ED, No Libido, Seeing A Urologist Now

The problem is more than likely high estradiol and higher levels can dampen libido and erections in some men.

You mention your low point for estradiol is 35-40, at peak I would expect your estradiol to be much higher and it's not difficult to understand why you're having issues.

You should inject smaller dosages more often and it wouldn't hurt to decrease your dosage a little.
Surley he needs more test less frequently to boost his E2
@Stpfan I’m sorry to hear you’re having to experience this, I know how hard this road can be. My symptoms and SHBG levels were similar to yours.

Switching to everyday injections is an absolute must try for you. My doctor advised against it, but the guys here encouraged me to try it and I have never felt better in my whole life. It was truly life changing for me. I take .07 per day (7’th marker on .5cc syringe) of T Cyp, which I think is 14mg. With low SHGB, everyday injections is a must try. Give it at least 6 weeks, but I started feeling better within 2-3 weeks.

HCG is also a MUST for you. If you’re not taking HCG, get this now!!! When I was on T Cyp monotherapy I had no penile sensitivity and just felt like a machine when I could have sex. HCG activates all the other downstream hormones and gives a more sense of well-being. This varies amongst guys, but with symptoms like yours, it’s worth a try. If you’re not on HCG at all, then I’d start with loading stage of 500 IU’s M, W, F for two weeks then lower down to 400 IU’s and adjust from there. Personally I’m at 300 and that’s just enough to maintain.

Most likely, none of the above will make any sense to your doctor and it’s doesn’t have to, because this is art just as much as it is science. Doctors can’t always understand hormones, why one person feels a certain way, and there’s not one size fits all treatment. That’s hard for doctors to accept. My Endo swore everyday injections would make no difference whatsoever. I am no taking less T than ever before and feeling better than ever!

Since your doc may not understand, it may be difficult to get on this protocol. You already have the T, so just switch to smaller doses everyday, you’ll have more than enough with your current dosage and buy the Easy Touch syringes on Amazon. For HCG, if he is skeptical, tell him you want to maintain fertility and ask for a script of 12,000 IU’s to be sent to Empower Pharmacy. MUCH cheaper method.

Personally, I think you made the right decision of staying away from an AI and anti-depressants. AI’s took me down a dark road by crashing my E2. You do not want to go there. Anti-depressants can alter your brain chemistry forever and you only want to take if absolutely needed, not just to try something different.

I’m confused by your low blood pressure. How’s your salt intake?

Also, this sounds weird, but are you cold often when you should normally be warm and do you have an urge, a craving to chew dirt or want to chew something gritty or crunch ice to where chewing on dirt or clay actually sounds good?

Lastly, did I miss why you need to give frequent blood donations? Is this a must?
Daily injections is not the answer . I was the same as this guy and it didn't help me one bit
I just wanted to post my most recent labs. Again, suffering from ED issues and rock bottom libido. After adding Deca around 35mg and Anastrozol 0.25mg every 4 days my "mental libido" is starting to kick in... better. I use the term mental libido... because my "desire" is starting to return but... the continuity between your mind and penis is a whole different story. lol Not where I want it at all.

All of these labs are from being on my new protocol which is:

Test Cyp 70mg
Deca 35mg
Anastrozol 0.25mg
Every 4 days.

This would be a full 24 days and on a trough. (All Labs From March 9, 2021)

WBC Count 8.0 K/uL
(Standard Range 4.0 -11.3)
RBC Count 5.90 M/uL (Standard Range 4.30 - 5.90)
Hemoglobin 16.4 g/dL (Standard Range 13.6 -17.6)
Hematocrit 50.5% (Standard Range 40.0 - 50.0%)
MCV 85.5 fl (Standard Range 82 - 97)
MCH 27.7 pg (Standard Range 27.3 - 33.4)
MCHC 32.4 g/dL (Standard Range 32 - 36)
RDW 14.3% (Standard Range 11.6 - 14.8)
Platelet Count 257 K/uL (Standard Range 150 - 450)
Mean Platelet Volume 9.1 fL (Standard Range 7.4 - 10.4 fL)

