*(Note: Talking in milligrams is much clearer to interpret than ml since T esters can have different relative strength.)
Almost certainly your T cyp is 200mg/ml, so that's 200 mg* every other week, correct?
Whether it is 200mg or 100mg, that is a sketchy dosage frequency that works poorly for most everyone. Edit: Note that an every other week dosage frequency alone is a red flag that your doctor may not know what he or she is doing... did you have SHBG tested?
It is pretty darn certain that splitting your dose into 1 or 2 times weekly would be a better starting protocol. Dosage frequency is often and logically based on your SHBG level. Some guys with very low SHBG need more frequent dosage even as often as every day. Others with high SHBG may do well on 1-2 doses per week, and then there's everyone who is in between those
Do you know specifically why you are prescribed this combo? What are your goals in treatment and what has your doctor told you?
Basically, all your question's answers depend entirely on your labs, symptoms and protocol. Can you please post labs, describe how you feel and post your actual dosages/entire treatment protocol?
No, HCG is not the same as clomid and has different purpose in TRT. I think you would benefit from reading Nelson's book articles on TRT, and HCG use and watch his youtube videos on the subject to get a grasp of the basics.
Clomid is most commonly used in TRT to try to kick the HPTA axis in gear to make your own endogenous production of testosterone work. It can sometimes be used in estrogen issues, but typically other categories of drugs are used for this like the aromatase inhibitor anastrozole.
do you even have an estrogen issue? Many doctors that don;t know what they are doing try to suppress estrogen even when there is no problem. This can be a very bad idea since it can tank your E2 which is essential in adequate levels in men.
HCG is used to prevent/alleviate
testicular shrinkage from TRT and provide/stimulate production of precursor hormones to testosterone, estrogen and other hormones in the steroid chain. This is called "backfilling the pathways"