DHEA Supplementation

DHEA Supplementation
Dehydroepiandrosterone: DHEA
As presented by Dr. Neal Rouzier, M.D.

Here's a great reason to add DHEA to your protocol.

DHEA is a hormone secreted primarily by the adrenal glands. It results in a shift of a catabolic state to an anabolic or protein building state.

· It reduces cardiovascular risks by increasing lipolyses (decrease visceral fat).
· It stimulates the immune system, restores sexual vitality, improves moods, decreases
cholesterol and body fat.
· It improves memory, increases energy, and has anti-cancer properties by enhancing the
immune system.
· It is an endocrine precursor to other hormones, prevents immuno-senescence, loss of sleep,
osteoporosis, atherosclerosis.
· DHEA reduces insulin requirement
· Adrenal hormone anabolic vs. catabolic metabolism
· Restores immunity
· Prevents osteoporosis, increases bone density
· Prevents cancer in lab animals
· Prevents diabetes & heart disease
· Decreases visceral fat
· Improves mood & well-being
· Improves energy & memory
· Slows aging process in lab animals
· Prevents lipid peroxidation = antioxidant
· Endocrine precursor to T.P.E.
· 7-keto DHEA is not a precursor to other HRT = avoid
· Neurotransmitter (recently discovered)
· Presently pending FDA approval for Lupus (Prasterone)

dhea supplementation in men.webp

Clinically substantiated uses of DHEA include replacement for:
· Low DHEA levels
· Chronic disease
· Adrenal exhaustion or corticosteroid therapy
· Improving bone density
· Improving depression & mood disorders
· Enhancing immune response by activating T-cells
· Improving well-being
· Decreasing cardiovascular risk
· Improving erectile dysfunction
· Anyone over 40
· DHEA has never been shown to reverse the aging process
· Nevertheless DHEA is important for preventive medicine
· DHEA inhibits synthesis of thromboxane A2, reduces plasminogen activator inhibitor, and
tissue plasminogen activator – all decreasing platelet aggregation and ischemia.

Men<200lb: 50mg AM
Men>200lb: 75-100mg AM
Women <50yo: 10-15mg AM
Women >50yo: 25mg AM

DHEA Serum Levels
· Range 100-600
· Optimal 500-600
· Range 50-300
· Optimal 200-250
Higher levels in women predispose them to side effects – therefore stay low.
· Monitor monthly until optimal
· Assure correct dose and compliance
· Measure DHEA-S and not DHEA
· Side effects: acne, hirsutism
· Tx: Lower dose or take QOD Spironolactone 100 mg/day
· Contraindicated in sex hormone responsive tumors – breast, ovarian, uterine, prostate
· Conversion to T.P.E.?
· DHEA raises testosterone levels in women slightly, yet not in men
· DHEA raises estradiol slightly in men
· Over age 40 for health protection
· Preventive medicine and well-being
· Symptoms of aging, mood & depression
· Cause the medical literature suggests it if we want to live longer, happier, healthier

Note from Nelson Vergel:

I am not convinced that DHEA has that many benefits unless you supplement due to low levels. The ratio of cortisol to DHEA is really what matters since each of those hormones are produced by the adrenal glands to balance each other.

I expand here:

For what it’s worth, I’m a nurse, and have been in healthcare for 10+ years. But honestly that just gives me a basic understanding of the cardiovascular and hematologic systems. The understanding that a person would need in order to understand the impact that HCT has on these systems, can be acquired by any person that has the internet, whether they have medical experience or not. So I don’t have much of an advantage in this department over any random joe. But from my understanding, HCT and HGB have much less of an impact on blood viscosity than most people think. I could be wrong, but from what I gather, blood platelets are what you don’t want to see too elevated. But obviously everything needs to be in balance, so having too high of a HCT and HGB level can absolutely be dangerous. But I think the level that they can be at, without causing any risk or harm, is quite a few points higher than what most people think.

I personally just make sure to keep mine below 55. What I can guarantee, without a shadow of a doubt though, is that HCT in the high 40’s, and even low 50’s is nothing to worry about. I can guarantee that 100%. If you want to err on the side of caution, just keep your HCT 52 or below. I promise that you have nothing to worry about with a HCT of 52 or lower.
I gotcha. And after this DHEA experiment maybe I’ll try going to 110mg per week (at 100mg now) and see where that takes my h/h but I don’t know. 120mg per week takes it to 54-55 though.
I’ve had 2 sleep studies which were both fine. It’s been 6 years since the last one though, any concern I should have another?