Sodium 140 mmol/L (Standard Range 135 - 145 mmol/L)
Potassium 4.1 mmol/L (Standard Range 3.5 - 5.2 mmol/L)
Chloride 106 mmol/L (Standard Range 98 - 111 mmol/L)
Total CO2 25 mmol/L (Standard Range 20 - 29 mmol/L)
Anion Gap 9 mmol/L (Standard Range 5 - 20 mmol/L)
Glucose 101 mg/dL (Standard Range 60 - 99 mg/dL)
Blood Urea Nitrogen 27 mg/dL (Standard Range 7 - 25 mg/dL)
Creatinine 1.14 mg/dL (Standard Range 0.60 - 1.30 mg/dL)
Glomerular Filtration Rate 78 mL/min/1.73 m2 (Standard Range >60mL)
Calcium 8.5 mg/dL (Standard Range 8.5 - 10.5 mg/dL)
Protein 6.8 g/dL (Standard Range 6.4 - 8.3 g/dL)
Albumin 4.3 gm/dL (Standard Range 3.5 - 5.1 gm/dL)
Bilirubin 1.0 mg/dL (Standard Range 0.3 - 1.2 mg/dL)
AST (SGOT) 31 U/L (Standard Range <35 U/L)
ALT (SGPT) 35 U/L (Standard Range 9 - 47 U/L)
Alkaline Phosphate 57 U/L (Standard Range 33 - 120 U/L)

Cholesterol 148 mg/dL (Standard Range 100 - 199 mg/dL) Desirable
Triglycerides 69 mg/dL (Standard Range <150 mg/dL) Normal
HDL Cholesterol 32 mg/dL (Standard Range 40 - 90 mg/dL) Low
VLDL Cholesterol 14 mg/dL (Standard Range NOT GIVEN)
LDL Cholesterol 102 mg/dL (Standard Range <100 mg/dL) Above Optimal
Non-HDL Cholesterol 116 mg/dL (Standard Range <130 mg/dL) Optimal
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio 5.0 (Standard Range <6.0)

TSH 2.37 ulU/mL (Standard Range 0.4 - 4.5 ulU/mL)
Free T3 2.5 pg/mL (Standard Range 1.7 - 3.7 pg/mL)
Free T4 1.00 ng/dL (Standard Range 0.8 - 1.8 ng/dL)

Total Testosterone >1500 (Standard Range 240 - 890 ng/dL)
My doctor only orders the lab in which once past 1500 it doesn't calculate. I couldn't change the order.

Estradiol 20 pg/mL (Standard Range 11 - 44 pg/mL)

DHEA-Sulfate 81 ug/dL (Standard Range 49 - 592 ug/dL)
This was the first time in my life that I tested DHEA. Is this why I'm having ED problems? How do I fix this issues?

Prolactin 6.4 ng/dL (Standard Range 2 - 18 ng/dL)

Progesterone 0.2 ng/mL (Standard Range <0.2 ng/mL)

Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy 45 ng/mL (Standard Range 30 - 100 ng/mL)

Vitamin B 12 433 pg/mL (Standard Range 271 - 1000 pg/mL) Normal >180 pg/mL

A few interesting and mind boggling things since adding Deca and Anastrozol.

1. My Hemoglobin and Hematocrit are the LOWEST ever. Either Deca and Anastrozol have something to do with it? Or the labs have errors? My last blood donation was 2/8/21 and my Hemoglobin checked in at the Red Cross at 18.2. Since the donation date I've had 8 injections of Test Cyp... and normally my Hemoglobin should be around 17.8 or higher. This is very odd to me. In my protocol I donate every 58 days. Don't get me wrong... I'm actually excited if these are the true numbers. But I'm skeptical. Hematocrit should also be pushing around 53% right about now. And it's only 50.5%? Very odd.

2. DHEA-Sulfate checked in at 81 ug/dL and this was the FIRST TIME in my life it's every been checked. Is this one of the causes of ED? How do I fix the problem?

I'm open to all opinions in regards to my labs.... Good or Bad. I really want this ED issues resolved. Thanks for checking in on this thread. I hope you guys have a wonderful day!

Look over post #46 again because you are clearly confused.

I just wanted to post my most recent labs.

All of these labs are from being on my new protocol which is:

Test Cyp 70mg
Deca 35mg
Anastrozol 0.25mg
Every 4 days.

