Blackhawk's journey with TRT

Hi Blackhawk, I guess if anyone says injecting in the belly fat doesn't work very well (adsorbtion wize) you can set them straight.
haha dam those are some big numbers. Were you on an AI or just HCG?
Yes it's perfectly readable now.

I would say your FT4 is lowish... most MD's would ignore this as most of them believe because it's in range you are ok but if you read you'll know that getting your FT4 mid range is what's optimum for most people. Midrange is 1.295

Not sure what to say about your PSA... was it in range before you changed your TRT protocol? Did you have an orgasm with 48hrs of giving blood? Personally I would leave your DHEA-S where it is but that's up to Dr. Saya. Remember ranges are low for DHEA. I notice that TT range stops at 1500... Your CBC w/diff looks great.

Has your thyrogobulin antibodies reduced since increasing T3? Are you feeling any effects from high E2?[/QUOTE)

Agreed about T4. Seems consistent with reports of NDT boosting T3 higher in comparison to T4.

TG antibody is same as last test, and same as more than a year ago.

Re PSA, yes was in range before t cyp. Don't know about orgasm before, I don't keep records.

Re E2, please see previous post, had an emotional episode that was out of the ordinary.
How much has your PSA risen and what was the time frame? Typically, there are two ways to approach an elevated PSA, objective value, undeniably high in your case, and rate of rise, how quickly it went from X to Y.
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How much has your PSA risen and what was the time frame? Typically, there are two ways to approach an elevated PSA, objective value, undeniably high in your case, and rate of rise, how quickly it went from X to Y.

PSA 1.8 late July.

I don't know much about PSA, will supraphysiological levels of T elevate PSA without actual prostate problems or am I in for yet another medical dog and pony show?
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You know, here's my thoughts on that entire set of labs and what you're saying as far as the departure from what you've tested at before, I'd throw those out. Your PSA from 1.8 to over 7? NO. TT over 1500 on 64 E3D...none of that makes much sense at all. But in regards to your PSA, any chance you had sex/orgasm in the preceeding ~24hrs to the test? Your Free T is approaching double the lab range but your SHBG is 46....???

I'd retest all of that. Not much of that lab report jives. at all.
At the very least you'll be looking at retesting the PSA. It's so out of line that the first thing I think of is either lab error or prostatitis/prostate infection.
Just a heads up re PSA labs.... no orgasms 48 hrs before getting labs! Shame on you... u silly goose!! LOL

I guess based upon these labs and your symptoms I would think some AI is necessary. I would guess that will be discussed next week.
Just a heads up re PSA labs.... no orgasms 48 hrs before getting labs! Shame on you... u silly goose!! LOL

I guess based upon these labs and your symptoms I would think some AI is necessary. I would guess that will be discussed next week.
That PSA is way out of range, I would consider it a big issue until you know why. With that high of T, I would think the estradiol 73.9 is good.
I wouldn't change a thing, redo the PSA as CW mentioned and avoid sex/orgasm for 24-48hrs prior as ratbag says, thats the most glaring "oops" of anything on the sheet.
Just a heads up re PSA labs.... no orgasms 48 hrs before getting labs! Shame on you... u silly goose!! LOL

I guess based upon these labs and your symptoms I would think some AI is necessary. I would guess that will be discussed next week.

No one told me about no orgasm/sex prior to test.

Re: AI, no thanks. enough damn balls we are juggling already. First want to lower the TT, FT and E2 via lowering T dosage. The emotional symptom seems to have come and gone, it was around a week ago before the blood draw. I have no other high E2 symptoms.
That PSA is way out of range, I would consider it a big issue until you know why. With that high of T, I would think the estradiol 73.9 is good.

Yeah, seems TT, FT and E2 are pretty in line with each other, just everything is super high.
I'm pretty sure Defy is going to be very concerned with that PSA number. Don't they require a pretty low PSA number before they will accept you / give you a TRT program?
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Correct Vince but there is now so much to support that the PSA test is far from accurate. Many who get over 4 do not get the fine needle aspiration just because that used to be the right thing to do. In all the studies they learned that was un necessary most of the time. In the UK they scan you to see if you have a tumor and if you do they do some sort of laser surgery to remove it. It's day surgery and the patient walks out without any symptoms whatsoever. No recovery at all which sounds very interesting.
Some of you are taking a test result that is an obvious error or anomaly way too seriously. No one's PSA went from 1.8 to 7 in a few months time.

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