really having no stomach issues so I feel like I am tolerating it very well surprisingly. I re-introduced it early December, ED began a month later. I guess there could be a connection there. Wonder if my excess calcium intake is not balanced with magnesium.

I began TRT in March-2017. I really felt a HUGE improvement when I began thyroid meds in September-2017. My erections would be great and I could have sex 3 times a day all of a sudden.

That 170mg/week put me at upper 800's on my last lab early Nov-2017. Maybe it is possible that I am metabolizing it differently now and my T is now too high? Not sure why that would be but trying not to rule out anything right now.
One other thing worth mentioning...I am a low SHBG guy. Thyroid meds...are supposed to increase SHBG. Mine increased from 12 to 20 (starts meds mid SEP, tested early NOV 2017). I was hoping my SHBG would continue increasing as there is a mechanism. Maybe it increased too much? Lol

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