Dizziness and other symptoms


Well-Known Member
I've had an up and down experience trying to dial in my numbers on my TRT and adex dosage and have crashed my E2 down to 7pg/nL a couple times and I'm pretty sure I know what that feels like. This time I've crashed it even further or I'm experiencing something new. For reference my test dose is 80mg twice a week and I was taking .25mg adex twice a week. That still may have been too much. I haven't taken any in a couple weeks since the dizziness and out of it feeling started, and when that hits usually between 8am and 4pm, my skin feels strange and my teeth also. I also have horrible anxiety during this which makes me think it's E2 related because when my E2 is low, I have panic-symptoms from 8am to mid-day. I've also considered maybe it's the non-GMO testosterone cypionate (contains grapeseed oil) from a compounding pharmacy I started 8 weeks ago. Prior to that I used the normal stuff you get from any pharmacy (cottonseed oil). I'm in touch with my doctor about this now, but I wanted to see if anyone else had issues like this. I thought it might be DHEA so I stopped taking it Friday and thought I was getting a little better until today. Today has been terrible. Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks.
Post (screenshots and attachements) of any labs that you have...unfortunately what you posted is of little use to anyone beyond just wild speculation. How's your pulse? Blood Pressure?
Heres my labs. I had stopped the DHEA 5 days prior to the labs. My test cyp dosage of 80mg was 36 hours prior and I haven't been using my AI at all anymore since when I thought my E2 was crashed again but obviously it wasn't. Could I just be sensitive to minor fluctuations in estradiol and even an E2 of 33 is too much? I also haven't had morning wood at all recently and have been a bit emotional. I'm also on 125mcg of T4 but my thyroid labs seem fine. Anyone have any thoughts?
Lot of sickness going around and you could just be sick. Then you started changing everything and probably adding to the problem.
Your doctor ordered the wrong estradiol test. Roche ECLIA is simply unreliable when used to measure e2 in men. You always want to evaluate estradiol with the sensitive test, LC,MS/MS. You can pull it yourself via www.discountedlabs.com. You noted that these labs were drawn 36 hours after your last injection - can you clarify when that fell in your protocol? Blood should always be pulled just prior to an injection to capture a true trough.
Lot of sickness going around and you could just be sick. Then you started changing everything and probably adding to the problem.
Well, I got dizzy and those derealization/depersonalizations feelings a week before feeling any sinus issues, and now I have bronchitis but I've never felt anything like this before with sinus infections or bronchitis.
Your doctor ordered the wrong estradiol test. Roche ECLIA is simply unreliable when used to measure e2 in men. You always want to evaluate estradiol with the sensitive test, LC,MS/MS. You can pull it yourself via www.discountedlabs.com. You noted that these labs were drawn 36 hours after your last injection - can you clarify when that fell in your protocol? Blood should always be pulled just prior to an injection to capture a true trough.
I might order that estradiol sensitive test then but I've also been concerned that maybe I'm drinking too much water, and not enough salt. I might order the CMP too.
I inject Sunday morning and Wednesday night, but that particular day i missed Sunday and injected Monday morning and got those labs pulled Tuesday night.
Your anxiety could also be caused by your Testosterone levels being to high for your body. With twice a week injections there is not much difference between peak in trough in most people. So your total T and free T are pretty up there. You may want to see if you fell better in the 800 range. You will likely be able to eliminate an AI they tend to complicate things more. High T can throw neurotransmitters into overload.
ive had this when i crashed my e2 really hard...
Low E2 is horrible, but since I've crashed my E2 a few times I'm pretty sure this isn't that. Low E2 makes me very lethargic, achy, and brain foggy. This feeling is different in that my energy isn't really low, but the spaced out/disconnected feeling feels almost drug-like. The anxiety is different too. But it almost has the same time-of-day pattern, in that I wake up feeling great until 7:39 or 8am, then it's in and out until 4 or 5pm. I'm also leaning towards high E2 because gyno-symptoms are worsening. I've started my anastrozole again at .25mg and will use that every other day for a week or so, then stick to .25mg twice a week as maintenance until my next labs. I just talked to my doctor and she suggested potentially water intoxication, and to start adding pink salt to my food and drink 1/4 tsp pink salt twice a day.
Do yall use DHEA in your protocols on this forum? I've also been thinking about pregnenolone since it can help with anxiety more I've read.
Your anxiety could also be caused by your Testosterone levels being to high for your body. With twice a week injections there is not much difference between peak in trough in most people. So your total T and free T are pretty up there. You may want to see if you fell better in the 800 range. You will likely be able to eliminate an AI they tend to complicate things more. High T can throw neurotransmitters into overload.
I've been considering this theory more. I was able to basically come off caffeine completely without any withdrawal symptoms and if my neurotransmitters are in overload, this would make sense. I stopped using caffeine during this because even 100mg felt like 600mg. How should I move forward? Skip Sunday's injection and resume at 60mg twice a week or do a half dose Sunday and resume at 60mg?
Your doctor ordered the wrong estradiol test. Roche ECLIA is simply unreliable when used to measure e2 in men. You always want to evaluate estradiol with the sensitive test, LC,MS/MS. You can pull it yourself via www.discountedlabs.com. You noted that these labs were drawn 36 hours after your last injection - can you clarify when that fell in your protocol? Blood should always be pulled just prior to an injection to capture a true trough.
Do we at least know if the rest I had rules out high or low E2?? Or it could go either way?
Beta blockers are known for causing dizziness and lightheadedness. I wonder if TRT is changing your blood pressure and heart rate in a positive way. I'm just guessing. I'm not a doctor, but maybe your beta blocker is now too strong.
It would be surprising if it was high...but not impossible. In the future, insist on the sensitive, LC, MS/MS, test.
Yeah, I will. I am starting to believe it's related to my shot, as it seems the day after to 3 days after are the worst. I'm gonna do a half dose of test today, then continue at 60mg twice a week starting Wednesday.
Just an update: Had some bloodwork done and turns out my ferritin and iron saturation are super low; iron deficiency without anemia from donating too much. Had no idea iron deficiency could be so detrimental.
Also had a chest x-ray and found enlarged lymph nodes, so seeing a pulmonologist about that.

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