@Stpfan I’m sorry to hear you’re having to experience this, I know how hard this road can be. My symptoms and SHBG levels were similar to yours.
Switching to everyday injections is an absolute must try for you. My doctor advised against it, but the guys here encouraged me to try it and I have never felt better in my whole life. It was truly life changing for me. I take .07 per day (7’th marker on .5cc syringe) of T Cyp, which I think is 14mg. With low SHGB, everyday injections is a must try. Give it at least 6 weeks, but I started feeling better within 2-3 weeks.
HCG is also a MUST for you. If you’re not taking HCG, get this now!!! When I was on T Cyp monotherapy I had no penile sensitivity and just felt like a machine when I could have sex. HCG activates all the other downstream hormones and gives a more sense of well-being. This varies amongst guys, but with symptoms like yours, it’s worth a try. If you’re not on HCG at all, then I’d start with loading stage of 500 IU’s M, W, F for two weeks then lower down to 400 IU’s and adjust from there. Personally I’m at 300 and that’s just enough to maintain.
Most likely, none of the above will make any sense to your doctor and it’s doesn’t have to, because this is art just as much as it is science. Doctors can’t always understand hormones, why one person feels a certain way, and there’s not one size fits all treatment. That’s hard for doctors to accept. My Endo swore everyday injections would make no difference whatsoever. I am no taking less T than ever before and feeling better than ever!
Since your doc may not understand, it may be difficult to get on this protocol. You already have the T, so just switch to smaller doses everyday, you’ll have more than enough with your current dosage and buy the Easy Touch syringes on Amazon. For HCG, if he is skeptical, tell him you want to maintain fertility and ask for a script of 12,000 IU’s to be sent to
Empower Pharmacy. MUCH cheaper method.
Personally, I think you made the right decision of staying away from an AI and anti-depressants. AI’s took me down a dark road by crashing my E2. You do not want to go there. Anti-depressants can alter your brain chemistry forever and you only want to take if absolutely needed, not just to try something different.
I’m confused by your low blood pressure. How’s your salt intake?
Also, this sounds weird, but are you cold often when you should normally be warm and do you have an urge, a craving to chew dirt or want to chew something gritty or crunch ice to where chewing on dirt or clay actually sounds good?
Lastly, did I miss why you need to give frequent blood donations? Is this a must?