Crashed !!!!


New Member

I am on HRT = 80 mg of testcyp twice a week and 350iu of HCG twice a week. I take TestC on Thursdays and Monday and HCG a day before each injection.

I am on the protocol for a month now. I was feeling better with the sex drive reaching like I have never felt before (for about a week). Then I felt like exercising and I pushed my self a bit, nothing close to what most of the members do here but for me 45 minutes of treadmill and some push ups was enough. After about one hour of exercise I injected TestCyp in my Glut area and then slept. Woke up next morning like a wreck, my strength that I had was gone, my pains (Thigh and shoulder) came back, high anxiety and what not, it is better after 72 hours but still going on. I know that I have some muscular and shoulder/neck issues but why this sudden peak and then crash.

I was diagnosed with Hashimotos a couple of years ago and had a bad reaction to an antibiotic (Cipro) which probably tanked my T levels. I thought that by bringing my T levels up from less than 200 to 800 will help me build my muscles and bone that will help with the pains. I have low IGF-1 and sensitive estrogen as well which according to Dr. Saya is responsible for bone health.

What can go wrong, whey did exercise do this to me and I couldn't even walk the next day or for next 72 hours? Or did I have an estrogen spike, my estrogen was about 7 and dr. saya didn't want me to be on a blocker for the first 3 months. Any guidance will help...
Honestly if that's an accurate description of how you really felt and what you experienced, you should call Defy right away. That's the sort of thing I don't think you shoulr ride out or look to a forum for, that sounds serious, if it's as you describe.
Honestly if that's an accurate description of how you really felt and what you experienced, you should call Defy right away. That's the sort of thing I don't think you shoulr ride out or look to a forum for, that sounds serious, if it's as you describe.

I agree with the advice Vince has offered. You have had challenges since you started treatment, and the symptims you describe should be addressed by a doctor.
You are anxious, and had a reaction that certainly seems highly unusual. I am confident that your estradiol did not spike, as you asked, but that is all I am confident of.
Ipi - I feel for you man. Forgive men if I'm confusing you with another guy, but it seems that you have posted several times and have had all kinds of problems with TRT.
No history with anxiety, I started feeling well and my drive became like an 18 year old man (after taking the shots). I have recently split my dose and have recently started so didn't have many issue. Is it not the same if I split my dose from 160mg once per week to half twice per week? I have flu like symptoms and worse. I took an 80 mg shot last night but still not good. The third week I actually started feeling much better but then crashed....Like I said I felt like exercising and had the energy. Exercise kind a brings me down but not so much.
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Not to minimise your symptoms, but could you actually HAVE the flu? Its been going around already this Fall where I live.
No history with anxiety, I started feeling well and my drive became like an 18 year old man (after taking the shots). I have recently split my dose and have recently started so didn't have many issue. Is it not the same if I split my dose from 160mg once per week to half twice per weak? I have flu like symptoms and worse. I took an 80 mg shot last night but still not good. The third week I actually started feeling much better but then crashed....Like I said I felt like exercising and had the energy. Exercise kind a brings me down but not so much.
Guys, I just found out that I have high blood pressure.... about 135/95 on average but goes high and low, is it one of the side effects?

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