So just to keep a symptomatic record prior to starting new protocol:
-I am still not having muscle improvement. Muscles tire easily and if any more than the usual amount of exercise don't recover well. I just can't push it to achieve gains
-I had quite a down week first week of October possibly due to virus
-Due to that and both shoulders in pain I stopped lifting, though still have been walking daily and doing some HIIT sprinting. (Getting PT for shoulder mobility and it's really helping, hope to start work outs again pronto)
-The elbow bursitis has calmed down and swelling is down, but it's not gone, and it feels alike I may have some bone spurs... very rough feeling stuff on the olecranon unlike the other elbow
-Even more noticeable body hair
-Libido is high, no ED (never was any). A bit frustrated due to my wife having lower libido, she's a good sport, but our motivation is mismatched.
-Mood is more consistent, completely lost the radical mood swings, but I am tending to run a bit angry. Whereas before starting TRT and during the summer before protocol was changed and E2 was very low, I was a lot more depressed and anxious, now just cranky most of the time.
Through meditation and CBT I see most of my existential dilemmas pretty clearly now and am somewhat more stable in how I react to them rather than being consumed by the associated bad feelings. Some issues don't have clear solutions which still brings frustration and uncertainty.
The TRT issues contribute, and are double edged. I am not really "there yet" with a steady effective protocol, making physical gains, but the progress is bringing new hope. I am chomping at the bit... For now it's difficult holding back rather than pursuing the usual travel and adventure that I thrive on. Just feel like I have to get the TRT stable first. Plans are much less grand than they would be if I was fine. At least day to day I am generally doing much better than prior to the current regimen.