Daily Injections of Testosterone

I'm considering doing daily injections, my next scheduled labs are in April. I would like to keep my protocol of injecting HCG 500iu twice a week. I don't know if only injecting in my shoulders would work for daily injections. I wonder if SubQ would be better for injecting daily testosterone.
For those that do a daily injection, do you have any concerns about scar tissue? 365 injections in one year, cant imagine how many over a lifetime.
I don't really know how serious of a problem scar tissue can become. I alternate shoulders each day and use a 28g 1/2" so the needle is pretty small. I also rotate areas on my shoulders too so it's at least a week before I inject anywhere near a previous spot and I think that's probably enough time for such a small hole to heal?

I tried sub-q when I was injecting 0.4ml twice a week and I hated the lumps that it would leave. But now doing daily, the volume is a much smaller 0.1ml so maybe I'll give it another try.
I've been doing daily IM in the shoulders for almost a year. I much prefer it to every 3.5 days mainly for the consistent mood. Even on once a week injections I was doing just fine, but I just didn't like the ups and downs even though the down days it wasn't like I felt bad. It was just odd. Didn't seem natural. Every day just like the rest more or less feels normal.

I dont find find it to be that big of a deal. Draw 1mL and backfill 7 30g needles. Each morning I then backfill the 30g with son hcg and inject. Takes 1-2 minutes so doesn't effect my day really.

Really well put. At this point, it's like shaving: the mechanics are second nature and the time isn't even noticed.
For those that do a daily injection, do you have any concerns about scar tissue? 365 injections in one year, cant imagine how many over a lifetime.

Scarring was something I thought about, but dismissed. Most of us use insulin needles. Think about the fact that many diabetics are required to inject on a daily basis (I had a friend when I was an undergraduate who needed to inject insulin three times a day, every day), of course that's a subcutaneous injection. But so are many of mine. I do vary the injection site; I joke that if I can reach it, I'll inject it.

Shallow IM, subQ, certainly some scarring - it's the price to pay for the success I have achieved. In my case, it was worth it.
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I'm thinking of injecting 20mg every morning, equals to 140mg a week. I wonder if daily injections would be better for stabilizing hematocrit levels.
I'm thinking of injecting 20mg every morning, equals to 140mg a week. I wonder if daily injections would be better for stabilizing hematocrit levels.

That's something I've no insight on. Hematocrit has never been an issue for me during my years on a TRT protocol. It rose slightly in the first three months and has been stable ever since. is this a recent challenge, or something that you've dealt with for some time?
I'm waiting on Defy to email me a script for a CBC and some other tests, so I can report back about my HCT if you are interested since I'm on daily 20mg. It has always been 46-47 for me since starting TRT.
Is there any study that daily inj. keeps the Hematocrit in a lower level?
And do you adm HTC on a daily base as well?
For I would rather go form 3,5 to 1/week but I stick to 3,5 eventhough is is a bit time consuming and I do a lot of travelling.
That's something I've no insight on. Hematocrit has never been an issue for me during my years on a TRT protocol. It rose slightly in the first three months and has been stable ever since. is this a recent challenge, or something that you've dealt with for some time?

High hematocrit levels has always been a concern of mine. My levels always are about 47, but I donate blood regularly. I do wonder what would happen if I stop donating blood. If I start daily injections tomorrow, it will give me 7 weeks, before my next labs.
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47 isn´t that good mine is 48-51 but I never donated any blood. I tried but my blood pressure went crazy everytime so they didn´t let me in. I´ll guess is a white coat syndrom so it is not a option for me.
High hematocrit levels has always been a concern of mine. My levels always are about 47, but I donate blood regularly. I do wonder what would happen if I stop donating blood. If I start daily injections tomorrow, it will give me 7 weeks, before my next labs.

Send a quick note to Defy and see what their thoughts are on the hematocrit question. Even if they don't get back to you quickly, and you didn't change your protocol for another week, you would still have six weeks before you test again. Should they be able to give you a definitive negative answer you'll avoid a protocol change.

Just a suggestion.
As James and Vince noted, I do all my lab work in the US. I'm over the border on a regular basis, and will only measure estradiol with the sensitive test, so we - my doctor and I - agreed to standardize my testing by bundling it all with LabCorp.

That said, Canada has some very low ranges when it comes to measuring total testosterone. It reflects the general suspicion present in the country about the subject of androgen replacement. Consider the 2015 guidelines that were released on the topic - a grudging acknowledgement that in some cases, some men, might merit treatment. You'd think the topic was opiate supplementation rather than hormonal management. There may be no connection at all, but it is the belief of my doctor that the upper range the commercial labs have established in Canada has more than a trace of that guarded attitude about male hormones. Interestingly, the outpatient lab at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto has posted ranges that vary considerably from their commercial counterparts.

Sixteen milligrams a day, my dose, is 112mg a week - certainly a reasonable dose by any standard. When I was on a 3.5 day injection schedule I had total testosterone levels that were far less robust, somewhere near the top of the commercial, Canadian ranges. I also felt less well. Libido was less strong and my erectile function was inconsistent. A small daily dose, less total testosterone per week than when injecting twice weekly, paid enormous dividends and proved what we all believe - frequent dosing is a superior approach.

Daily injections definitely make the most sense regarding consistent stable levels as I just recently started injecting every 3.5 days taking your advice as oppose to once per week and already notice more stable energy/mood. Will stay at every 3.5 days for the next 6 weeks to see how I feel approaching my next set of blood work. Maybe down the road will consider daily but I am just getting my feet wet! You achieved high tt levels lowering your overall dose and injecting daily but do you feel most of the benefits you noticed improvements in were from an increase in your overall FREE T/better estradiol management or improved T/E ratio?
As someone who is attempting to manage treatment with daily injects its great to hear others experiences! I know coast said he has avoided an AI with daily injects but I'm curious to hear if the other daily guys have been able to eliminate an AI? Also would be interested in hearing where your levels are at on your specific protocol! Thanks in advance guys, I've been struggling for a little while now so its great to get your feedback!
Daily hasn't been positive on my HGB/HCT...I donated two weeks ago and they're finger stick came back at >18 so my HCT would presumably be over 55. I haven't pulled a CBC in a quite awhile.
47 isn´t that good mine is 48-51 but I never donated any blood. I tried but my blood pressure went crazy everytime so they didn´t let me in. I´ll guess is a white coat syndrom so it is not a option for me.

Why do you think that 47 isnt that good? Before I started TRT mine bounced around between 45 an 48 which I would assume is my normal.

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