This would be a full 24 days and on a trough. (All Labs From March 9, 2021)

Again when tweaking a protocol (dose T/injection frequency) hormones will be in flux during the weeks leading up until blood levels stabilize (4-6 weeks)..... then blood work is done to see where the said protocol has your trough TT, FT, estradiol let alone other hormones and blood markers.

You are only 24 days in since upping your weekly T dose 130--->140 mg/week (65 mg--->70 mg every 3.5 days) let alone you added another AAS (ND).

Pointless to get labs sooner as your blood levels from the injectable esterified T have not stabilized yet let alone blood levels nandrolone will take even longer to stabilize due to the decanoate ester.

Even then looking over your current labs you did not even use the correct assay for TT (LC/MS-MS) which would be needed to see where your TT level truly sits.

Your doctor ordered the standard assay for TT which will overinflate your testosterone levels due to the nandrolone!

We have absolutely no idea where your TT level truly sits.

What is even worse is that your FT was not even tested.....go figure!

As I have stated numerous times although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive effects.

It is critical to know where your FT level truly sits and the only way is to use the most accurate assays such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration (next best).

Especially when using nandrolone with a trt protocol than it is a must to use the most accurate assays for TT (LC-MS/MS) and FT (Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration) otherwise your results will be overinflated.

Regarding your RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit you can clearly see that levels are near the top-end and again you did labs way too soon.

When using exogenous T RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit will increase within the 1st month and can take up to 9-12 months to reach peak levels.

Any time T dose is increased it will drive up RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit further and top it all off that nandrolone (depending on the dose used) can also drive up levels and as I stated earlier you would need to give it a few months for blood levels to stabilize on the nandrolone.

Even then when it comes to RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit I would give it 12 weeks before getting labs, especially when using ND.

As I stated in post #46 you have low SHBG 14.7nmol/L and I would bet that your FT level was very high on your previous lab's TT 800s (T only protocol 130 mg/week).

Now you went and upped your T dose 130--->140 mg/week plus threw in the ND (70 mg/week).

140 mg T/week (70 mg every 3.5 days) is going to have your FT let alone e2 very high yet you continue to take an AI to control it!

The icing on the cake is you were always struggling to manage hematocrit.

T only protocol (enanthate/cypionate esters) than blood work done at 6 weeks. Blood levels from the ND will take longer to stabilize let alone drive up RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit (depending on dose/individual).

You are only 24 days in!

This is a complete mess.
I just wanted to post my most recent labs. Again, suffering from ED issues and rock bottom libido. After adding Deca around 35mg and Anastrozol 0.25mg every 4 days my "mental libido" is starting to kick in... better. I use the term mental libido... because my "desire" is starting to return but... the continuity between your mind and penis is a whole different story. lol Not where I want it at all.

All of these labs are from being on my new protocol which is:

Test Cyp 70mg
Deca 35mg
Anastrozol 0.25mg
Every 4 days.

This would be a full 24 days and on a trough. (All Labs From March 9, 2021)

WBC Count 8.0 K/uL
(Standard Range 4.0 -11.3)
RBC Count 5.90 M/uL (Standard Range 4.30 - 5.90)
Hemoglobin 16.4 g/dL (Standard Range 13.6 -17.6)
Hematocrit 50.5% (Standard Range 40.0 - 50.0%)
MCV 85.5 fl (Standard Range 82 - 97)
MCH 27.7 pg (Standard Range 27.3 - 33.4)
MCHC 32.4 g/dL (Standard Range 32 - 36)
RDW 14.3% (Standard Range 11.6 - 14.8)
Platelet Count 257 K/uL (Standard Range 150 - 450)
Mean Platelet Volume 9.1 fL (Standard Range 7.4 - 10.4 fL)

