ED, No Libido, Seeing A Urologist Now

Again... I appreciate everyone's posts. I've been busy with a lot of things.... Super Bowl yesterday etc. Had my blood donation today. Red Cross checked it at 18.2 Are those things that accurate? People say why are you donating every 58 days?? Well... the 18.2 is one of the reasons why I do it. I'm going to think of what I'm going to do for my next step in the next few days. Thanks for all the comments!
Low SHBG is associated with elevated levels of triglycerides and low density lipoprotein (LDL). Low SHBG levels of SHBG are linked with multiple cardiovascular illnesses in both men and women, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Now you understand why I have issue with your doctors comment about wanting SHBG low.
I was serious when I said “I have a lot to learn “ I’m new to this board and all the info I’m ingesting sorry if I offended you - good luck
I was serious when I said “I have a lot to learn “ I’m new to this board and all the info I’m ingesting sorry if I offended you - good luck
No one offended me, you just deserve the best care and correct information possible.

When I first joined this forum I didn't understand all these different lab meanings and over time I started fully grasping their meaning and importance.

No one expects you to fully understand things right away, but slowly acumulate knowledge.
So I decided to start my own protocol for a couple of weeks at then get lab work done. And include DHEA-Sulfate and Progesterone.

My new protocol is Test Cyp 70mg every 4 days and Deca 35mg ever 4 days along with Anastrozole 0.25 mg.

I injected and took the Anastrozole all at the same time on 2/17/21 at 7:01 PM. I would say around 3:30 AM on 2/18/21 I felt horny and had an instant erection... I had sex with my wife and I couldn't believe I regained penile sensation again. Like the sex was different. I also didn't lose my erection and it was pretty strong. I didn't take a Viagra or anything.

On 2/18/21 I'd say around 5PM I was very moody. An uncontrollable anger. I was pissed off at everything that was negative throughout my day. Anything set me off. I didn't really like how I was reacting. I also noticed a tired feeling around my eyeballs. Even though I slept well I felt like I didn't sleep? Later that evening... my wife wanted to have sex... and my dikk wouldn't respond to anything! I mean... it was literally the WORST ED I've ever had. It was like... my penis was non existent.

As of today Friday 2/19/21 I don't have the crazy anger or mood swings I had yesterday. I'm somewhat back to normal... but there is an amazing tiredness feeling around my eyeballs. It's really weird.

How do you go from having an amazing erection and penile sensation FINALLY.... to... it's DEAD AGAIN? This is crazy.

Anyone have any idea what's going on?
So I decided to start my own protocol for a couple of weeks at then get lab work done. And include DHEA-Sulfate and Progesterone.

My new protocol is Test Cyp 70mg every 4 days and Deca 35mg ever 4 days along with Anastrozole 0.25 mg.

I injected and took the Anastrozole all at the same time on 2/17/21 at 7:01 PM. I would say around 3:30 AM on 2/18/21 I felt horny and had an instant erection... I had sex with my wife and I couldn't believe I regained penile sensation again. Like the sex was different. I also didn't lose my erection and it was pretty strong. I didn't take a Viagra or anything.

On 2/18/21 I'd say around 5PM I was very moody. An uncontrollable anger. I was pissed off at everything that was negative throughout my day. Anything set me off. I didn't really like how I was reacting. I also noticed a tired feeling around my eyeballs. Even though I slept well I felt like I didn't sleep? Later that evening... my wife wanted to have sex... and my dikk wouldn't respond to anything! I mean... it was literally the WORST ED I've ever had. It was like... my penis was non existent.

As of today Friday 2/19/21 I don't have the crazy anger or mood swings I had yesterday. I'm somewhat back to normal... but there is an amazing tiredness feeling around my eyeballs. It's really weird.

How do you go from having an amazing erection and penile sensation FINALLY.... to... it's DEAD AGAIN? This is crazy.

Anyone have any idea what's going on?

You are not understanding how this works.

