Ive explained, but let me do it again in essentials.
When I started TRT in sub q it was working well INITIALLY, but at some point my total levels fell on the same dose on the same brand of testosterone around 40 percent and I tested 2-3 times in 1-2 weeks interval. Also later I tried injecting 1 different ester on dosages, on which several months later on IM I got much much higher test levels, in fact I got them on smaller dosages. Im absolutely sure the reason my levels fell was the SUB q administration, I can bet my life on that. Ive considered and isolated all possible variables. I even saved the current vial of testosterone and later used it IM, the levels in blood were much higher! Since I do IM Ive never injected more than 140mg per week. My test level were never lower than 1100-1200ng/dl on trough and this is when switching protocols, when Im stable usually Im 1200-1300. When I was doing sub q, my test levels have fallen I was above 10 weeks on 160mg per week and my test levels were in the 700s. Needless to say, when I was doing sub q in the 700s I was feelibg like crap as expected, after all I started TRT with levels of almost 600 and I try to be always above 1200 on therapy. I discuss total t levels because my SHBG stays relatively stable, between 20 and 30.
I believe for the reason(A THEORY IM NOT SURE OF) the reason levels in sub q fell were because I was injecting daily, and my stomach had gotten full of painful nodules. I believe these nodules mess somehow with the absorbtion, maybe the oil gets stuck for tool long in them or whatever Im not sure. Whatever happens the result is inconsistent results. Thats my experience, but lets continue.
A friend of mine when he started TRT on sub q doing sub q 210mg per week was getting initially around 1200ng/dl total t and was feeling fine. Again he was doing it daily and his stomach got ful of nodules. He was doing daily as well. At some point he started feeling like TRT is no longer working and tested, total t wad 800 and something. We know this value is too low for him to feel good, but ok this can be normal fluctuation, right? Ive alrrady started IM and was persuading him to go IM, in that period he tested again 2-3 times and total t was again in the 800-900s. At the end he said ok, lets go IM, the same dose(even a little lower, 200mg) split into two injections. He started feeling much better only after 2 weeks, on 8 weeks his total t value on trough was above 1500! He tested 2 months later, similar value. He feels awesome. By the way when he was doing sub q and was having 900ng/dl total test he had issues with hematocrit and hemoglobin, on IM and 1500ng/dl blood counts lowered well within the ranges!
Me and him will never do again testosterone sub q, for us it doesnt work well - point, blank, period.
A few other friends of mine got very low levels on sub q and as soon as they transfered to IM on the same dose their levels icreased significantly. I have read reports of guys who claim on the same levels on IM they feel better.
Ive met many people on the forums that share experiences of lower levels on sub q in relation to IM so I will be very skeptical to every study demonstrating sub q works as well as IM.