Please share which sleep supplements work best for you.
This is probably the hardest quest I had in my life , to have a good night's rest.
I tried everything under the sun , searched for years on end until a few months ago nothing really helped.
What I tried was :
Supplements :
-L-tryptofan ( for melatonin production , did not help )
-Melatonin ( experimenting with a range of doses from 0.25mcg up to 5mg ) helped to fall asleep but woke me up 2 hrs later woke af ,couldn't fall asleep afther
-Magnesium l-threonate ( passes blood brain barrier , helped you relax ) did not feel much but it's still good for other things
Biohack/lifestyle protocol
4-7-8 breathwork pre sleep to calm nervous system ( 4 in ,7 hold 8 out trough mouth making a shhooos sound like blowing wind ) this helps to relax you really good but did not help me to sleep
Wearing blue light blocking glasses 2 hr before sleep ( still do this )
Sleeping on a grounding mat ( still do this for reducing inflammation in the body I feel like it helps )
I even tried PEMF therapy with a device that is called ' earthpulse sleep. Pemf stands for pulsed electro magnetic frequencies. It can play a range of frequencies to entrain your brain into them. Like the theta ( wake ,energized), alpha ( awake but relaxed , heals mitochondria) delta ( deep sleep , dreaming ) states. So This device is not helping me sleep but I still use it not to sleep but for the benefit of healing and repairing my body , mitochondria.
Okay now the final awnser that solved my problem.
I live in belgium and here we have a facility where you can check your genes and all the other health markers , it's kind of expensive but I saved money for it anf I am glad I did.
What I have found that could mess with my sleep where a few things
You have a gene that makes you a 'warrior' or a 'worrier' well , I am the worrier type so it was good that I allready did a bunch of stuff that relaxes me.
Most importantly I have a gene mutation. ( its kind of a hot topic right now) that is called MHTFR or the mother*ucker gene.
It's a gene that disturbs the methylation proces in your body and thus can wreck havoc on your system if you do not optimize it.
I did not know that before and I was taking a lot of supplements that my body could not proces well due to the mutation I have had and I fixed it with taking
3 grams of TMG a day , also taking MSM ( sulfur ) 6 grams a day and guess what it's crazy but since I started that my sleep has greatly improved !
Before It was hard to fall asleep and even harder to stay asleep and now I fall asleep within 1 hr or so and sleep 5-6 hours straigh and afther waking up I can still sleep afterwards.
I feel your struggle if you can't sleep well , I hope you find a solution.
Greetings and have a blessed day.