Just switched your protocol recently as you upped your dose of T from 130 mg/week (65 mg every 4 days)--->140 mg/week (70 mg every 4 days) let alone jumped on ND (35 mg every 4 days).....yet you went and had lab work done too soon!

Top it all off that we have no idea where your FT level truly sat on your previous protocol and again seeing as your TT was absurdly high and you have low SHBG then it is a given that your FT let alone estradiol would be through the roof.

Now you go and up your dose of T let alone have thrown in another AAS.

Your hemoglobin/hematocrit was already high due to high TT/FT levels and you are donating frequently to try and control it.

Now you just went and upped your T dose which will drive up your hemoglobin/hematocrit further.

Again when switching tweaking a protocol (dose T/injection frequency) hormones will be in flux leading up until blood levels stabilize (4-6 weeks) when using the most commonly prescribed esters (enanthate/cypionate).

ND will take much longer to reach steady-state due to the decanoate ester.

Having blood work done before blood levels stabilize is pointless let alone it is common for one to experience ups/downs in energy/mood/libido/erections during the transition as the body has not adjusted.

This is a complete mess and if anything you should have stuck with the T only for now and lowered your overall weekly dose slightly as not only was your TT absurdly high on your previous protocol 130 mg/week (65 mg every 4 days) but more importantly your FT was through the roof due to your low SHBG.

Even then you would have most likely faired better switching over to injecting daily or EOD using lower doses of T seeing as you have low SHBG.

Yet you just went and upped your T dose and threw in the ND.....go figure!
How do you go from having an amazing erection and penile sensation FINALLY.... to... it's DEAD AGAIN? This is crazy.
You lost the LH pulsatility and natural variation in testosterone levels when you went on TRT, so every time you change dosing, 4-6 weeks till a stable hormone state and 2-3 months for the body to adapt.

I'm still adapting to changes made almost 3 months ago.

To top things off your protocol is complicated and has many moving parts.
Regardless... you have to try something. I was probably feeling my best so far on 130mg of Test with No AI. Doctors are just going to run their system affiliated with the network they work for. And... my insurance covers 100% of my labs... so there has to be a way to figure this out without going to an independent anti-aging clinic... blowing $130 a month etc. And my medical labs may not be covered if I go to an anti-aging clinic. So I'm trying to figure this out on my own. I have a lot of doctors working on this... but everyone wants me to quit cold... for 30 days... and they establish a new protocol. It's obvious.... certain drugs have certain side effects... if you feel them... it's more than likely not going to work. But, there's a combination that will eventually work.

Don't we have to use our own self as the guinea pig in certain situations? I'm not satisfied with just getting by to live... especially when I believe 3 years of possible low testosterone caused my issues.... just finally I've been actually thinking better... and it took 1.5 years to actually get to that stage. Now, if only my libido would come back to normal. I'm not giving up yet.

I have an authorized lab sheet in front of me... whatever are the true necessities of figuring out how to fix my libido issue.... I'm ordering the labs. If I have to order the labs every 4 weeks 6 weeks 8 weeks... I'm doing it.
Hey buddy, I was in the exact same boat as you! Here is what fixed me.

I do 1 click of daily T cream applied directly to scrotum. It boosts DHT.

I do 200 ius of HCG every 3 days. Increases libido.

My guess is you need some DHT to help with mood.
Hey buddy, I was in the exact same boat as you! Here is what fixed me.

I do 1 click of daily T cream applied directly to scrotum. It boosts DHT.

I do 200 ius of HCG every 3 days. Increases libido.

My guess is you need some DHT to help with mood.

I appreciate your post and advice! I will keep that in my notes. Thank you.
I just wanted to give an update on my new protocol which I started back on Wednesday 2/17/21

I'm injecting 70mg of Test Cyp, 35 mg Deca, 0.25mg anastrozole every 4 days.

I have injected 4 times so far.

Everyone can scroll up to see how I felt after the first injection. Because I felt so odd after the first injection I was reluctant to stick with this protocol. But, I decided to keep going. I'm glad I had the courage to keep going because I do "mentally" feel more alert than ever. Here is my overall experience thus far....

