Dumb question regarding ejaculation

Anyone who says that being able to blow big loads doesn't matter is either lying or misinformed. A voluminous, powerful ejaculation is most definitely tied to level of pleasure.
So interesting you say that, the only time I shot across the room was in the recent years is when I had sex with a beautiful woman that I was really attracted to physically bahaha...
Anyone who says that being able to blow big loads doesn't matter is either lying or misinformed. A voluminous, powerful ejaculation is most definitely tied to level of pleasure.
I agree, however, I have worked for years on techniques that increase orgasm intensity. I’m to the point now that the sensation of orgasm far out powers the sensation of ejaculation such that I can hardly tell if I’m ejaculating or not.
I agree, however, I have worked for years on techniques that increase orgasm intensity. I’m to the point now that the sensation of orgasm far out powers the sensation of ejaculation such that I can hardly tell if I’m ejaculating or not.
Can you tell us about these techniques?
Can you tell us about these techniques?
Basically it edging or perhaps advanced edging. I have developed complete control over orgasm. I almost never accidentally lose control of orgasm. During intercourse I get myself right up to the edge and keep myself there for a long time. I frequently go over the edge and have a wave of orgasmic pleasure pass through my body then I regain control and continue thrusting. Doing this repeatedly is sort of like having multiple mini orgasms. The longer I hold off the more it feels like my prostate is swelling with fluid and eventually I can’t contain the semen and it starts to run out of me without ejaculation. After being in this high intensity state for fifteen minutes to half an hour or more I then let orgasm come. It’s overwhelmingly intense and hard to breathe as the orgasm fills my entire body. There’s usually five to ten seconds of orgasm before ejaculation starts them another ten seconds of orgasm with ejaculation. However, like I said before, often time the intensity of the orgasm overpowers the sensation of ejaculation such that I can hardly tell it’s happening. Sometimes if I wasn’t wet all over afterwards I would think that I hadn’t ejaculated.
Basically it edging or perhaps advanced edging. I have developed complete control over orgasm. I almost never accidentally lose control of orgasm. During intercourse I get myself right up to the edge and keep myself there for a long time. I frequently go over the edge and have a wave of orgasmic pleasure pass through my body then I regain control and continue thrusting. Doing this repeatedly is sort of like having multiple mini orgasms. The longer I hold off the more it feels like my prostate is swelling with fluid and eventually I can’t contain the semen and it starts to run out of me without ejaculation. After being in this high intensity state for fifteen minutes to half an hour or more I then let orgasm come. It’s overwhelmingly intense and hard to breathe as the orgasm fills my entire body. There’s usually five to ten seconds of orgasm before ejaculation starts them another ten seconds of orgasm with ejaculation. However, like I said before, often time the intensity of the orgasm overpowers the sensation of ejaculation such that I can hardly tell it’s happening. Sometimes if I wasn’t wet all over afterwards I would think that I hadn’t ejaculated.

