Yes it's perfectly readable now.
I would say your FT4 is lowish... most MD's would ignore this as most of them believe because it's in range you are ok but if you read you'll know that getting your FT4 mid range is what's optimum for most people. Midrange is 1.295
Not sure what to say about your PSA... was it in range before you changed your TRT protocol? Did you have an orgasm with 48hrs of giving blood? Personally I would leave your DHEA-S where it is but that's up to Dr. Saya. Remember ranges are low for DHEA. I notice that TT range stops at 1500... Your CBC w/diff looks great.
Has your thyrogobulin antibodies reduced since increasing T3? Are you feeling any effects from high E2?[/QUOTE)
Agreed about T4. Seems consistent with reports of NDT boosting T3 higher in comparison to T4.
TG antibody is same as last test, and same as more than a year ago.
Re PSA, yes was in range before t cyp. Don't know about orgasm before, I don't keep records.
Re E2, please see previous post, had an emotional episode that was out of the ordinary.