1. Mentally - I'm starting to feel that sexual desire. Like, before I'd look at a girl and be like... uh... she's ok. Now, when I look at the same girl... she's a lot more desirable (if you get what I mean?) So, the "mental" aspect is more appealing than ever before. I believe it still needs more testing though.

2. More mental alertness. I'm quicker with my decision making.

3. More of an upbeat feeling. I'm actually singing songs more... seems like my mood is more outgoing than before.

4. There is a slight better "penile" sexual arousal at times off/on with deca. Again, nothing extraordinary. Nothing consistent. But definitely a tad more sensation. I'm definitely not 100% comfortable yet... you still lose erections here and there. But like I said... something seems to be better... than extremely dead.

5. You are just more confident and sure of yourself. Nothing really seems to bring you down. Almost like a cocky swagger to yourself.

6. I have cried only once in 16 days. That's phenomenal compared to crying at least once every 3 days at the dumbest sh#$ on TV. The Deca seems to stabilize my mind more.

7. Definitely quicker recovery at the gym between sets. Definitely more strength.

8. Overall - I feel I'm in a better mood. Slight feelings "at times" like back when you were 18-22. Just a zest for life feeling.

1. I feel somewhat wired around the eyeballs. Just enough for it to screw with your sleeping ability. Taking Test Cyp alone didn't give me this feeling at all. Never. But for some reason taking Deca even at 35mg every 4 days does this. I think my body is trying to get used to it but I'm waking up after sleeping 4 hours... I can't get back to sleep. And it's really destroyed my normal sleeping pattern so far. I have slept extremely long a few days ago... I seriously slept 14-15 hours straight.... I just went to go to the bathroom 3 times... and went right back to sleep. I was knocked out for some odd reason. This happened twice so far since 2/17/21. Possibly I'm just not getting enough rest/sleep on a consistent basis?

2. I've noticed while taking Test Cyp alone... even though my body temp is always NORMAL... I feel constant hot spells... not to a point in which I'm sweating etc. For example... I can take COLD AIR with ease in the winter time on Test Cyp. Like it was -2 F out 3 weeks ago and I just had to do some work outside... the cold weather didn't bother me one bit. Never has. When you take Deca... I'm constantly freezing now. I feel my body isn't warm enough. Its very odd.

3. You'd expect a lot more anger out of me considering what I said happened during my initial injection? Honestly, if I am angered... you can tell the percentages are a tad higher... but controllable. I believe your anger can still be managed while taking this. Like I said... I was extremely irritable upon my first injection. I haven't been irritable at all since then. I have a better mood. A better state of mind. You just feel tired around the eyeballs. That's about it.

4. No telling if my cholesterol or other health issues (labs) are effected because of Deca yet? My diet hasn't changed. Still eating the exact same foods. I never change my diet. I like to be as accurate as possible.

I will more than likely be running labs soon... because my prescription of Test Cyp is out. So we'll see what the numbers say soon enough. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
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The only protocol that has worked for me and it has worked amazingly is to replicate the daily hormone creation of a healthy man my age which makes sense after all. It’s a little more complicated than most but it takes me about 5 minutes per day to implement.

obviously testosterone is more active in your muscles vs it’s metabolites (e2 & dht) have more pronounced effects on central nervous system things like mood and libido.

my protocol is as follows:

*5.5mg testosterone enanthate daily
*3mg of testosterone propionate

The combination of these two has my blood levels ranging from ~700 when I wake up in morning to ~1025 3 hours post injection (around 10am)
This creates a more natural daily ebb and flow of testosterone levels found in healthy young men.

I have recently found that I have a slightly high reverse t3 level so I’ve began with:

*1mcg of t3 with each meal and 5mcg before bed (most of our t3 secretion happens at night time)

I also happen to have low amounts of aromatase enzyme resulting in about 1/3-1/2 of the amount of serum estradiol I should be seeing on my labs. I’m still not sure as to why this is but I believe I’ve always had this even through youth due to cracking joint and other various things with my body and mind. We are suppose to aromatize .%3-.5% of our testosterone which if you have normal healthy testosterone levels this is roughly equal to around 20mcg-35mcg daily.

