Sub Q Injections Effects On Prostate

Smokin Joe

Active Member
This is the second time I have tried Sub Q injections in the abdomen as a part of my site rotation.
Both times I have had prostititus after a few injections. The first time elevated my PSA to 10.3. Waiting for results this time but started antibiotics again.
Does testosterone cypionate metabolize differently using Sub Q in the fat verses Intramuscular
injection ?
I have never had prostititus before this using T injections. It appears that Sub Q lights up my prostate each time I try it. I'm done with it for now and will stay with I.M.
Please comment.
Hey Joe - I have no issues with SubQ but I can tell you that using compounded T Cream in very short order makes it almost impossible to pee. For me there has to be something about the cream that causes my prostate to grow quickly. However in just a few days off of it and I am fine again. Have not had that issue with SubQ injections...
Man-Thanks for the reply.
I have been off T completely now for a month and I can pee like a fire hose.
I noticed that every time I tried sub q it lit up my prostate and urinary track.
My PSA has been bumping up and down with the last at 2.8 so I am trying to decide about a biopsy. At the moment I am content to wait for 12 weeks and redo PSA.
I am on Clomid to restart so it's not so bad but bad enough...
Again thanks for the reply as I'm sure that everyone is different and this is a science in its self.
Restart of testicle function after TRT. make my own T to a point. I tried HCG but man it sent me into panic attack.
I thought this was crazy but once I started looking into this a lot of people have it unfortunately .
So I'm winging it for now.
Yeah I can tell some difference though I have'nt done blood work yet. Want to wait until six week mark.
I was running around the 700 mark on total T and 15 on free t so I'm curious to see what the clomid will do.
My original base was around 500 total T and free T at 7.0. Basically no free T.
I hated to stop TRT but circumstances dictate.
Will check out link next,
Nelson testosterone did nothing for my sex drive.. I know that in some men it does not.
My energy and focus was increased tremendously but no drive.
I tried the HCG with great hope of being able to use in combo with T but that's out.
HCG in some people causes major Panic Attack symptoms. Unfortunately I am one of those people.
It is all over the Net about HCG and Panic Attack.
I don't know if one can over come this or if it is what it is.
wow, I must have missed that negative side affect, not that it affects me, but curious why hcg could/would present this uncomfortable affect
Bruin I certainly do not know. It really pisses me off that it affects me like that.
I tried it two separate times and the second time I went down to 100 ius. The second day at 100 iu was just as bad as the previous 400 ius that was prescribed to me.
If you google HCG and Panic Attack you'll see it's definitely out there.

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