No cardio. Just heavy weight training and walking 5-10 miles a day pushing and pulling pallets and whatnot at my job.

I drink about 1.5 gallons of water a day. I do use sea salt, the good stuff. I appreciate the advice for sure. I’ve also noticed telmisartan brings my h/h down as well. I’ve go on and off it several times to prove it and it works for me, not as much as I’d like of course.
I’ve had 2 sleep studies which were both fine. It’s been 6 years since the last one though, any concern I should have another?

No cardio. Just heavy weight training and walking 5-10 miles a day pushing and pulling pallets and whatnot at my job.

I drink about 1.5 gallons of water a day. I do use sea salt, the good stuff. I appreciate the advice for sure. I’ve also noticed telmisartan brings my h/h down as well. I’ve go on and off it several times to prove it and it works for me, not as much as I’d like of course.

Sounds like you’re doing all the right things. You can actually test for sleep apnea through free apps on your phone. They’re actually very impressive. You just put your phone next to your head while you sleep, and it records you until you wake up. It’s cool how it works though. It only shows you the recordings of any changes. So if you start snoring, or stop breathing, or just start moving around in bed, it will show you those brief recordings, that you can playback. It also tells you how much time you spent in each of the 4 sleep cycles. I’ve only used “Sleeptracker 24/7”. It’s free, and works great. Was very impressed. So try it out, and that way you can know for sure if sleep is an issue or not.

Other than that, there’s not much other advice I have. You seem to be doing all the right things. I would just make sure you hydrate very well for at least a few hours prior to getting labs done. All the water in the world isn’t gonna do you any good in regards to your labs if you get your labs done first thing in the morning and then drink a couple of gallons throughout the rest of the day. You’re basically dehydrated from while you were sleeping. So just make sure to wake up, drink a ton of water with a little sea salt for an hour or two, then go get labs done.
Well aware of that, but has a host of unique benefits. I've seen the 2 are recommended to be taken together. I just don't understand the context of the statement. It's posted under DHEA benefits, but implies that it's identified incorrectly as a precursor to HRT. As it's written it makes little sense.
Can you explain what not a precursor to hrt mean?
7-keto-DHEA is a byproduct of DHEA. But unlike DHEA, 7-keto-DHEA is not converted to steroid hormones such as androgen and estrogen. Taking 7-keto-DHEA by mouth or applying it to the skin does not increase the level of steroid hormones in the blood.
Would taking 7-keto DHEA increase DHEAS levels in bloodwork? My DHEAS level is 158 Range (49-344) and I want to supplement but trying to avoid increase in E that regular DHEA does. Thanks!
Would taking 7-keto DHEA increase DHEAS levels in bloodwork? My DHEAS level is 158 Range (49-344) and I want to supplement but trying to avoid increase in E that regular DHEA does. Thanks!

DHEA increases in estrogen is strictly an individual reaction.

For me, DHEA has no effect on E, my current E2 test was 10.1 (7.6-42.6 range) while my total T was 655 (264-916) and DHEA was 258 (30.9-295.6).

The only hormones / methods that increased E was greater testosterone raised E in a linear sort of way, and clomid raised E much more than it raised total T, using a testosterone crean caused a modestly higher level of E than did injections.

When my total T was 2000 my e2 was still only 37.4 (7.6-42.6 range).

It appears to me no one really knows why some people have higher E when using DHEA while for others it has no effect.
Urologist,told me low T level..actually prescribed T..But I told him if we could take a step back..and try other alternatives ..he sugested and perscribed DHEA 50 mg slow release caps.
But I was wondering with all the reviews if that is to high of a dose.. can anyone here tell me what you would recommendation on a good starting dose? and if you are currently on DHEA and what dose.. I do not want any bad side effects of DHEA..
I am surely lean and feel the effects of 3-5mg or EVO day low dose daily Tadalafil and boner out most times..But do have low energy and brain fog.. my joints hurt more ..

any suggestions for this DHEA protocol.? Any reply information is appreciated..
Urologist,told me low T level..actually prescribed T..But I told him if we could take a step back..and try other alternatives ..he sugested and perscribed DHEA 50 mg slow release caps.
But I was wondering with all the reviews if that is to high of a dose.. can anyone here tell me what you would recommendation on a good starting dose? and if you are currently on DHEA and what dose.. I do not want any bad side effects of DHEA..
I am surely lean and feel the effects of 3-5mg or EVO day low dose daily Tadalafil and boner out most times..But do have low energy and brain fog.. my joints hurt more ..

any suggestions for this DHEA protocol.? Any reply information is appreciated..
Before starting trt, I tried supplementing with DHEA. The results that I got was. DHEA increase my estrogen and decreased my testosterone. The more I increased my DHEA supplementation, the greater my estrogen increased and the lower my testosterone went.