I sometimes suffer from premature ejaculating and that's what I do. Get close to orgasm and then stop.. and my brain thinks it's just not time to cum so I can last a looking time
Basically it edging or perhaps advanced edging. I have developed complete control over orgasm. I almost never accidentally lose control of orgasm. During intercourse I get myself right up to the edge and keep myself there for a long time. I frequently go over the edge and have a wave of orgasmic pleasure pass through my body then I regain control and continue thrusting. Doing this repeatedly is sort of like having multiple mini orgasms. The longer I hold off the more it feels like my prostate is swelling with fluid and eventually I can’t contain the semen and it starts to run out of me without ejaculation. After being in this high intensity state for fifteen minutes to half an hour or more I then let orgasm come. It’s overwhelmingly intense and hard to breathe as the orgasm fills my entire body. There’s usually five to ten seconds of orgasm before ejaculation starts them another ten seconds of orgasm with ejaculation. However, like I said before, often time the intensity of the orgasm overpowers the sensation of ejaculation such that I can hardly tell it’s happening. Sometimes if I wasn’t wet all over afterwards I would think that I hadn’t ejaculated.
Yeah, the emission phase is pure heaven before the ejaculation actually starts. It's like the period of suspension at the top of a roller coaster hill before the car drops.
I've found that hCG, sunflower lecithin, pygeum, and l-arginine allows me to shoot like I did when I was in my 30s (I'm 52 now). Edging also adds to volume as well. I also do Kegels daily and believe that';s very important to keep those muscles well trained.
Aging represents a challenge to all who liked their robust sex life in younger years as they age. There may be some therapies that offer additional benefits not discussed so far in this thread. Recently, I had a P shot. P shots are shorthand for Penis shot or Priapus shot. Developed by Dr. Charles Runnels, it is an adaption of Platelet rich plasma therapy (similar to what orthopedists have used for years on patients for better healing) and was also recently given to Tiger Woods following his car injuries for better healing. There is NOT a lot of data regarding P shots yet, although they are working on several studies in centers around the country giving these shots. They have some possibility in helping regrow new blood vessels, and nerve support, and normal tissue growth. They hold out the possibility of a number of benefits, from girth enlargement, length enlargement, but especially improved penile sensitivity, improvement of ED, lessening or eliminating dependency on ED meds, and MORE POWERFUL ORGASMS. Needles to say since it is using your own blood product, and reinfected back into your penis with a small insulin needle, I was up for giving it try. Its been about 3 months, and so far, there is no question, I have increased girth. significantly increased girth especially on erection. I have perhaps a little less dependency on ED meds, (lower doses work as well as higher doses before) and the penile sensitivity is also much improved. I have some issues with prolonged orgasms, and still do, but when they do happen, generally they are very good, improved from before the P Shot. I have other issues with delayed orgasm that is still there, but everything else is definitely better. They are expensive, about ($1,900) and they do want you to use a penis pump twice a day for 8 weeks trying to get up to 10lbs of vacuum so that you create micro tears in the lining of the vessels so that all the protein rich platelets can attach and do their healing. I have seen enough improvement, and will likely try another in the next few months. Its worth considering, its one of the few therapies that likely help roll the clock back a little on your best friend.
Hey, I have had 4 pshots so far in the past 3 years with positive results. Increase in size is a side benefit, I am doing it for the improvement in strength, length of time I can stay solidly erect and quality of orgasms. In my case, pshot results seem to build on each other. Have you had any additional shots in the last year?
Perhaps its like proviron. Same DHT effect.

Personally recently, I added in a lot of zinc, 60mg a day (4 x 15mg, divided doses).

NOT subjectively, volume has increased to almost original and is back to being thick and cloudy and white (75-80% as good as original, some minor clear parts if I analyse it)

It had turned almost completely clear \ watery weeks ago when I dropped my cypionate dose from 250mg/week to 10mg daily (why????) A girl I was with commented "theres not a lot" and "why is it clear". I was really upset. Thankfully zinc appears to have mitigated this (for me). I am testing by alternating the zinc at weekly intervals and its def the zinc (for me).
It's been a long time since I used zinc but I do recall that when I was using it, my ejaculate became thick and copious. Regarding your dose, what was the impetus to go from 250 mg/week to 10 mg, daily? I recall you posting thoughts about varying dosing and injection frequency in an attempt to 'shake up'(my words) the neuro-endocrine system.
It's been a long time since I used zinc but I do recall that when I was using it, my ejaculate became thick and copious. Regarding your dose, what was the impetus to go from 250 mg/week to 10 mg, daily? I recall you posting thoughts about varying dosing and injection frequency in an attempt to 'shake up'(my words) the neuro-endocrine system.

Seems to keep the mood, energy up for me by changing the dose every so often.

Also erections are exceptional 110% at 10mg daily vs any other protocol. Workout recovery is horrible though. Can't have everything.

One day I'll do a write up on the comparison of subjective effects.
Seems to keep the mood, energy up for me by changing the dose every so often.

Also erections are exceptional 110% at 10mg daily vs any other protocol. Workout recovery is horrible though. Can't have everything
One day I'll do a write up on the comparison of subjective effects.
What form of T are you using?
Hey, I have had 4 pshots so far in the past 3 years with positive results. Increase in size is a side benefit, I am doing it for the improvement in strength, length of time I can stay solidly erect and quality of orgasms. In my case, pshot results seem to build on each other. Have you had any additional shots in the last year?
Yes. I had an additional P shot and it also seemed to improve erection quality, sensitivity, but I have had to go back full dose Tadalafil, and continue Tri mix. But I use Tri mix at much lower doses now, because I also tried “Bocox” Botox in the penis, which has been nothing short of exceptional for me. As good as P shot was, Bocox is superior in every aspect. It’s been almost a month, and even though the initial benefit was stronger, the residual results are still exceptional. Half the Tri mix dose I was using, if not, it would be dangerous priapism erections. Even half doses gives a no thinking about it erection for 1 1/2 hours. All I have to do is think about sex and I get erections. I will absolutely get another Bocox, as the effect wears off. I am hoping to get at least 3-4 months.
Seems to keep the mood, energy up for me by changing the dose every so often.

Also erections are exceptional 110% at 10mg daily vs any other protocol. Workout recovery is horrible though. Can't have everything.