To combat this I’ve actually began injecting:

*10mcg of estradiol valerate daily and will work my way up to ideal ratio and symptom resolution with blood work. This ratio is roughly 1/14 to 1/20 of
total testosterone in ng/dL : sensitive e2 in pg/ml.

my main complaint with trt has been low libido and the estradiol I’ve added seams to have the largest impact and actually makes me very horny and erectile quality dramatically increase. And that’s because estradiol has the largest impact on our libido out of all hormones

Last thing for my protocol that I will begin to implement is addressing dht after my dht test results come back. I have DHT enanthate which is pure dht with an ester just like the estradiol valerate. I will calculate my deficiency of serum level and try to figure a starting dose. Serum dht levels should be roughly 7%-10% of total testosterone. This means that if you have normal range healthy testosterone levels, you 5-alpha reduce roughly .5-.7 mg of dht per day or 500mcg-700mcg per day.

that’s the extent of it. Normal healthy testosterone, thyroid, e2, and dht levels will equal much better success rate for all of us.

we will realize hopefully quickly that what the majority of men are practicing now for hrt regiments are actually archaic so we can all be healthy and well to play our roles and get the world back in order.
The only protocol that has worked for me and it has worked amazingly is to replicate the daily hormone creation of a healthy man my age which makes sense after all. It’s a little more complicated than most but it takes me about 5 minutes per day to implement.

obviously testosterone is more active in your muscles vs it’s metabolites (e2 & dht) have more pronounced effects on central nervous system things like mood and libido.

my protocol is as follows:

*5.5mg testosterone enanthate daily
*3mg of testosterone propionate

The combination of these two has my blood levels ranging from ~700 when I wake up in morning to ~1025 3 hours post injection (around 10am)
This creates a more natural daily ebb and flow of testosterone levels found in healthy young men.

I have recently found that I have a slightly high reverse t3 level so I’ve began with:

*1mcg of t3 with each meal and 5mcg before bed (most of our t3 secretion happens at night time)

I also happen to have low amounts of aromatase enzyme resulting in about 1/3-1/2 of the amount of serum estradiol I should be seeing on my labs. I’m still not sure as to why this is but I believe I’ve always had this even through youth due to cracking joint and other various things with my body and mind. We are suppose to aromatize .%3-.5% of our testosterone which if you have normal healthy testosterone levels this is roughly equal to around 20mcg-35mcg daily.

To combat this I’ve actually began injecting:

*10mcg of estradiol valerate daily and will work my way up to ideal ratio and symptom resolution with blood work. This ratio is roughly 1/14 to 1/20 of
total testosterone in ng/dL : sensitive e2 in pg/ml.

my main complaint with trt has been low libido and the estradiol I’ve added seams to have the largest impact and actually makes me very horny and erectile quality dramatically increase. And that’s because estradiol has the largest impact on our libido out of all hormones

Last thing for my protocol that I will begin to implement is addressing dht after my dht test results come back. I have DHT enanthate which is pure dht with an ester just like the estradiol valerate. I will calculate my deficiency of serum level and try to figure a starting dose. Serum dht levels should be roughly 7%-10% of total testosterone. This means that if you have normal range healthy testosterone levels, you 5-alpha reduce roughly .5-.7 mg of dht per day or 500mcg-700mcg per day.

that’s the extent of it. Normal healthy testosterone, thyroid, e2, and dht levels will equal much better success rate for all of us.

we will realize hopefully quickly that what the majority of men are practicing now for hrt regiments are actually archaic so we can all be healthy and well to play our roles and get the world back in order.
How many injections per day for your protocol?
I inject everything I need, both testosterone and estradiol in the morning. It is two shots because I choose to inject the test enanthate and estradiol valerate together (and eventually dht enanthate if labs say I need it).