So my advice to you, start very low. I would do 10 MG daily and then see what results you are getting. Hopefully they will not be the same as my results.
Before starting trt, I tried supplementing with DHEA. The results that I got was. DHEA increase my estrogen and decreased my testosterone. The more I increased my DHEA supplementation, the greater my estrogen increased and the lower my testosterone went.

So my advice to you, start very low. I would do 10 MG daily and then see what results you are getting. Hopefully they will not be the same as my results.
Here I only find 50Mg and 100Mg capsule. Are there any DHEA brands that are better than others? And Pregnenolone?
Here I only find 50Mg and 100Mg capsule. Are there any DHEA brands that are better than others? And Pregnenolone?
I first started on a brand, don't remeber what it was with added ingredient that caused migraines. Since then, I have used Douglas Labs and Life Extension micronized DHEA capsules with no ill effects. Currently on Life Extension 15mg, Also Life Extension and Swanson pregnenelone 25mg have been fine for me.
I first started on a brand, don't remeber what it was with added ingredient that caused migraines. Since then, I have used Douglas Labs and Life Extension micronized DHEA capsules with no ill effects. Currently on Life Extension 15mg, Also Life Extension and Swanson pregnenelone 25mg have been fine for me.
Do you have links for purchase? From the discussions here on the forum see that Dhea above 25 Mg for homes does not work very well. And pregnenolone the recommended is also 25 Mg? How is your progesterone and E2 when you use Dhea and Pregnenolone?
Do you have links for purchase? From the discussions here on the forum see that Dhea above 25 Mg for homes does not work very well. And pregnenolone the recommended is also 25 Mg? How is your progesterone and E2 when you use Dhea and Pregnenolone?


I never had progesterone tested as there has never been any apparent need.

There are too many moving parts to comment on the direct effect of DHEA and Pregnenlone on my E2. I believe the E2 problems I used to have were more related to T and HCG dosage being too high.

I do not feel it is my place to comment on your dosage choices. Every one of us is individual and need customized care.

I am under the care of Dr Saya. He prescribed the doses and dosage changes over time. I know enough about how I respond to T, HCG and thyroid to tweak my own protocol independently (it took a very long time to get there), but I have had no need to mess with the DHEA and pregnelone dosing.
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I never had progesterone tested as there has never been any apparent need.

There are too many moving parts to comment on the direct effect of DHEA and Pregnenlone on my E2. I believe the E2 problems I used to have were more related to T and HCG dosage being too high.

I do not feel it is my place to comment on your dosage choices. Every one of us is individual and need customized care.

I am under the care of Dr Saya. He prescribed the doses and dosage changes over time. I know enough about how I respond to T, HCG and thyroid to tweak my own protocol independently (it took a very long time to get there), but I have had no need to mess with the DHEA and pregnelone dosing.
OK thank you. I haven't started Hcg yet and I remade my Trt protocol for 20 Mg of cypionate every 2 days. But ahead I’m going to talk about Hcg. Could you tell us what your doses were like until you reached a good level? Thanks.
According to this post, it does help fight insulin resistance, but don't overuse it. It also increases estrogen in men.
Everybody say it increase estrogen. I am poor aromatizer and if I add DHEA it lower my E2 even more.. How is it possible?
DHEA increases in estrogen is strictly an individual reaction.

For me, DHEA has no effect on E, my current E2 test was 10.1 (7.6-42.6 range) while my total T was 655 (264-916) and DHEA was 258 (30.9-295.6).

The only hormones / methods that increased E was greater testosterone raised E in a linear sort of way, and clomid raised E much more than it raised total T, using a testosterone crean caused a modestly higher level of E than did injections.

When my total T was 2000 my e2 was still only 37.4 (7.6-42.6 range).

It appears to me no one really knows why some people have higher E when using DHEA while for others it has no effect.
The same for me, DHEA even lower my E2 level... I suffer from low e2 since I crashed with exemestane/arimidex with RAD140..
I try to find the way to increase my e2, I have very low shbg and my freeT is almost triple so increase T dose in NO NO for me. What do you think? Clomid raise estrogen?

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