One day I'll do a write up on the comparison of subjective effects.
No arguing if something works, LOL! I've tried 10 mg/daily and my blood pressure went higher. Odd, but a guy on another forum experienced the same thing.
Yes. I had an additional P shot and it also seemed to improve erection quality, sensitivity, but I have had to go back full dose Tadalafil, and continue Tri mix. But I use Tri mix at much lower doses now, because I also tried “Bocox” Botox in the penis, which has been nothing short of exceptional for me. As good as P shot was, Bocox is superior in every aspect. It’s been almost a month, and even though the initial benefit was stronger, the residual results are still exceptional. Half the Tri mix dose I was using, if not, it would be dangerous priapism erections. Even half doses gives a no thinking about it erection for 1 1/2 hours. All I have to do is think about sex and I get erections. I will absolutely get another Bocox, as the effect wears off. I am hoping to get at least 3-4 months.
I guess time will tell how long the bocox results will last. This is the first time I hear first had about results. Hopefully it will last more than a few months. Where did you get it done? P-shots have worked fantastic for me, I occasionally take cialis also. After ejaculation, my penis had such a workout, it’s actually a bit sore. I’m 50, it hasn’t been this solid in years. Muscles strength and size are improving. I’m going for another p shot at 6-8 month intervals. I’m definitely going to look into the bocox. You say it’s superior to the pshot, it must be incredible.
I guess time will tell how long the bocox results will last. This is the first time I hear first had about results. Hopefully it will last more than a few months. Where did you get it done? P-shots have worked fantastic for me, I occasionally take cialis also. After ejaculation, my penis had such a workout, it’s actually a bit sore. I’m 50, it hasn’t been this solid in years. Muscles strength and size are improving. I’m going for another p shot at 6-8 month intervals. I’m definitely going to look into the bocox. You say it’s superior to the pshot, it must be incredible.
It's now been about a month since my "bocox" shots and while the expectation is that just like botox in the face for cosmetic improvements, over time it would lose it ability to create the effect. So, far, yes I am seeing some reduction in the performance. However, for the first week after the initial injections, it was like super charged. Now, it has fallen some, and is not quite where it was in the first week. However, it is still a very robust response. Increased sensitivity, better quality erections, lasting longer. It's a no brainer erection. I am still able to get an erection just by thinking about sex, not as easily as the first week, but it can happen. I have not been able to do that in many years. So, it appears the effect is leveling off and but not dropping dramatically, at least not yet. If you are getting P shots, the same physician will likely be able to offer "bocox" that's where I got mine. She is trained by Runnels group to do P shots. It is about the same price as a p shot and my understanding is, they can do both at the same time. For me, although the P shot definitely worked, Bocox was definitely better. No doubt, and the response time is much quicker. Like the next day. I am so convinced, I will be getting another Bocox when the benefit really falls off. Considering Bocox and a P shot together.
It's now been about a month since my "bocox" shots and while the expectation is that just like botox in the face for cosmetic improvements, over time it would lose it ability to create the effect. So, far, yes I am seeing some reduction in the performance. However, for the first week after the initial injections, it was like super charged. Now, it has fallen some, and is not quite where it was in the first week. However, it is still a very robust response. Increased sensitivity, better quality erections, lasting longer. It's a no brainer erection. I am still able to get an erection just by thinking about sex, not as easily as the first week, but it can happen. I have not been able to do that in many years. So, it appears the effect is leveling off and but not dropping dramatically, at least not yet. If you are getting P shots, the same physician will likely be able to offer "bocox" that's where I got mine. She is trained by Runnels group to do P shots. It is about the same price as a p shot and my understanding is, they can do both at the same time. For me, although the P shot definitely worked, Bocox was definitely better. No doubt, and the response time is much quicker. Like the next day. I am so convinced, I will be getting another Bocox when the benefit really falls off. Considering Bocox and a P shot together.
So by what mechanism does Botox in the penis improve sensitivity and erections? Wouldn’t paralyzing the muscles in the penis do the opposite?

and how does it improve the mind to penis connection, like how u were saying u could get an erection just from thinking about sex
So by what mechanism does Botox in the penis improve sensitivity and erections? Wouldn’t paralyzing the muscles in the penis do the opposite?

and how does it improve the mind to penis connection, like how u were saying u could get an erection just from thinking about sex
It's a valid question yet, from what I read of past research, there's not a clear understanding of why PT-141 works or why it can create an erection without sexual desire. And to add to this, though off topic, the operating mechanism(s) of many psych drugs or those used off label aren't fully understood.

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