@madman is certainly one of the most knowledgeable posters here, posting more academic research than everyone else combined.
Sure, we don't get along because he refuses to see the empirical evidence which is 1000 posts across a lot of forums where some guys get half the levels SQ vs IM (I find that notable because I cannot find posts to the converse). He also doesn't seem to have any fondness for protocols which involve drastic swings of hormone levels over large periods of time (never mind the posters have a sky high libido) and that's cool too.
But - and numerous others have already said this - his choice of words when choosing to disagree is lamentable. There is no need for insults like "P*ss poor", "f*ck*, "shi*t" "LMFAO" and I now see a new one "raped" above.
Instead of getting his point across, he is simply creating hatred for himself and unfortunately by extension, the good research he posts. I guarantee you people ignore opening (good) threads he starts simply because they see his name there. Thats counterproductive.
"Soft words soften the hearts that are harder than rock. Harsh words harden the hearts that are softer than silk" – Imam Ghazali