As James and Vince noted, I do all my lab work in the US. I'm over the border on a regular basis, and will only measure estradiol with the sensitive test, so we - my doctor and I - agreed to standardize my testing by bundling it all with LabCorp.
That said, Canada has some very low ranges when it comes to measuring total testosterone. It reflects the general suspicion present in the country about the subject of androgen replacement. Consider the 2015 guidelines that were released on the topic - a grudging acknowledgement that in some cases, some men, might merit treatment. You'd think the topic was opiate supplementation rather than hormonal management. There may be no connection at all, but it is the belief of my doctor that the upper range the commercial labs have established in Canada has more than a trace of that guarded attitude about male hormones. Interestingly, the outpatient lab at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto has posted ranges that vary considerably from their commercial counterparts.
Sixteen milligrams a day, my dose, is 112mg a week - certainly a reasonable dose by any standard. When I was on a 3.5 day injection schedule I had total testosterone levels that were far less robust, somewhere near the top of the commercial, Canadian ranges. I also felt less well. Libido was less strong and my erectile function was inconsistent. A small daily dose, less total testosterone per week than when injecting twice weekly, paid enormous dividends and proved what we all believe - frequent dosing is a superior approach.