I haven't gotten labs on this protocol but I got labs on 3 clicks (150mg/day) of cream on the scrotum. Peak FT was 40-45ng/dL, trough 18ng/dL. Peak DHT ~500ng/dL, didn't test trough for DHT.
On 4 clicks, I'm expecting everything to be slightly higher (but definitely not 33% higher, maybe 15-20% at most because limited surface area, etc...) but don't really care to test anymore. All health parameters were great on 3 clicks, I don't expect that to change.
When I initially started this protocol I would feel a peak of libido and aggression 2-3 hours post application and around 8-9pm would start feeling a little more mellow (but still with good energy).
Over time though, I feel less and less of a difference throughout the day.
I also notice that after ~10 days without fail I'll start dropping a ton of water and start feeling a lot more masculine (ambition, drive, libido, etc...), which is when I assume DHT is starting to fully antagonize E2.
You do have to give protocols some time, even with short/no ester(s).