I inject the propionate separately in the opposite shoulder. I do this because the larger the injection the longer the half life and ideally I want the testosterone propionate half life to stay as short as possible for the timing to resemble a morning peak but then get back down to my trough by around bedtime.

and the t3 is with meals and right before bed. This is not an issue because I cook at home and have been working from home. I will have to carry t3 with me when I start working in the field again.

unless of course I end up not needing t3. I suspect that after I am totally dialed with estradiol and dht that my thyroid with behave normally. Dht can lower cortisol. Maybe I have high reverse t3 because of elevated cortisol. Dht increases t4 to t3 conversion. Estradiol increases growth hormone/igf levels which improve t4 to t3 conversion.

I feel that the more things you can control the less head scratching there will be when it’s time to reap the benefits. We shall see but so far so good.
I inject everything I need, both testosterone and estradiol in the morning. It is two shots because I choose to inject the test enanthate and estradiol valerate together (and eventually dht enanthate if labs say I need it).

I inject the propionate separately in the opposite shoulder. I do this because the larger the injection the longer the half life and ideally I want the testosterone propionate half life to stay as short as possible for the timing to resemble a morning peak but then get back down to my trough by around bedtime.

and the t3 is with meals and right before bed. This is not an issue because I cook at home and have been working from home. I will have to carry t3 with me when I start working in the field again.

unless of course I end up not needing t3. I suspect that after I am totally dialed with estradiol and dht that my thyroid with behave normally. Dht can lower cortisol. Maybe I have high reverse t3 because of elevated cortisol. Dht increases t4 to t3 conversion. Estradiol increases growth hormone/igf levels which improve t4 to t3 conversion.

I feel that the more things you can control the less head scratching there will be when it’s time to reap the benefits. We shall see but so far so good.
I inject everything I need, both testosterone and estradiol in the morning. It is two shots because I choose to inject the test enanthate and estradiol valerate together (and eventually dht enanthate if labs say I need it).

I inject the propionate separately in the opposite shoulder. I do this because the larger the injection the longer the half life and ideally I want the testosterone propionate half life to stay as short as possible for the timing to resemble a morning peak but then get back down to my trough by around bedtime.

and the t3 is with meals and right before bed. This is not an issue because I cook at home and have been working from home. I will have to carry t3 with me when I start working in the field again.

unless of course I end up not needing t3. I suspect that after I am totally dialed with estradiol and dht that my thyroid with behave normally. Dht can lower cortisol. Maybe I have high reverse t3 because of elevated cortisol. Dht increases t4 to t3 conversion. Estradiol increases growth hormone/igf levels which improve t4 to t3 conversion.

I feel that the more things you can control the less head scratching there will be when it’s time to reap the benefits. We shall see but so far so good.
how do you measure 5.5mg of test enanthante? most is dosed at 250mg per ml
The easiest way that I chose to do this is to buy from Amazon,

-10 or 20 ml vials
-a 50 ml beaker
-10ml syringes
-benzyl alcohol from a med supply website
-buy a nice brand of grapeseed oil from the grocery store that has a dark bottle. Hold the bottle up to the light and make sure there is no clouds suspended in the oil. I noticed some cheaper brands or ones with clear bottles had clouds.
-Also if you are super considerate and want very clean then buy the appropriate syringe filters but I choose not to filter. These can be found online.

If you are currently suspended at 250mg/ml then in one 20 ml vial, make a mixture of 15.68 ml of grapeseed oil and .32ml of benzyl alcohol (this kills the bacteria and keeps it sterile)

At this point you could draw up your oil you just made and then screw on syringe filter and push the solution through the filter into a second vial.

once this is done you can simply mix 4ml of your testosterone into the 20ml vial for a total of 20ml of testosterone suspended at 50mg/ml.

then take .02 ml of your old vial dosage for 5mg and take .1 from your new vail for a total of 5.5mg.

it’s all easier too if you are working with oils that are on the warmer side. So I heat mine in the microwave gently before starting.

this is all a little easier if you are starting with 200mg/ml testosterone. But it’s just math.

there may be a few more things to consider as well but this is just a simple outline. I would say it’s not difficult but you do need to be able to do some math specific to your situation and what you are trying to do. just keep everything clean.