Sodium 140 mmol/L (Standard Range 135 - 145 mmol/L)
Potassium 4.1 mmol/L (Standard Range 3.5 - 5.2 mmol/L)
Chloride 106 mmol/L (Standard Range 98 - 111 mmol/L)
Total CO2 25 mmol/L (Standard Range 20 - 29 mmol/L)
Anion Gap 9 mmol/L (Standard Range 5 - 20 mmol/L)
Glucose 101 mg/dL (Standard Range 60 - 99 mg/dL)
Blood Urea Nitrogen 27 mg/dL (Standard Range 7 - 25 mg/dL)
Creatinine 1.14 mg/dL (Standard Range 0.60 - 1.30 mg/dL)
Glomerular Filtration Rate 78 mL/min/1.73 m2 (Standard Range >60mL)
Calcium 8.5 mg/dL (Standard Range 8.5 - 10.5 mg/dL)
Protein 6.8 g/dL (Standard Range 6.4 - 8.3 g/dL)
Albumin 4.3 gm/dL (Standard Range 3.5 - 5.1 gm/dL)
Bilirubin 1.0 mg/dL (Standard Range 0.3 - 1.2 mg/dL)
AST (SGOT) 31 U/L (Standard Range <35 U/L)
ALT (SGPT) 35 U/L (Standard Range 9 - 47 U/L)
Alkaline Phosphate 57 U/L (Standard Range 33 - 120 U/L)

Cholesterol 148 mg/dL (Standard Range 100 - 199 mg/dL) Desirable
Triglycerides 69 mg/dL (Standard Range <150 mg/dL) Normal
HDL Cholesterol 32 mg/dL (Standard Range 40 - 90 mg/dL) Low
VLDL Cholesterol 14 mg/dL (Standard Range NOT GIVEN)
LDL Cholesterol 102 mg/dL (Standard Range <100 mg/dL) Above Optimal
Non-HDL Cholesterol 116 mg/dL (Standard Range <130 mg/dL) Optimal
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio 5.0 (Standard Range <6.0)

TSH 2.37 ulU/mL (Standard Range 0.4 - 4.5 ulU/mL)
Free T3 2.5 pg/mL (Standard Range 1.7 - 3.7 pg/mL)
Free T4 1.00 ng/dL (Standard Range 0.8 - 1.8 ng/dL)

Total Testosterone >1500 (Standard Range 240 - 890 ng/dL)
My doctor only orders the lab in which once past 1500 it doesn't calculate. I couldn't change the order.

Estradiol 20 pg/mL (Standard Range 11 - 44 pg/mL)

DHEA-Sulfate 81 ug/dL (Standard Range 49 - 592 ug/dL)
This was the first time in my life that I tested DHEA. Is this why I'm having ED problems? How do I fix this issues?

Prolactin 6.4 ng/dL (Standard Range 2 - 18 ng/dL)

Progesterone 0.2 ng/mL (Standard Range <0.2 ng/mL)

Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy 45 ng/mL (Standard Range 30 - 100 ng/mL)

Vitamin B 12 433 pg/mL (Standard Range 271 - 1000 pg/mL) Normal >180 pg/mL

A few interesting and mind boggling things since adding Deca and Anastrozol.

1. My Hemoglobin and Hematocrit are the LOWEST ever. Either Deca and Anastrozol have something to do with it? Or the labs have errors? My last blood donation was 2/8/21 and my Hemoglobin checked in at the Red Cross at 18.2. Since the donation date I've had 8 injections of Test Cyp... and normally my Hemoglobin should be around 17.8 or higher. This is very odd to me. In my protocol I donate every 58 days. Don't get me wrong... I'm actually excited if these are the true numbers. But I'm skeptical. Hematocrit should also be pushing around 53% right about now. And it's only 50.5%? Very odd.

2. DHEA-Sulfate checked in at 81 ug/dL and this was the FIRST TIME in my life it's every been checked. Is this one of the causes of ED? How do I fix the problem?

I'm open to all opinions in regards to my labs.... Good or Bad. I really want this ED issues resolved. Thanks for checking in on this thread. I hope you guys have a wonderful day!

Again these are the assays needed when testing TT/FT.

Both assays are critical and need to be used when adding nandrolone to a T-only protocol.

When testing your FT either one will suffice!

1. Testosterone, Total and Free (NO Upper Limit) plus Hematocrit

2. Testosterone, Total, LC/MS, and Free (Equilibrium Ultrafiltration)
You are only 24 days in!

This is a complete mess.

Yes. I read over your post weeks ago. I appreciate your posts. That's awesome that you have a great deal of info... better than most doctors. This isn't a complete mess at all. I've been feeling 100% better the last 24 days. All you're shouting is that this is a complete mess. It's probably the best move I ever made so far.

