Don't think generic Cialis and Viagara are working

John Scante

New Member
I've tried, unsuccessfully, a number of times, to use generic Cialis and Viagara from ADC. Has this happened to any of you?

I will start off my saying these occurrences are always mixed with alcohol on a weekend nite. That seems to be the schedule the wife and I are on for many, many years. It's a fine balance cause too little or too much can throw a wrench into everything. :)

So I started off with 50mg of V and I got nothing the at all. I tried under the tounge, tried to vary the time I took it that night, but always figured it was the food in my stomach probably messing it up. So the last few weekends I've tried 20mg of C. Last weekend I only took it about an hour before we went to bed and nothing. So I thought, darn, I thought this was the one, but maybe it didn't have enough time. Last nite I took it 3-4 hours before and still nothing.

So I'm a bit discouraged at this point. I thought this was the answer to my problems but I'm starting to think not. I'm in my mid 40's and pretty healthy. Work out 4x a week and run/walk everyday. I do not have problems getting an erection watching porn, which I tend to do everyday, just cause sometimes we will go a month without doing anything, so a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do. I wondered if the porn was causing an issue, so I haven't watched any since early this week, and I was hoping that was the trick but apparently not. I want to be able to do this with my wife, and we tried for quite a while last nite but I just couldn't get erect enough to do anything.

Just hoping someone here has some advice for me....I could really use it.
You need to time the ADC Ceebis and give more than an hour, probably at least 4. I'd try taking 5mg daily in the AM and add 10 to 20 for planned sex. A low dose in your system has a lot of benefits besides sex, and if you are healthy it won't hurt. Also, are you attracted to your wife? The porn will mess with your response to her. I suggest you cut out the porn and the booze entirely. Stop fantasizing about porno queens and fantasize about the Mrs. What you do, did, would like to do with her. Make her the object of your erotic desire. In a long marriage that tension needs to be there for good sex. All the pde5s in the world won't help if you don't desire her. I am with my wife 31years and I can tell you sex life has peaks and valleys and you both need to keep it fun at all times, even when in the valleys. There are many ways to have orgasms without intercourse and many will build tension that will increase your desire and allow the pde5 to do its thing.

You have a real, live woman, as opposed to a screen you jerk off to, that'll do any sexual act you want. I'd focus on that. And I don't know about you, but I'd take an orgasm over a beer buzz every time.
You need to time the ADC Ceebis and give more than an hour, probably at least 4. I'd try taking 5mg daily in the AM and add 10 to 20 for planned sex. A low dose in your system has a lot of benefits besides sex, and if you are healthy it won't hurt. Also, are you attracted to your wife? The porn will mess with your response to her. I suggest you cut out the porn and the booze entirely. Stop fantasizing about porno queens and fantasize about the Mrs. What you do, did, would like to do with her. Make her the object of your erotic desire. In a long marriage that tension needs to be there for good sex. All the pde5s in the world won't help if you don't desire her. I am with my wife 31years and I can tell you sex life has peaks and valleys and you both need to keep it fun at all times, even when in the valleys. There are many ways to have orgasms without intercourse and many will build tension that will increase your desire and allow the pde5 to do its thing.

You have a real, live woman, as opposed to a screen you jerk off to, that'll do any sexual act you want. I'd focus on that. And I don't know about you, but I'd take an orgasm over a beer buzz every time.

Good advice. Cut out the porn (several weeks - no viewing at all) and booze. I have had success with taking 5 mg of Cialis on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and then 25 or 50 of V (could not tell a difference) about an hour before sex on the weekend. Interestingly, Sunday was also great having taken no pills that day - probably due to Cialis long effectiveness window. Also, for me, night time is not the greatest because we are both so tired. Morning, mid-day or early evening is better.
Generic just means nothing here. Research chems? Maybe it's bogus Chinese. Saying generic just doesn't mean a thing to where/how you obtained the drugs.
Vince do you still buy from Secure tabs? I have bought from them many times but I would like to try Ceebis which they don´t offer. I will try ADC and see.
thanks for the replies. I guess my auto-notification was shut off.

These are what I bought from All Day Chemist:
Ceebis - 20mg
Suhagra - 100mg
Manly - 100mg

I will try and cut back on the porn. The alcohol - that's going to be tough. I really enjoy drinking beer on the weekends. In fact, I'm thinking about Friday evening right now, just waiting. And cutting out alcohol for the wife would almost certainly cut off any adult relations for me - like I said, the last time we had non-alcohol adult relations was when we made our youngest son who is almost 12 now.