If you are immune compromised or susceptible to infection I would not attempt this unless your are confident in your sterility. I never get infections even if I have a huge rip in my foot and walk outside barefoot with chicken shit in the yard for weeks Which I have done.
The easiest way that I chose to do this is to buy from Amazon,

-10 or 20 ml vials
-a 50 ml beaker
-10ml syringes
-benzyl alcohol from a med supply website
-buy a nice brand of grapeseed oil from the grocery store that has a dark bottle. Hold the bottle up to the light and make sure there is no clouds suspended in the oil. I noticed some cheaper brands or ones with clear bottles had clouds.
-Also if you are super considerate and want very clean then buy the appropriate syringe filters but I choose not to filter. These can be found online.

If you are currently suspended at 250mg/ml then in one 20 ml vial, make a mixture of 15.68 ml of grapeseed oil and .32ml of benzyl alcohol (this kills the bacteria and keeps it sterile)

At this point you could draw up your oil you just made and then screw on syringe filter and push the solution through the filter into a second vial.

once this is done you can simply mix 4ml of your testosterone into the 20ml vial for a total of 20ml of testosterone suspended at 50mg/ml.

then take .02 ml of your old vial dosage for 5mg and take .1 from your new vail for a total of 5.5mg.

it’s all easier too if you are working with oils that are on the warmer side. So I heat mine in the microwave gently before starting.

this is all a little easier if you are starting with 200mg/ml testosterone. But it’s just math.

there may be a few more things to consider as well but this is just a simple outline. I would say it’s not difficult but you do need to be able to do some math specific to your situation and what you are trying to do. just keep everything clean.

If you are immune compromised or susceptible to infection I would not attempt this unless your are confident in your sterility. I never get infections even if I have a huge rip in my foot and walk outside barefoot with chicken shit in the yard for weeks Which I have done.
can i ask is your trt prescribed phrama or do it your self
can i ask is your trt prescribed phrama or do it your self
I’m a patient at Defy for my testosterone enanthate and propionate. I source my estradiol and dihydrotestosterone medications elsewhere. I have to dilute the estradiol and I actually get the dihydrotestosterone enanthate in a powdered form and have to suspend it in the carrier oil myself.

I actually did tell Defy all what I’m doing. They seamed interested. Although they did not prescribe me the estradiol or dht as these things are harder to come by and no doctors in the US are prescribing estradiol or dht by injection for men’s HRT.

For now while I am on t3, I source my t3 elsewhere.
I just wanted to post my most recent labs. Again, suffering from ED issues and rock bottom libido. After adding Deca around 35mg and Anastrozol 0.25mg every 4 days my "mental libido" is starting to kick in... better. I use the term mental libido... because my "desire" is starting to return but... the continuity between your mind and penis is a whole different story. lol Not where I want it at all.

All of these labs are from being on my new protocol which is:

Test Cyp 70mg
Deca 35mg
Anastrozol 0.25mg
Every 4 days.

This would be a full 24 days and on a trough. (All Labs From March 9, 2021)

WBC Count 8.0 K/uL
(Standard Range 4.0 -11.3)
RBC Count 5.90 M/uL (Standard Range 4.30 - 5.90)
Hemoglobin 16.4 g/dL (Standard Range 13.6 -17.6)
Hematocrit 50.5% (Standard Range 40.0 - 50.0%)
MCV 85.5 fl (Standard Range 82 - 97)
MCH 27.7 pg (Standard Range 27.3 - 33.4)
MCHC 32.4 g/dL (Standard Range 32 - 36)
RDW 14.3% (Standard Range 11.6 - 14.8)
Platelet Count 257 K/uL (Standard Range 150 - 450)
Mean Platelet Volume 9.1 fL (Standard Range 7.4 - 10.4 fL)

