Difference between daily IM vs daily SubQ?

Some men see substantially lower total and free testosterone with subq and higher E2, while some men do not. The percentage affected negatively is not clear. The only study to capture this effect was one of the Xyosted studies comparing xyosted to enanthate IM - other studies have not replicated it or even shown lower E2 with subq injection. Doesn't change our observed reality.

Some men feel much better injecting IM, which sometimes correlates with differences in hormone levels like I mentioned above. However, sometimes the numbers are similar on paper, and yet the person still somehow feels better with IM. You might be in that category and will find out when you get your lab results.

The pharmacokinetics should be somewhat (like maybe 20-30%) different between IM and subq, with a lower peak, higher trough, and longer half-life with subq.
I’m one of those in the first example. SC is notably worse than shallow IM for my daily protocol. My free T was actually it in half by using SC and I could tell by every sleepless night something was wrong. My E2 was normal though, so I couldn’t tell what was wrong exactly until I had the blood results. I’ve never had such low-normal free test with perfect e2 before.
I think the type of ester plays an important role here as well, right? I do daily IM propionate injections now, and this - I feel - seems to come closest to a natural ebb and flow of testosterone. If you have a long ester that will remain in your system for a long time anyway, like cypionate or enanthate, the difference between im and subq becomes less apparent then with propionate. This is just my amateuristic theory, emerging from what little I know about our bodies and these substances.
Been on for about 10 months and have tried multiple frequencies, administration sites, and dosages.

All of these trials were based on the need to control elevated H&H. The one that did the trick in mitigating it was daily subcutaneous injections totaling 70mg/week. Labs for this protocol were done about 12 weeks after switching.

Levels sit at 830 ng/dL total, and above the ref range with free. All other relevant markers are great. The issue was that over the last few months, I've been feeling more and more "off." Libido has been down, I've been somewhat lethargic, and I've experienced some weird emotional blunting.

Tried switching back to IM, but this time with daily injections about a week ago and have noticed a substantial change and resolution to the issues mentioned above.

So my question is, when you're on a daily injection protocol, is there that much difference between IM and SubQ? Mostly wondering about peaks, valleys, and overall stability in serum concentration levels. I plan on doing bloods in 8 weeks to see if it shows anything (CBC, TT, FT, E2, etc). Ultrasensitive and LC/MS, of course. On that note, is 8 weeks a little overkill for protocol swap from SubQ to IM? I know it's important for the reverse.

Stabilizing my protocol was a PIA because I believed they were equal (IM vs SubQ). They are not in all people and I am one of them. I had a very short honeymoon on SubQ and found it difficult to really feel right over about 6-9 months. Finally I went shallow IM and found that each small change in dose and freq made a subtle change. I’m now EoD shallow IM in the lower glute and delt and never felt better. Stable protocol for the last 12+ months. 51yrs old if it matters.
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