I did give the Ceebis 3 hours to work last weekend before I wrote this - and nothing. It's been pretty frustrating for both of us, I think.

I did try 5mg of the ceebis daily a few times but after the 4th-5th day, had horrible lower back pains. I tried to stick thru it for a just short of a week but just couldn't and had to give up. That, paired with perhaps going a month or more without being with the wife, the pain just wasn't worth it to me at that point.
thanks for the replies. I guess my auto-notification was shut off.

These are what I bought from All Day Chemist:
Ceebis - 20mg
Suhagra - 100mg
Manly - 100mg

I will try and cut back on the porn. The alcohol - that's going to be tough. I really enjoy drinking beer on the weekends. In fact, I'm thinking about Friday evening right now, just waiting. And cutting out alcohol for the wife would almost certainly cut off any adult relations for me - like I said, the last time we had non-alcohol adult relations was when we made our youngest son who is almost 12 now.

I did give the Ceebis 3 hours to work last weekend before I wrote this - and nothing. It's been pretty frustrating for both of us, I think.

I did try 5mg of the ceebis daily a few times but after the 4th-5th day, had horrible lower back pains. I tried to stick thru it for a just short of a week but just couldn't and had to give up. That, paired with perhaps going a month or more without being with the wife, the pain just wasn't worth it to me at that point.

You and your wife need to practice being with each other without alcohol. Both of you need to be in touch with sensations and emotions. Having sex like two buzzed teenagers sounds kind of pointless in a marriage. Sounds like you are looking for a chemical solution to this and chemicals are a part of the problem. Are you guys attracted to each other without the booze? Twelve years of drinking to have sex doesn't sound very appealing, no offense. Don't drink, get naked and touch and caress each other and don't expect an orgasm.

Read this with her. If this doesn't light your, and her, fire then dial 911:

You need to try all these ideas before you go to trimix.
I'm still attracted to her (as much as a normal person would be, I suppose, after being together for 25 years together). I can't speak for her, but she's just not interested in doing anything without drinking as far as I can tell. Its certainly not ideal, it's just what it's evolved to. I'd do it anytime. But with 2 kids around, there aren't many opportunities apart from 3am on a weekend night.
I dont mean to be judgy.

But it sounds like you dont have an environment in which to be Sexual with your wife. If you have to be drunk or its only @ 3am.... Honestly, I wouldnt be into that S**t either!

you've got to carve out some space and time to share intimacy with your partner, ON A REGULAR BASIS.
And dont worry about the kids, Its healthy for them to know that Mom and Dad are in LOVE!

And this is coming from a guy who was married for 20 yrs.
I wont be in an Asexual relationship with my partner... Its not healthy... imho.

Hope this doesnt come off the wrong way. I mean only to be helpful and encouraging!

Btw. I have used a service called Trusted Tablets for a few years and been very Satisfied with their generic Levitra (Tadalfil)
John, I think you are getting good advance. As you age, the booze filled after the bars close sex adventures don't work so well. No different than most of us. You have several things that are working against you (or anyone). Your getting older, married for 25 years, porn use, drinking, up very late, kids around and all these things combine to cause the issues you are having. I would be no different. I don't think it is the meds, I think it is the other factors. Reminds me of the song "Done Got Old" It is fixable IMO but will require some long term lifestyle changes as other suggest.
Yeah, I supposed I knew that but just figured the meds would be a bandaide for the time being. It's been a while since we've been able to have intercourse so I was just hoping this was the trick. Will think about how to work with some of the other issues.
Here is what worked for my wife and I. She went on bio identical hormones. For lots of reasons, it prevents osteoporosis, protects her heart, keeps her skin looking young....and her libido. At the age of 56, without alcohol, she still gets horny, gets very wet, has orgasms (many), etc. If her libido is still a little low on the hormones, the doctor can gradually increase the ratio of T in it, we did that a couple of times. And no, she will not grow a mustache, start wearing flannel shirts, or want to arm wrestle you. My T was low (260 total), so about ten years ago I also got my "tune up". But I still needed something to get really hard. I added in l-citrilline-malate, horny goatweed, longjack, pinebark, and sometimes Yohimbine HCL. It gets things working. Tastes like crap. I also do the Ceebis at 5mg twice a day, every day. If you need a little more, on date night increase the 5mg to 10mg. And I think it's OK if Mom and Dad close their door and hammer the crap out of each other sometimes. Sometimes you have to take the dog for a walk....if you get my drift.

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