Sodium 140 mmol/L (Standard Range 135 - 145 mmol/L)
Potassium 4.1 mmol/L (Standard Range 3.5 - 5.2 mmol/L)
Chloride 106 mmol/L (Standard Range 98 - 111 mmol/L)
Total CO2 25 mmol/L (Standard Range 20 - 29 mmol/L)
Anion Gap 9 mmol/L (Standard Range 5 - 20 mmol/L)
Glucose 101 mg/dL (Standard Range 60 - 99 mg/dL)
Blood Urea Nitrogen 27 mg/dL (Standard Range 7 - 25 mg/dL)
Creatinine 1.14 mg/dL (Standard Range 0.60 - 1.30 mg/dL)
Glomerular Filtration Rate 78 mL/min/1.73 m2 (Standard Range >60mL)
Calcium 8.5 mg/dL (Standard Range 8.5 - 10.5 mg/dL)
Protein 6.8 g/dL (Standard Range 6.4 - 8.3 g/dL)
Albumin 4.3 gm/dL (Standard Range 3.5 - 5.1 gm/dL)
Bilirubin 1.0 mg/dL (Standard Range 0.3 - 1.2 mg/dL)
AST (SGOT) 31 U/L (Standard Range <35 U/L)
ALT (SGPT) 35 U/L (Standard Range 9 - 47 U/L)
Alkaline Phosphate 57 U/L (Standard Range 33 - 120 U/L)

Cholesterol 148 mg/dL (Standard Range 100 - 199 mg/dL) Desirable
Triglycerides 69 mg/dL (Standard Range <150 mg/dL) Normal
HDL Cholesterol 32 mg/dL (Standard Range 40 - 90 mg/dL) Low
VLDL Cholesterol 14 mg/dL (Standard Range NOT GIVEN)
LDL Cholesterol 102 mg/dL (Standard Range <100 mg/dL) Above Optimal
Non-HDL Cholesterol 116 mg/dL (Standard Range <130 mg/dL) Optimal
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio 5.0 (Standard Range <6.0)

TSH 2.37 ulU/mL (Standard Range 0.4 - 4.5 ulU/mL)
Free T3 2.5 pg/mL (Standard Range 1.7 - 3.7 pg/mL)
Free T4 1.00 ng/dL (Standard Range 0.8 - 1.8 ng/dL)

Total Testosterone >1500 (Standard Range 240 - 890 ng/dL)
My doctor only orders the lab in which once past 1500 it doesn't calculate. I couldn't change the order.

Estradiol 20 pg/mL (Standard Range 11 - 44 pg/mL)

DHEA-Sulfate 81 ug/dL (Standard Range 49 - 592 ug/dL)
This was the first time in my life that I tested DHEA. Is this why I'm having ED problems? How do I fix this issues?

Prolactin 6.4 ng/dL (Standard Range 2 - 18 ng/dL)

Progesterone 0.2 ng/mL (Standard Range <0.2 ng/mL)

Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy 45 ng/mL (Standard Range 30 - 100 ng/mL)

Vitamin B 12 433 pg/mL (Standard Range 271 - 1000 pg/mL) Normal >180 pg/mL

A few interesting and mind boggling things since adding Deca and Anastrozol.

1. My Hemoglobin and Hematocrit are the LOWEST ever. Either Deca and Anastrozol have something to do with it? Or the labs have errors? My last blood donation was 2/8/21 and my Hemoglobin checked in at the Red Cross at 18.2. Since the donation date I've had 8 injections of Test Cyp... and normally my Hemoglobin should be around 17.8 or higher. This is very odd to me. In my protocol I donate every 58 days. Don't get me wrong... I'm actually excited if these are the true numbers. But I'm skeptical. Hematocrit should also be pushing around 53% right about now. And it's only 50.5%? Very odd.

2. DHEA-Sulfate checked in at 81 ug/dL and this was the FIRST TIME in my life it's every been checked. Is this one of the causes of ED? How do I fix the problem?

I'm open to all opinions in regards to my labs.... Good or Bad. I really want this ED issues resolved. Thanks for checking in on this thread. I hope you guys have a wonderful day!

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