I have given numerous doctor's chances since April of 2019. I've been hounding them... always on their ass to look for "other issues"... I probably have almost 80+ labs done since April 2019.

I like the extra testosterone and I enjoy lifting weights... my physique is fine with me. Why would I want to downgrade and still feel like sh#$? Answer that for me. I've tried 100mg of Test Cyp a week.... didn't work for me mentally. Didn't work for me sexually. But, to constantly say "This is a total mess".... um... so far I don't think so.
Yes. I read over your post weeks ago. I appreciate your posts. That's awesome that you have a great deal of info... better than most doctors. This isn't a complete mess at all. I've been feeling 100% better the last 24 days. All you're shouting is that this is a complete mess. It's probably the best move I ever made so far.

I have given numerous doctor's chances since April of 2019. I've been hounding them... always on their ass to look for "other issues"... I probably have almost 80+ labs done since April 2019.

I like the extra testosterone and I enjoy lifting weights... my physique is fine with me. Why would I want to downgrade and still feel like sh#$? Answer that for me. I've tried 100mg of Test Cyp a week.... didn't work for me mentally. Didn't work for me sexually. But, to constantly say "This is a total mess".... um... so far I don't think so.

I won’t speak for him but I believe what madman means when he says that, is that you can just wait a bit longer to have a more complete and precise assessment of what is going on with your labs if you wait at least the recommended 4 weeks. I’m sure everyone, myself included is glad your making progress, but we also are here to stand by certain best practices and remind people of them. Especially when getting labwork is an expense and every time you do it you are losing blood iron stores. So to make it count, get it done at the right time intervals for the best results. Might as well since we are going through all this effort with our health anyways.
Furthermore, I can show you "mid point" labs showing my Hematocrit High months back... All of them. This is the first time with higher dosages of Test Cyp and adding Deca... and it actually was lowered. Doesn't make any sense... do labs lie? Was there an error?
I won’t speak for him but I believe what madman means when he says that, is that you can just wait a bit longer to have a more complete and precise assessment of what is going on with your labs if you wait at least the recommended 4 weeks. I’m sure everyone, myself included is glad your making progress, but we also are here to stand by certain best practices and remind people of them. Especially when getting labwork is an expense and every time you do it you are losing blood iron stores. So to make it count, get it done at the right time intervals for the best results. Might as well since we are going through all this effort with our health anyways.

I believe I made a post on page 3 somewhere saying my Test Cyp prescription was out. I had no choice but to run labs now. I waited as long as I could. 24 days may not be ideal... but it's not like it was under 2 weeks.
I believe I made a post on page 3 somewhere saying my Test Cyp prescription was out. I had no choice but to run labs now. I waited as long as I could. 24 days may not be ideal... but it's not like it was under 2 weeks.
Oh, I did not remember that post. Yeah, in that case it was a no brainer.
I prefer topical administration of hormones. Over oral. I prefer injection over topical. When I get to dhea I will be injecting sulfated dhea. This is not something most would have access to. One product I can say raised my dheas I will message you the name.
Again, no one really answering the question about DHEA? How do you raise it? Judging from my labs... is it too low?
Yes. I read over your post weeks ago. I appreciate your posts. That's awesome that you have a great deal of info... better than most doctors. This isn't a complete mess at all. I've been feeling 100% better the last 24 days. All you're shouting is that this is a complete mess. It's probably the best move I ever made so far.

I have given numerous doctor's chances since April of 2019. I've been hounding them... always on their ass to look for "other issues"... I probably have almost 80+ labs done since April 2019.

I like the extra testosterone and I enjoy lifting weights... my physique is fine with me. Why would I want to downgrade and still feel like sh#$? Answer that for me. I've tried 100mg of Test Cyp a week.... didn't work for me mentally. Didn't work for me sexually. But, to constantly say "This is a total mess".... um... so far I don't think so.
This isn't a complete mess at all. I've been feeling 100% better the last 24 days. All you're shouting is that this is a complete mess. It's probably the best move I ever made so far.

Again my man you need to get labs done at the correct time (once blood levels stabilize) to get a true picture of where your trough TT/FT/e2 levels sit.

This needs to be done using accurate assays and knowing where your trough FT level truly sits is critical regardless of how you feel.

3.5 weeks in means nothing as hormones are in flux during the weeks leading up until levels stabilize (4-6 weeks).

