I am currently on IM TRT, and I have an appointment with a TRT specialist next week. My question is I currently inject using a 25g 1.5" needle in my thigh. Do I really need this long of needle? My Pharmacist recommended this needle length but I do not see why it needs to be so long.
I use a Union Medico Needle Guide Assistant to drive the needle in so that it is completely perpendicular and shrouds the needle. The guide has really helped with preventing needle anxiety and is practically pain free. But it never runs the needle right into the hilt so i was wondering on length because even thou the needle is not completely in I still feel the dosage of testosterone.
I looked at the Union Medico Needle Guide Assistant and it's made for insulin injection, the site recommended using 4-16 mm needles, that is 0.63 inch. Unless you have a different model, it's not surprising it doesn't run the needle into the hilt. Though with a 1.5 inch needle, I serious doubt you need to worry about that.
I have used a 1.5 inch 22 ga 5ml needle to do deep IM with nebido. Injecting 4 ml, it's really the only way.
But I use a 29ga 1/2 inch needle for testosterone cypionate.
As far as drawing, for TC I pressurize the vial, then set the needle with vial into a wine glass and a few minutes later it's full. Works for the 0.35 - 0.5 ml testosterone cypionate.
For nebido / testosterone undecanoate, I sometimes get an ampule, sometimes a vial, I usually change needles, one to draw and another to inject. The fact that it's slow to inject is a good thing, as slower it better as it lessens any post injection pain. Nebido bayer recommends taking 2 minutes for the injection.
I was interested in the Medico Needle Guide Assistant because one of the more difficult aspects of a deep IM in the glute is actually injecting. It's a little difficult to push the plunger in this position (reaching around to my butt). BUT it appears the needle assistant doesn't aid in pushing the plunger, at first it appeared it does, but then I realized the insulin needle they use has a button that injects a programmed amount.
I wonder what it costs, but it would do nothing for me.