The body is trying to adjust and it is common for one to experience ups/downs during the transition let alone many will feel good in the following weeks after upping their T dose!

Top all this off that even once blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks) it will take another 2-3 months for the body to adapt to those new levels and this is the critical time period when one should gauge how they truly feel overall regarding relief/improvement of low-t symptoms.

Not 2,3,4,5,6 weeks in!

I like the extra testosterone and I enjoy lifting weights... my physique is fine with me. Why would I want to downgrade and still feel like sh#$? Answer that for me. I've tried 100mg of Test Cyp a week.... didn't work for me mentally. Didn't work for me sexually. But, to constantly say "This is a total mess".... um... so far I don't think so.

Just clearly explained it to you above!

You keep on taking that AI and struggling to manage your RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit.

Get back to me on that one.
Furthermore, I can show you "mid point" labs showing my Hematocrit High months back... All of them. This is the first time with higher dosages of Test Cyp and adding Deca... and it actually was lowered. Doesn't make any sense... do labs lie? Was there an error?

You are 3.5 weeks in.....hemoglobin/hematocrit will start increasing within the first month and can take much longer to reach peak levels!

Top it off that blood levels from ND will take longer to stabilize than blood levels from the T due to the decanoate ester.

I would tell anyone using ND to wait 3 months before seeing what effect it may have on RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit.
Yes. I read over your post weeks ago. I appreciate your posts. That's awesome that you have a great deal of info... better than most doctors. This isn't a complete mess at all. I've been feeling 100% better the last 24 days. All you're shouting is that this is a complete mess. It's probably the best move I ever made so far.

I have given numerous doctor's chances since April of 2019. I've been hounding them... always on their ass to look for "other issues"... I probably have almost 80+ labs done since April 2019.

I like the extra testosterone and I enjoy lifting weights... my physique is fine with me. Why would I want to downgrade and still feel like sh#$? Answer that for me. I've tried 100mg of Test Cyp a week.... didn't work for me mentally. Didn't work for me sexually. But, to constantly say "This is a total mess".... um... so far I don't think so.

post #5

Overlooked let alone misunderstood by many!

26.What is a reasonable timeline to begin to observe improvements in the signs and symptoms of testosterone deficiency?

*Following the initiation of testosterone therapy, serum concentrations of testosterone are known to correct earlier than the symptomatic, structural, and metabolic signs associated with TD.76,77 As such, patients should be counseled that symptom response will not be immediate. Expectations for treatment response should be established with each patient. Patients can anticipate improvements in many of the common symptoms of TD (libido, energy levels, sexual function) after 3 months of treatment or longer. Metabolic and structural (body composition, muscle mass, bone density) changes may take upwards of 6-months. 77 In addition, patients should be counseled that diet and exercise in combination with testosterone therapy are recommended for body composition changes.

*Appreciating this pattern of response to testosterone therapy is fundamental when determining the impact of treatment and the appropriate timing of follow-up evaluations while on therapy. For example, if patients undergo a symptom review and measurement of testosterone levels too early (< 3 months), it may lead both physicians and patients to conclude that the treatment has not been impactful (i.e. normal levels of testosterone without symptomatic/structural/metabolic benefit). However, if the same assessment was scheduled 3-6 months after the initiation of therapy, the clinical response tends to be more reflective of normalized levels of serum testosterone.
*Following the initiation of testosterone therapy, serum concentrations of testosterone are known to correct earlier than the symptomatic, structural, and metabolic signs associated with TD.
Upped your T dose.....you are 3.5 weeks in.

Added another AAS ND (look up the half-life decanoate)......you are 3.5 weeks in.

You are clearly out to lunch and have no clue how this works.

Patience is key on trt!

The first 4-6 weeks is misleading.
At MADMAN (or whoever would like to chime in)

I just have a quick question without starting an entirely different thread from one "off topic" question.

For celebrities such as Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Triple H, John Cena, and Arnold Schwarzenegger... we all know their Test Cyp... and other steroids are off the charts... In your opinion... how do they manage their High Hematocrit? Are they donating blood every 30 Days? 40 Days? 60 Days? In your opinion what would be their routine? Are they constantly taking Iron supplements after a quick 30 day donation?

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